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 Este tema se ha marcado como fijo, por lo que probablemente sea importante
Fallen Snow Studios  [desarrollador] 19 ABR 2016 a las 6:28 p. m.
Stay civil and respectful
Pretty basic, but please stay courteous when you're discussing in the forums. It's fine if you want to rant or if you're not satisfied about the story, but there's always a polite way to say things. We'll moderate any thread or comment that is unappropriate or disrespectful.

Use spoiler tags
When discussing about the game content, please make sure to use spoiler tags on your comments. When posting a thread, do not put an explicit spoiler as thread title (or we'll be forced to remove it). If you're explicitly creating a thread to discuss content of a spoilery nature, make sure to put a warning in the title of the thread.

(Spoiler) Where is my "good end"? I want to save Rui
The one and true ending of the first part is the one where you get to see the credits rolling at the end, with the "To be continued" screen. And yes, Rui canonically dies by the end of Inciting Incident, there isn't any other alternative. Also note that in visual novel jargon, a good end doesn't necessary that everything ends well by the end of it, it simply means that it's the canonical ending of the storyline.

When will be released the next part?
That's a question that we're receiving very often. The answer is: we don't know. We're currently working on it, and we'll release the next part as a patch when it's done. It's a very lengthy process since we're working for free on Lucid9, and on our free time what's more. To give you an idea, it took us two years to develop Inciting Incident. Not saying that you should expect the same amount of time for the rest of the story to come out, but that should give you an estimate.

My backlog and/or the phone messages are not displaying, help!
When in game, try pressing "shift-g", and try the rendering option in that order : "OpenGL" / "DirectX" / "Software". You will need to restart the game each time for the change to take effect. It should work properly with one of the three, hopefully.
It's very likely that you have outdated OpenGL drivers, creating this problem. I'd suggest to update them in the future so that you won't have any issue with other games.

Due to the non commercial nature of our project, we are currently not accepting donations. It's worth noting that at the moment, our work pace would not benefit from receiving funding of any sort. If that ever changes in the future, we might consider crowdfunding and donations, but that's only if extreme circumstances force us to.

Rate Lucid9 on VNDB
If you happen to have a VNDB account make sure to rate our game here:
VNDB is often used to reference Visual Novels, and having more people rate it always give our project more legitimacy.

External links
Some other places where we're quite active and where you can follow us:
Twitter :
Website : or lucid9(dot)weebly(dot)com
Discord channel :
Última edición por Fallen Snow Studios; 25 ABR 2016 a las 3:05 p. m.