Team Fortress 2
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Team Fortress is HORRIBLE!!!
I only have 5.5 hours played on this game and already know is bad. Everything is way over priced and the people who play it are try hards. Like seriously if your one of the people who pay $14.00 for a weapon you should really get out and get a life and some friends.
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115/123 megjegyzés mutatása
Only 5,5 hours, dude, you haven't learned anything in this hat trading simulator game
bad tf2 players seem to value friendship the most.
paly the game more, get good at it
Dude, you don't even have to buy anything from the Mann Co Store if you don't want to, youc an find nearly all items in the game through drops.

I myself still buying my items from the Store though.
So your only complaint is that weapons are overpriced? It's a free to play game, you probably spent 60 bucks on the new piece of crap call of duty, but you complain about weapons that are like 2 dollars? Besides, no one really buys from the store except newbies
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Rocket Salesman; 2014. júl. 21., 9:51
Wow. You are stupid. You didn't even bother trying to understand even the basics, did you? Or just anything, really. Well done on shaming a game without doing any research whatsoever.
Shaboopi © eredeti hozzászólása:
I only have 5.5 hours played on this game and already know is bad. Everything is way over priced and the people who play it are try hards. Like seriously if your one of the people who pay $14.00 for a weapon you should really get out and get a life and some friends.
and you are still playing it and its horrible
Shaboopi © eredeti hozzászólása:
get a life and some friends.

You're the one begging for attention on a Steam forum so..
I don't see a problem spending money on something your going to end up investing a good amount of time in. Anyway, nobody here really cares what you think OP.
Video games were designed to be fun.
TF2 is a video game.
Therefore, TF2 must have been designed to be fun.
Thus, you aren't focusing on having fun in the game but rather the "overpriced" store that you don't have to buy from seeing as you get FREE weapon drops (5-7 a week, resetting every Thursday.) and the tryhards which exist only on Valve servers.
Yes, I do understand the fact that some items in the mann co store are overpriced but you don't have to buy anything from it. 5.5 hours? That to be honest isn't enough to criticize the game enough. Play for some hundred more hours and you'll get used to it. It isn't about money man, it's about playing the game and learn from it.
P.S I payed some good money for the game and I hav fwends :c
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ℜᶖȿenthal; 2014. júl. 21., 10:01
♣Evilstr99♣ eredeti hozzászólása:
Yes, I do understand the fact that items in the store are overpriced but you don't have to buy anything from it. 5.5 hours? That to be honest isn't enough to criticize the game enough. Play for some hundred more hours and you'll get used to it. It isn't about money man, it's about playing the game and learn from it.
And having fun.
You've got a lot to learn kid.
For one you can just weapons by drop...
You earned the achievment!: No one cares! You earned an achievment!: You whined! You earned an achievmemnt!: everything is free! Just wait!
OP's logic: high priced items = bad game.

what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
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115/123 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2014. júl. 21., 9:44
Hozzászólások: 123