Super Meat Boy
Game running too fast?
My NVidia Global VSync is set to Use the 3D Application setting, and Super Meat Boy is set to the same.
I've tried adjusting the resolution, running in windowed mode, and forcing VSync to run on all the time or to adaptive.
I'm out of ideas, what do you think?
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This includes gameplay, cutscenes, and all animations.
Same bug happening for me, no idea why.
Sorry, overread the vsync part. That fixed it for me.

Ultima modifica da Tovenaaier; 16 feb 2014, ore 16:27
It runs about twice as fast as I've seen in all videos, both Xbox and Steam.
how do i activate v-sync?
how do i activate v-sync? I found no setting for v-sync.
you have to force it
Sorry, overread the vsync part. That fixed it for me.
I found my v-sync setting. :)
i can't find v-sync option in the settings
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Data di pubblicazione: 13 feb 2014, ore 20:16
Messaggi: 10