Team Fortress 2
Uncletopia, is it always this toxic?
I've been trying to escape the bots, like 90% of players out there. I looked into community servers.

I tried skial first, but the problem of silent cheaters might still be a problem there, I couldn't tell but half the time chat was arguing about certain folk.

So I went to the only other real available place that isn't some instant respawn 2fort hellhole, Uncletopia. At first it was fine, but jeez. I'm not the best of the best, actually I'm usually the worst of the worst in Uncletopia to an incredibly depressing degree. As result I keep getting routinely told to change class, do x-y-z, and if I try to talk at all in chat, I usually get dog piled upon. It feels like I'm fighting abunch of 20 year old veterans who get mad if a new young soldier is near them at all.

This has happened three times today, it really has left me emotionally dead during most gameplay sessions on Uncletopia. First time was this morning, I wanna get better at sniper,so I picked it and stuck with it through Dustbowl. I tried hard at first, but eventually that will got fizzled hard out when my teammates complained at me for doing 'nothing'. (Sorry every other sniper in the server was god basically when compared to me...) And when I asked if someone could help with Spychecking because they had 3 and I was spending all my time being paranoid, I got told "Spychecking is EVERYONES responsibility, pick up your slack f*gg." That pretty much killed any will I had left to try in the match so I went huntsman, (did better with that, not by much.)

Second match was in badwater, I tried being engineer. Stuff got smashed pretty much instantly, demos and soldiers flew at me from the spawn and demolished me mid air, and any future attempts to rebuild were equally squashed so I got depressed. People kept telling me off for not having a teleporter up, or a dispenser. I told them it wasn't from a lack of trying, I asked if a Pyro could help defend me while I rebuilt so we could get some footing. The response? A votekick, that passed.

So that server was bust, but another had a spot open which was fixed, which sounded great to me because I don't like the nomination system. So I go there. I went medic and we were on offense upward. Now some fights have more damage than deaths, I was using quickfix amputator and blutsaughter.

At some point everyone got messed up by a mix of damage and were all suffering from burning, so since I couldn't heal everyone at once I did the amputator taunt to try and heal them all. And it did work, but the second they saw me taunting the chat lit up like the 4th of July. I did the taunt 3 times trying to keep everyone alive and it worked, didn't matter. Someone on the mic started just combo chaining insults, going to my profile talking about how little my playtime is, (2k hours.) I apologized and then muted them.

Later on we're nearing last, same thing happens we're bout to push the cart over the edge but are being rained upon by the enemy so I burn the quickfix ubercharge on the most injured first, which was a scout and a sniper, unfortunately the two heavies died while trying to eat their sandwiches and that got them both complaining that I was purposefully not healing them. (I had been their pocket medic up until this point...)

We won, but after that I disconnected not wanting to deal with defense. But I received 4 comments on my profile from various players, deleted and blocked them.

Is Uncletopia always like this? Am I just unlucky? It hasn't felt welcoming at all since I've tried it, and now I feel really empty inside, like my choices don't exist anymore and all can do is just play casual and hope I get into games without bots or cheaters...

Sorry for all the rambly post, it just really has disheartened me beyond belief. I felt like the most worthless man in the world when playing there today.
< >
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ain't readin' allat :LennyFace:
ZumoNacho INC (Interzis) 10 mai la 15:24 
Idk, i encountered pretty decent people today there, maybe you were unlucky. Sorry that you had to go through that anyways tho
read if gay
slurtopia is the home of the actual worst wastes of carbon this planet has ever seen.

each and every grease-coated slime-dribbling sewer-dwelling puppy-kicking racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, ageist, speciest, xenophobic, mentally-deficient garbage dump fetus that has ever played this game gravitates toward cringetopia because of its competitive nature. this results in an old-boys club dominating the entire community that demands only the best players dare log into the server and every other second-class guttersh*t maggot goes and plays in traffic.

these abominations of flesh and dorito dust cannot be considered human at this point, as they have no empathy and deserve no pity. they hate everyone around them and suck their own farts to the point that every failure on their part is the fault of whoever is closest. each and every wormtopia player has forsaken their humanity and will die alone, discarded and abandoned by their families and left to be forgotten within a decade. do not weep for these creatures, for they are already dead.

so yeah i wouldn't recommend uncletopia. honestly, Dane should be ashamed of the, and i'm going to need extra-strength air-quotes for this:
that he has helped foster.
Editat ultima dată de ♠Local Goblin♠; 10 mai la 15:51
It's a washed up compie wasteland of filth and toxicity. No fun allowed.
Emily (She/Her) (Interzis) 10 mai la 16:38 
Postat inițial de Insomnia:
This is why I don't really like joining community servers, or even just playing multiplayer. I can't stand playing with the people you were with. I don't like people to take this game so seriously. Its always the people with like, 5,000+ hours that are the worst to deal with. I hibernate in Casual or Training mode, but even Casual isn't safe from some really awful people.
i would just play with voice chat off
I think it depends on the region for example I play on Germany and poland servers (the nearest servers for me ) and I find people there very chill and nice I remember when I started playing tf and decided to connect to one of the servers I didn't know what I was doing they all helped me and teched me the basic of the game and even german servers are very funny for example one time someone typed in chat what was medic doing from 1937 to 1945 and everyone started saying things like
the same thing the minions did
having a holiday in Poland or Paris
they were pretty chill about it while still not saying anything offensive
maybe you just got unlucky but remember everywhere have toxic people you can't just blame uncletopie
even if you casually walking in the streets IRL you can still encounter toxic people
Editat ultima dată de Egyptian medic; 10 mai la 17:05
Nah. I've played there for years and I just don't see anything like that happening (once that I can recall, somebody was kind of a **** for riding someone about their lack of game sense. Once). There are new players there but nobody gives them a hard time. Why? Because people who play there know that giving newbies a hard time is a really good way to speed up the demise of the servers and eventually the game itself. People stop playing the game all the time. Who will replace them?

Would I want to play there if I were really new to the game? Maybe not. The learning curve for TF2 is already steep enough without playing against people who have played a decade or more. But way, way more often than not, the experienced people are helpful. Until Valve gets their act together, there really isn't much choice but to stick it out.
Postat inițial de Emily (She/Her):
What do you mean "ok?"? I'm just giving my input, was it confusing to you or something?
tf2 is cooked.
I usually have neutral experiences on Uncletopia, people there just want to play the game. Maybe try different servers
Emily (She/Her) (Interzis) 10 mai la 18:29 
Postat inițial de Insomnia:
Postat inițial de Emily (She/Her):
What do you mean "ok?"? I'm just giving my input, was it confusing to you or something?
can u put it back
So sorry you had to go through all that sister. You can always play with me thoughie!
< >
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Data postării: 10 mai la 15:17
Postări: 52