Lord of Rigel

Lord of Rigel

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Starting position?
So I am ready for a hard game. I found I start in the center of the galaxy? I restart with several different races and always am in the center of the galaxy? Is there any way I am missing to being randomly placed on the map? When you play at the hardest level always being in the center would be tough?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ace:
Click on the galaxy ID text box in new game to edit the seed :-)
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Ace  [Entwickler] 7. Mai um 21:16 
Hi cssneed, it is random but tied to the seed. If you start a new game after playing one it will save the seed on purpose (so you can start a new game with that seed if wanted) and you can adjust it or hit reset.

So you shouldn't always start at the center of a galaxy, But please bear in mind actual randomness can result in things repeating more than someone thinks it might :-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ace; 7. Mai um 21:17
Thank you!
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ace:
Hi cssneed, it is random but tied to the seed. If you start a new game after playing one it will save the seed on purpose (so you can start a new game with that seed if wanted) and you can adjust it or hit reset.

So you shouldn't always start at the center of a galaxy, But please bear in mind actual randomness can result in things repeating more than someone thinks it might :-)

So I think I figured out why I am always starting in the center. I can delete old games except the first one. Its seed information means I start 100% in the center each time. Is there a way to delete it?
Ace  [Entwickler] 12. Mai um 10:40 
That's your autosave file, you can go into the same folder (see common issues) to delete it.

You can also insert other numbers into the seed to change it in new game :-)

I can add a randomize the seed only button in new game, hadn't done that yet since no one had noted this as an issue or concern before.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ace; 12. Mai um 10:40
Ty! I would appreciate it as winning MOO2 on the impossible level was a favorite, however it did require not starting in the center of the map.
So I have deleted local saves, uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice. Hit reset and tried. How do I change the Seed so as not to place me in the center of the Galaxy?
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Ace  [Entwickler] 12. Mai um 15:19 
Click on the galaxy ID text box in new game to edit the seed :-)
When I click on it,it gives me the ability to change the numbers? I've tried changing 6 , still end up in the center. I delete all of them and the game will not confirm?
How do I successfully change the seed? And thank you for all your help!
No matter what I am doing, I am starting in the center.
Ace  [Entwickler] 12. Mai um 15:40 

You can copy and paste that for a non-center starting medium galaxy game and can then adjust the difficulty mode higher.

The next update will have a random button that will more easily let you reset the seed.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ace; 12. Mai um 15:40
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