Killing Room
Game is incredibly unstable and crashes constantly
My system specs:

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro (x64)
Processor: AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon HD Graphics, 3900 Mhz, 1 Core, 2 Logical Processors

I can play at the highest graphics on small resolution, but most of the time it'll crash when I've entered 3 rooms and begin to fight an enemy it decides to crash. But this hardly surprises me as its a Unity game. Who's your daddy did exactly the same thing but crashed alot more.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Corwin8 Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:39pm 
I guess this is hugely below minimal specs. It is probably possible to run the game but definitely not in playable framerate with high quality. It has probably nothing to do with Unity, sorry.
Rabid Urko Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:48pm 
Amazes me when people post this type of thread when they obviously have well under the minimum requirements, yet make the thread topic as if it is the game at fault. I have seen it all the time on other games forums.

You need a dedicated graphics card as minimum for decent PC gaming.
Last edited by Rabid Urko; Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:50pm
Maxthewicked100 Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Urko:
Amazes me when people post this type of thread when they obviously have well under the minimum requirements, yet make the thread topic as if it is the game at fault. I have seen it all the time on other games forums.

You need a dedicated graphics card as minimum for decent PC gaming.

Originally posted by Corwin8:
I guess this is hugely below minimal specs. It is probably possible to run the game but definitely not in playable framerate with high quality. It has probably nothing to do with Unity, sorry.

While I understand I might lack the parts needed, the frames were really smooth at the smallest resolution at highest quality so there has to be a way to play without it crashing constantly!
Maxthewicked100 Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
Something to bear in mind is that I'm also overclocking.
Rabid Urko Oct 24, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
It isnt the games fault though and posts like this make it out to be , you are just lucky that you are able to play. I sympathize but that is what Steam store pages with system requirements are for.

If i was a potential purchaser i may say im not interested in getting the game when reading your topic thread, while it isnt the games problem you are crashing and you see it as unstable.
Last edited by Rabid Urko; Oct 24, 2016 @ 1:07pm
Maxthewicked100 Oct 24, 2016 @ 1:43pm 
Originally posted by Urko:
It isnt the games fault though and posts like this make it out to be , you are just lucky that you are able to play. I sympathize but that is what Steam store pages with system requirements are for.

If i was a potential purchaser i may say im not interested in getting the game when reading your topic thread, while it isnt the games problem you are crashing and you see it as unstable.

To be honest, if I knew how hardware works and knowing what's strong and what's not, I would've checked and made sure I could play it. I know I could use the canyourunit website but it'd be nicer to know through the steam store.
Corwin8 Oct 24, 2016 @ 1:57pm 
Well, "works" and works can be different. :-) But don't worry, if game is not working for you properly, you can use Refund feature on Steam. :-)
Maxthewicked100 Oct 24, 2016 @ 5:35pm 
Originally posted by Corwin8:
Well, "works" and works can be different. :-) But don't worry, if game is not working for you properly, you can use Refund feature on Steam. :-)

Thing is, the game is playable but it just appears to crash at random. I might just wait until its patched to be more reinforced to reduce it. I have crash logs if it helps?
Corwin8 Oct 25, 2016 @ 1:27am 
Yes, it could help, thanks. But we cannot promise that it will be stable on such PC. :-)
You can send it together with file called Output_log (get this one immediately after crash happens please) that is located in Data subfolder of Installation folder of the game. :-)
email adress is:
Stevie Wonder Oct 25, 2016 @ 2:54am 
Originally posted by Maxthewicked100:
Something to bear in mind is that I'm also overclocking.

i cant tell if this guy is trolling or not.

but if you really want to play it, turn all graphics options to lowest. just change to a smaller resolution doesnt really do that much if all gfx options are maxed
Maxthewicked100 Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:01am 
Originally posted by Stevie Wonder:
Originally posted by Maxthewicked100:
Something to bear in mind is that I'm also overclocking.

i cant tell if this guy is trolling or not.

but if you really want to play it, turn all graphics options to lowest. just change to a smaller resolution doesnt really do that much if all gfx options are maxed

I can assure you, I'm not trolling. And that's exactly what I've been trying to do. It made the game last a little longer but same results occured. I can play at the smallest resolution with highest graphics too.
Corwin8 Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:31am 
Thanks for the logs. :-)
K-Duke Oct 25, 2016 @ 1:33pm 
Well I assume the crashes happen due to the same problem the game crawls to a slow after extended gameplay on my rig. If I play continiously after some time (60 to 90 minutes or so)
my frame rate drops to about 40 fps. Still it stutters like hell then. Feels more like 5 fps.

Otherwise the game runs at roundabout 100-120 fps.

I usually save and quit and restart the game after each level. This eliminates my problem maybe try it yourself this way.

My rig data:
AMD FX-8200 overclocked at 4200mhz, 8GB DDR3, Radeon R9 390
Corwin8 Oct 26, 2016 @ 2:31am 
Are you also exiting whole game or just press Continue when you return to Main Menu,?
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Date Posted: Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:07pm
Posts: 14