Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Dono Kill TF2 (Ausgeschlossen) 21. Juli 2014 um 22:37
Idiotic thing you've seen in TF2.
Mine was a Spy trying to get rid of an enemy Sapper with his own Sapper. He then proceeded to ask.

xXdiNgUsXx6996: how do i get rid of the sapper i accidently put on our engies sentry

Even though clear as day the undisguised RED Spy was attacking our Engineer, He then proceeded to get backstabbed while just mindlessly watching the Sentry get sapped. :spycon:

Edit: This happened just a couple of hours ago.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dono Kill TF2; 21. Juli 2014 um 22:38
< >
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This is minor, I know, but Engineers that build away on the last point of 5CP while clear as day somebody's capping (and they either don't have a sentry or it's not attacking the capping person.
During setup time.
A Soldier was repeatedly hurting himself to help his Medic build uber...
even though Uber is built at max rate during setup time anyway.
Rough 21. Juli 2014 um 22:53 

end of story
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ze Diglett:
During setup time.
A Soldier was repeatedly hurting himself to help his Medic build uber...
even though Uber is built at max rate during setup time anyway.

What harm does it do to the team anyways? Except the loss of 10 rockets gained back within one minute of fighting.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von potato.bear™:
What harm does it do to the team anyways? Except the loss of 10 rockets gained back within one minute of fighting.
Just because it doesn't ruin an entire round doesn't make it any less idiotic. If anything, it prevents the Medic from spreading overheal to the other teammates because a stupid Soldier won't stop hurting himself.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ze Diglett:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von potato.bear™:
What harm does it do to the team anyways? Except the loss of 10 rockets gained back within one minute of fighting.
Just because it doesn't ruin an entire round doesn't make it any less idiotic. If anything, it prevents the Medic from spreading overheal to the other teammates because a stupid Soldier won't stop hurting himself.

Good second point.
Shard 21. Juli 2014 um 22:59 
Medic with Qickfix heals only Heavy. (The Medic have Gibus)

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ze Diglett:
During setup time.
A Soldier was repeatedly hurting himself to help his Medic build uber...
even though Uber is built at max rate during setup time anyway.
Same, but most of them are Premium with long Playtime... :balloon:
jua 21. Juli 2014 um 23:02 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ze Diglett:
During setup time.
A Soldier was repeatedly hurting himself to help his Medic build uber...
even though Uber is built at max rate during setup time anyway.
Try low-health pickaxe-wielding Sollies spamming "e"
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Black Market Healer:
Try low-health pickaxe-wielding Sollies spamming "e"
I main Medic, I know that feel.
jua 21. Juli 2014 um 23:07 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ze Diglett:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Black Market Healer:
Try low-health pickaxe-wielding Sollies spamming "e"
I main Medic, I know that feel.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this! -> :medicon:
Screw the scouts grabbing it when they lost 10 health and I lost 149
I was playing on Hightower when a soldier with the rocket jumper statred attacking me. He accused me of hacking because my health didn't go down.
engies in mvm building sentries at the base at the beginning of the round. (i've lost count of how many times i've seen this.)
Tealtime 21. Juli 2014 um 23:26 
Engies that build teleporter exits at spawn. It´s like they´re trying to be stupid.
IceCube 21. Juli 2014 um 23:33 
Same thing with the rocket jumper happened to me. It was the first additional launcher I received and equipped, without reading the info about it.
Played a whole round, wondering why I don't get kills with so many hits. So stupid :D
Killing sniper 3 times in same spot as TrollDemo (plr_hightower), then he gets mad and wear Razorback, he didn't knew that this didn't protect him aganist caber
:sr4sunglasses: Deal With It
< >
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Geschrieben am: 21. Juli 2014 um 22:37
Beiträge: 49