Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Delay Sniper Quick Scope by 0.5 seconds
I don't care anymore, just nerf sniper's Quick Scope. I am sick of getting headshot before the sniper even enters my vision. There is no way to react to them. I am sure I am gonna get "git gud" comments as if getting good actually does anything.

EDIT: As a bonus it will help against the bots, even if just at a miniscule amount.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Spikà; 10. Mai um 8:02
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Beiträge 115 von 45
Quick scopes aren't even an issue.
As a frequent player of Medic, Snipers are less bad than Scouts, Soldiers and Demoman, who rush towards me at Mach 4 and ensure that I die, even if they die as well. At least, a wall shuts down Snipers, so you can hide from them (although not being able to show yourself or move forward can be annoying). Can't have that luxury with flankers.

In conclusion, Sniper is fine, just annoying with his area denial sometimes, which is more of a hardscoping thing (which I also think aren't that problematic).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Fireschlong #2Broke4MannUp; 10. Mai um 8:20
Actually I thought about it too today but was lasy to start a topic, sniper is questionable class for sure but I think quick scopes are main issue, it kills 5 out of 9 classes and leaves 3 on health so low they are dead to cheap damage, there is definitely should be a delay close to 0,5 seconds, so if you saw a sniper in a distance who get there, you actually have time to react and find a cover or leave a sight line, not to mention sniper should be as weak as medic if being ambushed by scout or spy, but quick scoping completely remove this weakness.
Or maybe if not delay increase, lower minimum damage to 120 so he can't delete anyone he wants the moment he press scope.
Nerf hardscopes, not quickscopes. You are not getting quickscoped, and if you are, the Sniper earned it.
dodge the bullets :steamthumbsup:
Have you tried not moving predictably
just keep ducking/jumping alot in the needed moment, works like a charm most of the time (to avoid HS)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Адамzik; 10. Mai um 9:02
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Адамzik:
just keep ducking/jumping alot in the needed moment
Jumping forces you to move in one direction / a very predictable manner. I would not recommend doing that against an experienced sniper
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Paul; 10. Mai um 9:07
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Paul:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Адамzik:
just keep ducking/jumping alot in the needed moment
Jumping forces you to move in one direction / a very predictable manner. I would not recommend doing that against an experienced sniper
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Spikà:
I don't care anymore, just nerf sniper's Quick Scope. I am sick of getting headshot before the sniper even enters my vision
If you get quickscoped, you probably have the opportunity to see the sniper before dying
♠Local Goblin♠ (Ausgeschlossen) 10. Mai um 9:32 
getting good stops you from being headshot. you should try it some time.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Zaokllr:
Nerf hardscopes, not quickscopes. You are not getting quickscoped, and if you are, the Sniper earned it.
Big ol skill issue.
Skill issue lmao :pfff:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von mathis90200:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Spikà:
I don't care anymore, just nerf sniper's Quick Scope. I am sick of getting headshot before the sniper even enters my vision
If you get quickscoped, you probably have the opportunity to see the sniper before dying
Usually you play at around 30-50 ping, and even that will give the sniper plenty time to get you before you have a chance to notice.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Turtle:
Or maybe if not delay increase, lower minimum damage to 120 so he can't delete anyone he wants the moment he press scope.
Lowering the damage sin't really gonna solve the issue of a sniper just jumping out from a corner and instantly kill you (Well, it will, but a sneeze from another Merc will finish you off). The best solution imo is to give people time to dodge, or let a sniper on your team to get them before they can get you. Though I don't mind if we also nerf the damage as well, lol.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Spikà; 10. Mai um 10:04
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Geschrieben am: 10. Mai um 7:57
Beiträge: 47