Lost Technology

Lost Technology

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
cheru Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:01am
Frequently Asked Questions
Q What is the purpose of the "Watch" mode?
"Watch" mode is a feature that is not essential but better to have than not.
When playing story mode or free mode, you can make the important decisions for your faction and then let the rest play out automatically, which is convenient.
Q I couldn't beat the game in "Watch" mode, even though I unified all the nations...
Several factions have hidden dungeons, which you need to search using the "Find" option. However, "Find" cannot be used while in "Watch" mode, so even when you have unified the nations the game will not register as complete.

Q Is there one story for each faction?
So far, yes. But there is a secret story for one of the factions...
**Please note that only six factions have been translated to English so far.

Q What about modding?
You are very welcome to create your own mods for this game. You can do so by using Vahren. There are a couple guides made by users already in the Steam Guide section for how to do this.
However, please note that we won't be able to offer any support/error help etc. on modded games.
The game originally had some modded fan content. This had to be removed due to copyright. Those scenarios have not been translated and are not available in the Steam version of the game.

Q A character from the story is currently roaming... isn't that odd?
Initial members of your faction and units who join as part of the story will continue to be present in the story, even if they are released from service.
Changing this would affect the flow of events and make it possible to unify all the nations without seeing the ending.

Q Could I make a Let's Play of this and share it publicly?
Yes, please feel free.
You do not need to worry about revealing spoilers.
However, please refrain from making videos designed to slander this game.

Q Is it OK to make fan content based on this game?
Yes, please feel free.
However, graphic/sexual content is restricted to locations for people of 18 years and over. It may not be shared in locations accessible to all ages.

Q I can't select the Crime Faction.
As of the update on 21/08/2017, Crime can now be selected as a Faction. However, please note that in Japanese, certain conditions need to be fulfilled before they are unlocked.

Q How long does it take to complete?
Should be around 20-30 hours per campaign

Q How is the Japanese version and English version different?
We explained that in detail here:

Q How can I play in Full Screen?
When you start the game, its supposed to give you the option between windowed or full screen. Sadly there is no way to change the settings in-game.

Q Where is the Manual?
There is a manual in Japanese, however, due to the size and amount of text, it hasn't been translated into English yet. A lot of the information is pretty easy to work out in game, and since we prioritized the game translation, the manual hasn't been done yet.
If you're interested, the Japanese manual is here.[losttechnology.st4d.com]

Q What are merits under units names?
This is the worthiness of a unit. The more enemies you defeat on the battlefield, the higher it will go. If you work on raising the merit of talented people in your army, their war skill will improve and it can advance your campaign in the game.

Q How does loyalty come into effect?
So there are two values here. One is Trust and one is Loyalty. The leader of the faction you have chosen will have the Trust parameter. This is the value of how much trust your leader has. It can rise and fall with whether you win or lose battles. However, the lower it is, the more likely your units are to flee the battle without your command.
Loyalty on the other had is also dependent on if the unit wins or loses a battle. However, the developer says that at the moment its a parameter that doesn't actually affect anything... yet.

Q Is there anyway to tell when an area has something to find?
You'll just have to keep searching.

Q Is there any romance in this game?
Yes, but I can't tell you much about it.

Q Is there somewhere I can see all the Characters/Information?
Not yet sadly, however, the Playism Blog does introduce the first three faction's that have their Stories translated. Read them here: Introducing the Factions[blog.playism-games.com]

Q Will you translate the extra scenarios?
As of 11/2/2018, we have added the extra scenarios to the game. You can find more information on it here:

Q Why can't I recruit (insert character name here)?
This depends on what faction you are playing. If your faction has a good standing with the person you want to recruit's alliance, then it may be possible to recruit them. However, if you aren't in good standing, they will turn you down. Eg. If you play lizardmen, its near impossible to recruit a human, as the human will be afraid you will eat them.

Q How do I exit Watch mode?
Go into the settings and turn it off.

Q How will you handle the content for the other Factions?
We will be updating the game build with the new content, and simply increasing the price to match the contents. This means that if you buy the game before all the factions are implemented, you will get the updates for free.

Q Why do my units keep fleeing or deserting from battle?
Check your leader's trust value. If the value is low, your units are more likely to desert. Also, betraying nations you are allied with will lower this value. So choose your battles wisely.
Last edited by cheru; Apr 30, 2018 @ 7:09pm
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Showing 1-15 of 71 comments
Adam Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:16am 
Is it okay to add on questions? If so! What are merits under units names? How does loyalty come into effect?
cheru Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:34am 
Originally posted by Adam:
Is it okay to add on questions? If so! What are merits under units names? How does loyalty come into effect?
Yes, feel free to ask questions. I'll answer them here, and then update the list in the main post.

What are merits under units names?
This is the worthiness of a unit. The more enemies you defeat on the battlefield, the higher it will go. If you work on raising the merit of talented people in your army, their wall skill will improve and it can advance your campaign in the game.

How does loyalty come into effect?
So there are two values here. One is Trust and one is Loyalty. The leader of the faction you have chosen will have the Trust parameter. This is the value of how much trust your leader has. It can rise and fall with whether you win or lose battles. However, the lower it is, the more likely your units are to flee the battle without your command.
Loyalty on the other had is also dependent on if the unit wins or loses a battle. However, the developer says that at the moment its a parameter that doesn't actually affect anything... yet.
Last edited by cheru; Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:35am
Adam Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:39am 
Awesome, thanks! :D. Is there anyway to tell when an area has something to find, or is it just guess work?
peanut butler Aug 10, 2017 @ 2:51am 
Is there any romance in this game?
cheru Aug 10, 2017 @ 3:12am 
Originally posted by Adam:
Awesome, thanks! :D. Is there anyway to tell when an area has something to find, or is it just guess work?
Mostly guess work.
cheru Aug 10, 2017 @ 3:12am 
Originally posted by peanut butler:
Is there any romance in this game?
Yes, but I can't tell you much about it.
Last edited by cheru; Aug 10, 2017 @ 3:12am
ThisSuXX Aug 10, 2017 @ 3:13pm 
Originally posted by cheru:
There is a manual in Japanese, however, due to the size and amount of text, it hasn't been translated into Japanese yet.
I think it should be "it hasn't been translated into English yet". Is it possible to download Japanese manual?
ProudNoob Aug 10, 2017 @ 10:02pm 
This game looks pretty interesting to me. If it has characters and gameplay like Fire Emblem then I am sold. I just want to ask if there is any list somewhere showing the cast bios, info or just art is enough.
There is scenario selection, then the other scenarios what contain? other factions? other characters? or is another continent? or is just a part of the grand war but in a more specific field?
Gandalf Aug 12, 2017 @ 4:47pm 
When playing story mode or free mode, you can make the important decisions for your faction. - Do you just mean initially and then u hand control to the ai because after I start observing my faction i lose control.

What is the point of the demons?

What are the parameters for recruiting new heroes? Because some i cant and some i can even after i destroy their faction.

Are there plans to add more scenarios?

Does the romance mean there are rpg elements?

Btw great game love it!
Da Wuzz Aug 12, 2017 @ 7:25pm 
I've noticed a few characters have no voice acting. Any chance of them getting some love in the future? Also would really love for the other factions to get translated. Pretty please :P
Shadowedsoul Aug 12, 2017 @ 8:30pm 
how do you stop watch mode? I seen where it says space to pause and r-click for menu, but I don't see an option to stop watch mode so I can use find on the map for hidden dugeons.
silent_lotus Aug 12, 2017 @ 10:32pm 
How do you fix a corrupted data? I have a few saved games that leads to this type of scenario. It's a bit frustating after spending so much time build that faction.

By the way I encountered this problem in Alfheim faction and Reinald Empire faction.

I think some of the scenario corrupted the file?
hsw2201 Aug 12, 2017 @ 11:47pm 
will other scenarios be available in english future? I really want to try dungeon master mode.
TrickZZter Aug 14, 2017 @ 3:13am 
Originally posted by cheru:
Q I can't select the Crime Faction.
Sorry, the Crime Faction can't be played
But Japanese wiki says that you can select it after beating Musket's campaign. Is it still true for English version?
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