Golf With Your Friends

Golf With Your Friends

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Local coop? Split screen or take turns?
wanna get this for me and my kids to play during the summers... can we play local coop?
Původně napsal MangAnimE:
yes, it has hot-seat mode [take turns], currently can't set player names but can have a custom ball for each player
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This game sadly doesn't have local co-op right now. "Golf It" is a similar game to this one, although some people say it's a little worse and a little less casual, but it does have a co-op mode where two players take turns in putting the ball. Hope this helps and you find what your looking for.
thanks for the heads up mate
Tento příspěvek byl vývojářem tohoto produktu označen jako nejlepší (často jde o odpověď na původní otázku).
yes, it has hot-seat mode [take turns], currently can't set player names but can have a custom ball for each player
ok so now im confused... does it have multiplayer from the same pc or nah?
oh i see youre a dev.. nevermind. thank you!
Apex původně napsal:
ok so now im confused... does it have multiplayer from the same pc or nah?

This is how you get the hotseat mode, you select play offline, then press 'add player' for as many as you like. {ODKAZ SMAZÁN}
Naposledy upravil Josh_Team17; 14. led. 2020 v 2.59
Josh_Team17 původně napsal:
Apex původně napsal:
ok so now im confused... does it have multiplayer from the same pc or nah?

This is how you get the hotseat mode, you select play offline, then press 'add player' for as many as you like.
Ah okay, obviously I have gotten some misinformation, thanks for clarifiying
I think this game would be a perfect candidate for steam's remote play feature. Personally 'couch co-op' hotseat on pc typically doesn't go well sharing a mouse and playing on the average pc monitor's size.
SevWren původně napsal:
I think this game would be a perfect candidate for steam's remote play feature. Personally 'couch co-op' hotseat on pc typically doesn't go well sharing a mouse and playing on the average pc monitor's size.

Luckily Steam Link (and other such setups) mean you get to play on your TV, often the BIGGEST possible screen in the house!
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 28. pro. 2019 v 22.19
Počet příspěvků: 9