Budget Cuts
Ця тема закрита
Do you support Oculus Rift?
Yes! Though we will recommend playing in room-scale, you'll be able to do a standing setup with snap-turning on Oculus.

Will you support PSVR?
Maybe. We currently don't have any plans to, as it's hard to do room-scale properly with PSVR.

Will you make alternate ways of moving, teleportation aside?
No, and here's why: https://medium.com/neat-corp/the-design-of-the-portal-locomotion-2677f3b3f9b5

How much room do I need?
  • 1.5m - Risk of hitting reality. May be hard to reach items.
  • 2m - Minimum recommended space for the experience we want to give players.
  • 2.5m - Pretty much no risk of hitting things by accident.
  • 3m - Ideal size. Almost no risk of even activating the chaperone grid.
  • 3m+ - Will most likely be worse, as the cable won't be long enough to allow free movement.

Will you make a non-VR version?
No. We internally often talk about how mediocre the game would be without VR! It's the difference of playing a game and being in a game. It's the difference of clicking the mouse to throw a knife and actually throwing a knife with your whole arm. It's the difference of pressing crouch/lean buttons and actually crouching/leaning for real.

Is there a demo available?
Yes, of the old version

Why did you announce Budget Cuts so early?
We announced Budget Cuts in January 2016, to participate in the Vision Summit 2016 awards, which allowed unfinished games to join! After that, we wanted to be part of the Vive launch, so we decided to release the demo we were showing off

I'm sensitive to motion sickness - does it ever happen in Budget Cuts?
No, we're making sure we don't ever trigger it anywhere
Автор останньої редакції: Acegikmo; 15 черв. 2018 о 2:11
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Показані коментарі 115 із 98
Will there be an Early Access? Waiting for it until the end of year will difficult after seeing all the Gameplay Videos :)
Цитата допису KenshiHH:
Will there be an Early Access? Waiting for it until the end of year will difficult after seeing all the Gameplay Videos :)
We're not sure! Having an open development is a massive time sink, so if we would do EA, we'd likely not have an open development, but rather simply giving early access to the current demo, and stay that way until release. It somewhat goes against what EA should be, so we're not sure if it's the right way to go!
Ah ok,
for me Access to the Demo would suffice as a PreOrder goodie :)

I'm on a Crusade to get as many Family Members and Friends hooked to VR, most of them already looking forward to Test out the Demo shown in the Gameplay Videos on Youtube :)
Hi, this game look very very good but i dont think i'will buy VR game without try a demo. So think about a demo for people who want to play VR game. We need to try because we dont know if we'got space or motion sickness with a game or 3D is cool, gameplay is cool or not . So think about it et and hope i'll can play you'r game one day. Guys, very good concept and idea about move! ;)
Цитата допису Neleheia:
Hi, this game look very very good but i dont think i'will buy VR game without try a demo. So think about a demo for people who want to play VR game. We need to try because we dont know if we'got space or motion sickness with a game or 3D is cool, gameplay is cool or not . So think about it et and hope i'll can play you'r game one day. Guys, very good concept and idea about move! ;)

No tester, among the hundreds who have played, experienced any motion sickness. Don't worry about it :)
Цитата допису Acegikmo:
Цитата допису KenshiHH:
Will there be an Early Access? Waiting for it until the end of year will difficult after seeing all the Gameplay Videos :)
We're not sure! Having an open development is a massive time sink, so if we would do EA, we'd likely not have an open development, but rather simply giving early access to the current demo, and stay that way until release. It somewhat goes against what EA should be, so we're not sure if it's the right way to go!

You could offer access to the demo as a pre-order bonus. Basically the same but that way you could avoid calling it early access :happy_creep:
This is THE game I'm waiting for. I would love to demo it and show off to my friends when I get my Vive in April, but I understand you want to limit the influx of key requests. I can wait, but it will be hard. Best of luck with your development!
Here's hoping for Linux support. Having to jury rig things through Wine can end with such an unstable end product.
Автор останньої редакції: Cedarbox; 26 берез. 2016 о 20:21
I hope you'll consider opening up access to the demo once Vives start arriving for consumers. Budget Cuts seems like one of the best VR experiences that's available, so I'm pretty disappointed to hear it's actually not available.
Цитата допису Acegikmo:
It somewhat goes against what EA should be, so we're not sure if it's the right way to go!

It would TOTALLY be OK.....trust me ;)
Цитата допису Acegikmo:
Will you support Oculus Rift?
We'll see! Oculus were kind enough to send us a kit, so we are going to experiment with that pretty soon, and see how it works out. Our main worry is that room-scale doesn't seem to be a priority with Oculus, which is quite central to our game.

Will you make a non-VR version?
Very unlikely, as VR makes half the game. We internally often talk about how mediocre the game would be without VR! It's the difference of playing a game and being in a game. It's the difference of clicking the mouse to throw a knife and actually throwing a knife with your whole arm. It's the difference of pressing crouch/lean buttons and actually crouching/leaning for real.

How much will it cost?
We've yet to set a final price, but it's almost certainly not going to be cheaper than $15, and almost certainly not more expensive than $40

When will it release?
By the end of the year hopefully!

Will there be a demo available?

I'm sensitive to motion sickness - does it ever happen in Budget Cuts?
No, we're making sure we don't ever trigger it anywhere
Hey Man, I just downloaded the game and can't move or do anything, I'm just staring at one corner, how do I move around in this game?
Автор останньої редакції: Freighttrainx; 5 квіт. 2016 о 23:27
Цитата допису FreightTrainX:
Hey Man, I just downloaded the game and can't move or do anything, I'm just staring at one corner, how do I move around in this game?

Look at your controllers - there are usually tutorials attached to them!
Цитата допису Acegikmo:
Цитата допису FreightTrainX:
Hey Man, I just downloaded the game and can't move or do anything, I'm just staring at one corner, how do I move around in this game?

Look at your controllers - there are usually tutorials attached to them!

I'm using a keyborad at the moment, what are the controls for this awesome demo game?
Цитата допису FreightTrainX:
Цитата допису Acegikmo:

Look at your controllers - there are usually tutorials attached to them!

I'm using a keyborad at the moment, what are the controls for this awesome demo game?

It's a VR-only game I'm afraid - you need the HTC Vive to play!
Ah I see, would a steam controller do the job? and will you make it keyboard compatalbe or not?
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