Lord of Rigel

Lord of Rigel

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EA3 2024.7 w/Leaders
Started an average difficulty, 128 size system with me (Humans), the Synth and Tharne just to try out the new Leaders addition. The 3 Factions were getting along fine. Tharne and Synth were expanding their territory at a good pace. No Diplomatic problems until the Tharne asked me to join them in war against the Synth. I had very few ships and the Synth had just caught up with me in Tech development, so I said no, they (Tharne) didn't like it, next thing I know I'm being attacked by both Species. It's been a continuing assault by moderately aggressive attack fleets. Some powerful ships, often 1-ship fleets but some with several ships. I don't know if they are fighting with each other.. The Synth chased me out of 1 battle since my ship's turn rate was slow and my tactics were poor. Game is at Turn 249, so it took a while to reach this phase. We've had 3 Galactic Councils so far and Research is just about at the generic advanced stage (2 Ring worlds now constructed). The AI have become a military threat. I'm having to move fleets around to protect my colonies from invasions.. so I'm optimistic this will be a fun and challenging end-game.

Couple of performance comments:

1. Exiting the Build Queue is always slow, even if you did not make a change .. e.g. you want to return to the previous screen to check population or something.. it processes the whole build queue anyway. Is it possible to check for a no-change scenario and skip the in-depth process?

2. Just changing the colony focus creates a delay, as if the game is doing some global processing. Example: just toggling back and forth between focus options to see what difference they make takes about 30 seconds each click.

One more question, after a successful invasion, Humans have only one option button .. Enculturate. So the only thing the button does is start the the process .. no other choices. Is this now the case for all species? The rather monsterous "Exterminate" option seems to have been removed. Will there be any other options? Does this really make any difference in the game strategy?
Last edited by moto_sapien; May 12 @ 11:55am
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Ace  [developer] May 12 @ 3:17pm 
Hi moto can you send a copy of your save file?

"Closing" the menu just closes the UI and opens the previous one. I'm not certain what might be happening with your particular save but can take a look at it.

The game does have to do global economy processing on focus changes due to food import/export. I've been testing on games with 90 colonies with at most a one second refresh delay though. Again, I can look at your save and see if there are any particular issues and the next update will have some optimizations.

As for the third question- Democratic governments can not exterminate populations.

Enclulturate, and Exterminate are the usual two options, with Sapiophages having a consume population option instead of Enculturate.
Last edited by Ace; May 12 @ 3:18pm
Originally posted by Ace:

"Closing" the menu just closes the UI and opens the previous one. I'm not certain what might be happening with your particular save but can take a look at it.

Yeah, "Closing" does it. Its become such a routine I don't even think about hitting anything but "Confirm". I can send the save file anyway.

Continued with the game after the post above and continue to notice a big difference in the AI behavior, especially for just Average difficulty. They've never been this aggressive before. One battle was against a Synth and a Tharne ship at the same time! And I believe they are fighting with each other. The AI just keep coming at you. They send ships from 4 or 5 different systems to converge for a battle. Move a fleet and they target the system you just left. And some Tharne fleets have gotten quite large, like over 11,000 in strength. Fortunately my Tech and empire were pretty well established when this started happening.
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