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SnarKs Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:23am
Suggestion - Crosshair Always Visible
Can we please? Its so disorientating the way it is. Aiming in the direction the character is facing feels pretty bad. On a controller you can easily just push the joystick in the direction you plan to aim in, and have a better idea of where the hell youre aiming.

Edit - My hand cant resync itself with a crosshair if it is constantly resetting itself and going invisible. Sure, I can tell what direction my character is facing, but my crosshair is resetting itself constantly, so my hand has to fight to resync with the crosshair everytime I aim.

Edit 2 -
Just to help clarify things a bit more, because it seems like some people are confused. I, and some others, are not asking for the ability to instantly turn around with the mouse. We understand that the turning speed of the helldivers is an intentional game design choice, different weapons have different turning speeds, we understand this. We just want to be able to get a grasp of where our desired aim is going to be when we do aim, just like the controller does with joysticks. Both of which have turning speeds when aiming. No "Insta Turning", like Alien Swarm or Gauntlet.
Last edited by SnarKs; Dec 6, 2015 @ 10:01am
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Showing 1-15 of 1,325 comments
punchobastardo Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:25am 
Yes, the experience is horrible with KB+Mouse, 9/10 of the time I'm searching where my crosshair is. They should really do it like you say, together with controlling the camera with the mouse (head turning) as it is in Gauntlet and works like a charm.
Last edited by punchobastardo; Dec 5, 2015 @ 10:28am
Darkness Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:28am 
It takes a while to get used to it. This game is not so action-oriented as Gauntlet. Also, your character doesn't instantly aims at your crosshair.
punchobastardo Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:30am 
Originally posted by Darkness:
It takes a while to get used to it.
because it's not properly adapted to KB+M play. The point is not getting used by suffering to something that works bad but properly implementing it. This is what differentiates after all a good port from a bad port.
Last edited by punchobastardo; Dec 5, 2015 @ 3:08am
Gregor Dec 4, 2015 @ 11:41am 
I agree, the controls are absolutly horrible. Doesnt follow the normal style for these type of games. Why change someing that works so well.
Howar31 Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:11pm 
Agree with this. It's more intuitive to control character's facing with mouse all the time. Not just while aiming down. :cry:
brudda Dec 5, 2015 @ 12:03am 
yep, I agree with op. If we could have the option to turn the charater with the mouse while having crosshairs visible that would be great.

I have tried the controller and controls work really well, but I'm just not that accurate with the joystick vs. the mouse :(
Choggo Dec 5, 2015 @ 6:02am 
While I'm starting to get the hang of it, I 100% agree with OP, its just not natural and very disorienting. It's actually interesting how our brains subconciously know where the mouse "should" be, I can't recall how many times I've shot a friendly due to my crosshairs not being where I expected.
Yoyator Dec 5, 2015 @ 6:16am 
Yes, that's the worst part of the game.
Izziee Dec 5, 2015 @ 6:38am 
It's a twin stick shooter, the whole idea is to make sure you know where you are shooting from before you start blasting away, adding a crosshair would defeat the point in this regard and make it much, much easier for PC players. The amount of times I've been killed by some idiot who just opens fires without checking where he's shooting, but that's part of the charm and shows the good players vs the bad.

It's designed with a controller in mind, and I agree with ac that it's sensitive, but again, that's the point I believe.

TLDR a crosshair would just dumb it down and make things like the laser sight pointless.
punchobastardo Dec 5, 2015 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by Izziee:
The amount of times I've been killed by some idiot who just opens fires without checking where he's shooting, but that's part of the charm and shows the good players vs the bad.
Actually what it shows is people (mostly fanbois) who are willing to put up with this ♥♥♥♥ even though they know that it is ♥♥♥♥ and defend themselves and people who don't, so if and when Arrowhead addresses it I want you to send a message to Arrowhead to give you and the other fanbois the one and only option to keep playing with your beloved old & masochistic way and not use the proper one cause you don't want it and don't deserve it. Whatever works with a joystick or a controller is not working 1:1 when ported to the PC so it has to be done properly. There are twin stick shooters and twin stick top down hack/slash games on the PC which work flawlessly with the mouse, like Arrowhead's Gauntlet, like Gunnheim - which has also friendly fire- and where the mouse actually exist as a controller, not as in Helldivers where it only exists when trying to aim and it does it awfully cause it tries to emulate what only a controller can.
Last edited by punchobastardo; Dec 5, 2015 @ 7:42am
Joe Kaze Dec 5, 2015 @ 7:22am 
Originally posted by Izziee:
TLDR a crosshair would just dumb it down and make things like the laser sight pointless.

I came in here to say exactly this. If they add a crosshair then you would never need the laser sight.
punchobastardo Dec 5, 2015 @ 7:23am 
Originally posted by Kamakazie:
Originally posted by Izziee:
TLDR a crosshair would just dumb it down and make things like the laser sight pointless.

I came in here to say exactly this. If they add a crosshair then you would never need the laser sight.
This is wrong as there is a delay for the laser sight reaching the crosshair, due to turning, just like it is with elf's sniper shot in Gauntlet. A crosshair together with camera turning with the mouse is the absolute PC (mouse) equivalent to a console controller.
Last edited by punchobastardo; Dec 5, 2015 @ 10:24am
Howar31 Dec 5, 2015 @ 8:25am 
OK, no constant crosshair is fine. But at least let me turn my character facing with mouse. not just while aiming down
zabba Dec 5, 2015 @ 8:40am 
this is one of those instances where "balance" is getting in the way of enjoyability. it is super awkward to have the mouse constantly disappearing and reorienting to the center of the screen.

please understand that when you put console games on pc the controls should be adjusted to fit how pc people play games. as of now kb+m simply "works" but its not "meant" to be used.

please fix this.
[HI5]Turbine Dec 5, 2015 @ 9:09am 
Fully agreed
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Date Posted: Dec 4, 2015 @ 10:23am
Posts: 1,325