Jerry Lee 6. mars 2021 kl. 23.45
Squad Lanes Destroying RAAS
Take out RAAS or make it actually Random. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps.
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Geebus 7. mars 2021 kl. 0.15 
I am of the opposite opinion. Squad Lanes equalizes the playing field for newbie SL's. Now a brand new SL can start using the site and be able to actually contribute to their team off staging phase. They don't have to go to some random part of the map, hoping that an objective might come to them, but rather can actually look to contest an actual part of the map. What people used to only be able to do through a bazillion hours of gameplay, they can now do in 30 seconds on a chrome tab.

Whether the site is there or not, people are going to know the lanes. It is better if it is out there for anyone to make use of than just that one dude that plays too much of the game. I would rather be able to look up a map and find out that on Yeho RAAS v2, I don't have to worry about covering the Stepne area because it will never be an objective.

All it takes is one SL on each team to negate the advantage that one with it might have over one that doesn't.
Magonus 7. mars 2021 kl. 0.30 
Praise be Captain and his rigorous spreadsheet work.
Tovarish 7. mars 2021 kl. 2.16 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Geebus:
I am of the opposite opinion. Squad Lanes equalizes the playing field for newbie SL's. Now a brand new SL can start using the site and be able to actually contribute to their team off staging phase. They don't have to go to some random part of the map, hoping that an objective might come to them, but rather can actually look to contest an actual part of the map. What people used to only be able to do through a bazillion hours of gameplay, they can now do in 30 seconds on a chrome tab.

Whether the site is there or not, people are going to know the lanes. It is better if it is out there for anyone to make use of than just that one dude that plays too much of the game. I would rather be able to look up a map and find out that on Yeho RAAS v2, I don't have to worry about covering the Stepne area because it will never be an objective.

All it takes is one SL on each team to negate the advantage that one with it might have over one that doesn't.

At that point they should just remove RAAS, and simply shuffle the AAS points on a per match basis. Newbie SL's get handheld and crappy SL's rushing timbucktu don't have a excuse anymore.
Sist redigert av Tovarish; 7. mars 2021 kl. 2.18
Tovarish 7. mars 2021 kl. 2.38 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Aegmar:
Only one who could have anything against it is a longtime player who is salty he lost the advantage of having memorizes a lot of the lanes and now everyone can at least initially deploy roughly in the area where the objectives are...

I am against it and I am no long time player. It is a unfair advantage against those who do not use it, and completely goes against the whole RAAS gamemode - it is called Random Advance and Secure for a reason, if you know where the objectives are going it isn't random. As I said, just remove RAAS and simply shuffle the points on AAS - then everyone knows where the objectives are and SL's have zero excuse to rush in the middle of nowhere.

Opprinnelig skrevet av Aegmar:
RAAS was introduced to put an end to cheesy rush/block tactics, because you can't see right from the start where the enemys 1st, 2nd and 3rd flag is going to be..., this is achieved, it doesn't have to be truly random for that.

This tool literally allows people to do exactly that. While YOU may use it to simply see which direction the points may head, other players use it far more extensively. Say for example, I was playing Narva - your team caps PP, and the second point is Skula. At that point you don't even need to cap the second point to know where their objectives most likely are, and can proceed to rush any number of them and engage in blocking.
Lance Rambert 7. mars 2021 kl. 8.08 
Opprinnelig skrevet av c_merf:
Take out RAAS or make it actually Random. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps.

I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned.

killertowfoo 7. mars 2021 kl. 8.33 
it's possibly the worst game mode in online gaming and the most unrealistic in a game that attempts to create realism
Onimaho 7. mars 2021 kl. 8.42 
We need new game modes that promote combined arms team-play.

People just be tired of AAS or RAAS, lets get something else in the mix that doesn't cause mass server disconnects.
KDM 16AAB 7. mars 2021 kl. 9.12 
Opprinnelig skrevet av killertowfoo:
it's possibly the worst game mode in online gaming and the most unrealistic in a game that attempts to create realism

I don't see how realism becomes a factor in the Raas game mode or any of the other modes. All that the modes provide is a basic initial method and objective to be achieved.

All Raas introduced was a sense of variety, even though there is basically no dynamic randomness in the mode and the title of the mode itself misleading once the layer has been memorized. Once you see where the main bases are there is a good chance your going to guess the route of caps anyway.

After looking at the Squad Lanes site it doesn't really offer much than a quick snapshot of what you can do at the start of the map, and once that first 5-10 minutes of the map has been played, courts open to anyone.
Sist redigert av KDM 16AAB; 7. mars 2021 kl. 9.13
Timmeh 7. mars 2021 kl. 11.21 
If there's enough variations of the next objective squad lanes can have the opposite effect...
People going to the wrong places.

Opprinnelig skrevet av Onimaho:
We need new game modes that promote combined arms team-play.

Also this.
AAS/RAAS suck because it's all about rush rush rush, and moving on the whole time.
Sometimes the game is over in 20-30 mins and that's not long enough to really use all the assets in squad.
No surprise people saying it's all about fob spam and fortifications are useless etc.

Invasion only servers are the best right now, but need some TC only servers too.
Trap 7. mars 2021 kl. 11.57 
Im guessing for whatever reason they cant actually make it truly random and if that cant be achieved they need to increase the number of possible cap points across the map there are plenty of areas that never get used....im pushin 4k hours i will not use squad lanes dont need to and i feel it would defeat the purpose of the RAAS mode but only IF the RAAS mode wasnt so predictable anyway, we need a wider variety of cap points. If you play a map 3 or 4 times youre gonna have a good idea of what goes where and people shouldnt SL without getting some good game time in and learning the game mechanics in the first place. Rushing and dominating a game in 20-30 min has been an issue since day one and will continue to be thats why there are servers that dont allow it.

I suggested in another thread to ditch the linear flag progression model making it more important to defend each flag not just the one point. For example the enemy rushes you and they take your first flag hoping to cut you off from main but you already got around them and cap the other 4 flags. It would completely change how the games are played and gives multiple avenues to the win.
Trap 7. mars 2021 kl. 11.59 
Linear flag progression will always be predictable.
Seven 7. mars 2021 kl. 12.31 
How are some people defending squadlanes? Not everyone knows about it and the ones that don't use it are at a disadvantage. They might as well add an in-game indicator to let players know where the next caps can possibly go. Only the tryhards that google this ♥♥♥♥ benefits.
killertowfoo 7. mars 2021 kl. 12.58 
Opprinnelig skrevet av KDM-16AAB:
Opprinnelig skrevet av killertowfoo:
it's possibly the worst game mode in online gaming and the most unrealistic in a game that attempts to create realism

I don't see how realism becomes a factor in the Raas game mode or any of the other modes. All that the modes provide is a basic initial method and objective to be achieved.

All Raas introduced was a sense of variety, even though there is basically no dynamic randomness in the mode and the title of the mode itself misleading once the layer has been memorized. Once you see where the main bases are there is a good chance your going to guess the route of caps anyway.

After looking at the Squad Lanes site it doesn't really offer much than a quick snapshot of what you can do at the start of the map, and once that first 5-10 minutes of the map has been played, courts open to anyone.

Because no military enters a battlefield with literally random objectives. Key terrain or essential infrastructure is identified before any forces are committed to a battlefield. Armies do not behave anything close to the way teams behave in RAAS. Any other gamemode, even TDM is more realistic.
Lance Rambert 7. mars 2021 kl. 15.34 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Seven:
How are some people defending squadlanes? Not everyone knows about it and the ones that don't use it are at a disadvantage.

My exact point. The game shouldn't require secret external aids in order to be proficient otherwise the gameplay isn't fair and balanced. Logically, if the squad lanes website was in fact officially sanctioned by the developer/publisher then there should be a link built into the UI of the game so every single player is knowledgeable of its existence.

The developers silence on this issue however speaks volumes though.

goalhound 7. mars 2021 kl. 16.05 
Having more potential objectives and making them more random would be an improvement to RAAS and somewhat mitigate squadlanes. Not a fan of external apps/websites that give users an advantage. An integrated mortar calculator would also be nice.
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Dato lagt ut: 6. mars 2021 kl. 23.45
Innlegg: 120