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Linux & SteamOS?
Hey guys, liam from https://www.gamingonlinux.com. Just wondering if there are any plans for the game to come to Linux?
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I have a serious question: how hard would it be to swap the middlewares you used that are not Linux compatible?
Are there more low level scripts you used besides Robert Cupisz’ Light Shafts implementation[github.com] and Fluidity[www.assetstore.unity3d.com]?

You make it sound like it would be a possibility to rewrite part of the code to be more crossplatform oriented, and I'm curious to know how far from the truth that statement actually is. ;)

I'm also sad to see that you're giving Occulus Rift the headstart, as opposed to the HTC Vive, which seems to be more open in comparison, and doesn't support Windows only.

Laatst bewerkt door glub♥Linux; 5 apr 2016 om 1:59
pommak  [ontwikkelaar] 5 apr 2016 om 6:09 
Wow, thanks for the overwhelming response! I think we really need to start planning how to bring the game for Linux. Unfortunately our launch is way too soon so that we could hit the linux/steamos(/osx) support at the same time with Windows, but it's definitely something I'll start working after the launch rush is behind us.

I'm not aware of how well Unity handles OpenGL 4+ support these days, but I'm a bit skeptical about it until I've tried it myself. Cupisz' Light Shafts should work straight from the box, Fluidity probably not but it's used only for cosmetic things and I can quite easily do an alternative version of fluid visuals for OpenGL/DX9 (in case OpenGL4 doesn't work as expected).

Our custom effect shaders cause bigger problems as these can be very complex fragment shaders that rely heavily on dynamic branching and unrollable loops. Some of these shaders make a vital part of the game and cannot be replaced with any alternative effects. We haven't shared much of these parts to public yet (we want to keep some things as a secret until the launch;) but you can check the ending of the gameplay trailer to get an idea of what I'm talking about here.

Since it's almost a decade I've used Linux on desktop (I guess Raspberry doesn't count..) can I ask for tips what would be an easiest way for us to test the Linux port? Are there any usb stick images that would allow us to test the game easily on various hardware? Or should we get a SteamOS box and use that for testing? We want to make sure it really works on and is the sort of quality we can proudly stand behind.
i guess you need SteamOS and Ubuntu for testing, those are the most used ones.
you can have dualboot with windows at least with Ubuntu, so just need have some space for Ubuntu installation


this might help: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/11/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-alongside.html
Laatst bewerkt door Xpander; 5 apr 2016 om 7:08
Origineel geplaatst door pommak:
Are there any usb stick images that would allow us to test the game easily on various hardware?

These programs will allow you to use your own .img files or there's even a dropdown menu with a list of various Linux distros you can choose and it will download them for you and then it will create a bootable live usb for you
Ideally, test against Ubuntu and SteamOS, don't really worry about the other distributions.

You could setup a box for it, or dual-boot alongside Windows on a PC you already have.
Thanks for the kind reply pommak. Wishing you the best.

Personally, I use YUMI to store several Linux distros on a single USB keys.
Just plug it in, use the Live session to test things, or just install alongside Windows.
Ponmak, thank you for TALKING to us.
Dont really youse Linux but i think a lot of ppl do and if they will want to play the game it wuld be awsome that they culd so +1 from me :)
+1 for a linux port. I too would by it on the spot. Just as the other guys mentioned, setup an ubuntu dual boot and you're good to go. And of course, well done. The game looks awesome.
Origineel geplaatst door pommak:
Since it's almost a decade I've used Linux on desktop (I guess Raspberry doesn't count..) can I ask for tips what would be an easiest way for us to test the Linux port? Are there any usb stick images that would allow us to test the game easily on various hardware? Or should we get a SteamOS box and use that for testing? We want to make sure it really works on and is the sort of quality we can proudly stand behind.

As everyone else says, Ubuntu and SteamOS for testing, as these seem to be the benchmarks for distros these days.

However it wouldn't hurt to try openSUSE Tumbleweed as well since this is a very up-to-date rolling release which is also rather user friendly. This and Ubuntu should give you a decent range for testing. Keep in mind that you will need to manually install the Nvidia proprietary drivers for openSUSE.

(As a side note, I'd be very interested in hearing about any issues you have as I am planning a lengthy series of articles regarding "Linux Game Development for Windows Devs", is there an email address suitable for you?)
pommak  [ontwikkelaar] 7 apr 2016 om 0:56 
Thanks for the input! Definitely helps me to start working on with the linux port. I know you'd like to know a timeframe of some sort but it's really difficult to give any estimations. The earliest I can start working on the port is on the latter part of May, and like said, I have no idea how much work is required. Once I'll start working on it though, I'll keep you updated on the progress.

Origineel geplaatst door Luke Nukem:
(As a side note, I'd be very interested in hearing about any issues you have as I am planning a lengthy series of articles regarding "Linux Game Development for Windows Devs", is there an email address suitable for you?)

You can use contact@mindfieldgames.com
Great, thanks @pommak, I'll be in touch soon.

I think you'll find Linux gamers are a very patient and understanding bunch when you maintain a good positive public appearance the way you are :)
@pommak - Firstly I didn't realise you were usng Unity. You'll need to use version 5.3 and upwards to take advantage of the new openGL renderer:

A couple of links to porting articles that might be useful.



Laatst bewerkt door grandmastermoth; 7 apr 2016 om 7:08
I'm pretty sure Layers of Fear makes use of OpenGL 4 (source: I'm guessing). That game ran perfectly and is also using Unity. Broken v-sync but otherwise per-pixel-perfection. And I'm not even on Ubuntu. I wouldn't recommend using a USB memory or anything like that, you will need a solid installation if you plan on not going mad (I've run Linux from USB and it sucks).
I would be very interested in a Linux Port too! I'd too look out for SteamOS and Ubuntu compatibility. There are hundreds of Distributions that you cannot test for. I think the earlier there is a reliable gaming standard for Linux, that everyone can use for orientation (Devs and other Distributions), the better for everyone.
Good luck with your games and thanks for your efforts!
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