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Antyss08 May 26, 2021 @ 6:46pm
most boring MMORPG I've played so far...
Im lvl 23, I have no motivation or anything to launch the game other that I paid for the sub.
Its bland and boring in every sense, combat, quest, maps, the way you travel and the story so far...

Playing mostly like a delviery man, bring a bottle of Oringe Juice to Swyrgeim Vesper Bay western coast of Thanalan from Ul'dah.
And there so many of quest like this, nothing but go from point a-b-a
Its just a dead brainer game, I need to switch off my brain for this game to play like a zombie or human bot.
Why this game is so stupidly boring?
Just found a video thats shares exact same feelings that I have

Level 10-20 time 6h
This is the gameplay: travel a-b-a, collect leafs and deliver, kill worthless no brain mobs loop repeat. 6h or doing same thing with different npc and mobs.
  • Speak with Keitha at Bentbranch Meadows.
  • Speak with Roseline.
  • Slay 4 Qiqirn Scramblers.
  • Report to Roseline at the Matron's Lethe.
  • Remove blue trumpets.
  • Report to Theodore at the Matron's Lethe.
  • Speak with Roseline.
  • Search for signs of the shadowy figure.
  • Deliver the leather bag to Roseline.
  • Show Roseline's message to Elmar.
  • Show Roseline's message to Bernard.
  • Show Roseline's message to Eylgar.
  • Search for signs of the winged beasts.
  • Speak with Lothaire.
  • Speak with Leonnie.
  • Speak with Armelle at the Mirror Planks.
  • Salvage the cargo. 0/2
  • Deliver the cargo to Keitha at Bentbranch Meadows.
  • Question the people of Bentbranch Meadows. 0/3
  • Speak with Luquelot.
  • Subdue the thief, and take back Leia's egg.
  • Retrieve Leia's egg.
  • Return Leia's egg to Luquelot.
  • Speak with Luquelot.
  • Deliver Luquelot's letter to Miounne.
  • Deliver Mioune's letter to Bowlord Lewin.
  • Make haste to the Guardian Tree.
  • Defeat the Ixal.
  • Defeat the Gargoyle.
  • Speak with Lewin.
  • Consult Miounne.
  • Collect the artifact from Beatin.
  • Deliver the wooden lockbox to Miounne.
  • Put on the Monoa Mask and speak with Estaine.
  • Speak with Kan-E-Senna at the Lotus Stand.
  • Speak with Miounne.
  • Speak with Lionnellais at the airship landing.
  • Board the airship.
  • Speak with the storm honor guard.
  • Present Kan-E-Senna's missive to Zanthael at Bulwark Hall.
  • Speak with L'nophlo at the airship landing.
  • Board the airship.
  • Speak with the flame honor guard.
  • Present Kan-E-Senna's missive to Bartholomew on the Hustings Strip.
  • Speak with Baderon at the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa.
  • Retrieve ripe corpses. 0/3
  • Deliver the corpses to Isembard at Camp Drybone.
  • Speak with Marques outside the Church of Saint Adama Landama.
  • Lay the embalmed corpse at the gravesite.
  • Bury the embalmed corpse.
  • Report back to Marques.
  • Speak with Sister Ourcen.
  • Speak with Isembard at Camp Drybone.
  • Speak with the uncombed urchin in the Golden Bazaar.
  • Save Sister Ourcen.
  • Report to Isembard at Camp Drybone.
  • Speak with Thancred.
  • Search for a clue in the Amalj'aa encampment.
  • Show the queer leaflet to Thancred.
  • Show the queer leaflet to Sister Ourcen.
  • Speak with Thancred.
  • Speak with Isembard.
  • Speak with the locals while garbed in a weathered shepherd's tunic and a pair of weathered shepherd's slops.
  • Speak with Thancred.
  • Speak with Thancred while garbed in a weathered shepherd's tunic and a pair of weathered shepherd's slops.
  • Speak with Minfilia at the Waking Sands.

    After I will review all the comments, I will select a few and you guys will give a feeback like agree/strongly agree/ neutral/ disagree / strongly disagree of other FFXIV veterans statements.
    For example: FFXIV is mostly solo play focus.

    New update
    Asmongold will try FF14 with NO content skip & boost, I believe he can make more than anyone else a fair opinion/criticism and an observation regarding his experience with FFXIV.
Last edited by Antyss08; Jun 12, 2021 @ 8:05pm
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Showing 1-15 of 521 comments
smokey57 May 26, 2021 @ 6:49pm 
And you'll find far more videos saying just the opposite. Opinions and preferences... to each their own, i reckon. Have fun elsewhere.
mitzieter May 26, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
your opinion is your opinion but like gg reloaded is a troll lmao he literally just exaggerates negative points of games to try and get a rise out of people, u shouldnt take his criticism seriously.
Antyss08 May 26, 2021 @ 7:31pm 
This game is boring, lets not try to use its just my opinion and preference, its super boring.
This is the gameplay: travel path & attack then repeat.
I feel like I am a bot with auto-path & auto-attack, it doesnt fell like Im a player and it doesnt need any little bit of brain to play this game.
This is not a mmo game, its more a shadow/ghost of a mmo game.

Seriously they should put auto-path & attack in this game, would be no difference like those mobile games.
Omg about those mobile games even their combat is more interesting to watch and play that this game.

I never been so hard disappointed in my life about a mmorpg game, this game is for people who suck at every other game who can travel from point a-b and spam one ability.
I might act like Im frustrated but the truth is I struggle so hard to play this game and not get bored immediately repeating the same thing over and over.

This is not incompetence, this must be done in purpose, does this game have any lvl skip or something for real money?
At what lvl this game starts to be the game?
galacticcorgi May 26, 2021 @ 7:45pm 
It's not boring, stop stating opinion like objective fact. If all you want is to be 1337 Hax0rz Epis Gamerzzzz, then this is perhaps not the game for you. It's still a JRPG and if you don't like JRPGs, you won't like the nice, deliberate build-up this game does.

EDIT: Yeah, looking at your list you like more all-actions-all-the-time kinda games, so this really is not the game for you.
Last edited by galacticcorgi; May 26, 2021 @ 7:47pm
albinogod May 26, 2021 @ 7:46pm 
Classes tend to start to pick up around lv 30 and don't get their base rotations until lv 50. The 30 levels are a (admittedly long) tutorial meant for people who don't know how to MMO. As for the content itself, it doesn't start to get complex until you start doing the optional stuff.
Antyss08 May 26, 2021 @ 8:45pm 
Originally posted by Anakha:
It's not boring, stop stating opinion like objective fact. If all you want is to be 1337 Hax0rz Epis Gamerzzzz, then this is perhaps not the game for you. It's still a JRPG and if you don't like JRPGs, you won't like the nice, deliberate build-up this game does.

EDIT: Yeah, looking at your list you like more all-actions-all-the-time kinda games, so this really is not the game for you.
This game is a bot simulator, you know those bots that are on auto path mode...
My list is even longer, I play all king of games, flying sym, race car, shooters, rts, mmorpg, moba, etc..
The 0-25 lvl is nothing but path travel a-b-a and spamming one ability and I cant do my own things, Im bound to go trough this worthless time wasting nonsense lvling quest...
And this game is the easiest to prove its boring with no brain involvement into the gameplay.
we can test ESO, GW2, WOW, DC Universe, etc 0-20lvl and we would find this is the most boring experience.
This is game is a auto-path bot simulator, how it feels to be a auto path bot in a mmorpg game.
I think this game selling point is the egirls/anime stuff thats all.

Malfeasance May 26, 2021 @ 9:19pm 
I just started after giving up on WoW and everything I've heard is that the game is pretty boring and essentially a tutorial until you get out of the ARR content. You really have to know what you're getting into before you start and temper expectations based on that. Some people undoubtedly won't have the patience to go through the entire pre-50 MSQ and that's okay.

Already I like the fact that the game goes slow. The pre-first dungeon tutorials at 15 especially are insanely good and WoW could have used something like that. Unfortunately with how common boosts are in that game people don't get dungeon experience until they already have full kits, generally leading to severe underperformance unless they do their research. The people who don't look up rotations then go into raids performing at half or less their class and gear capability.

Is it too slow? Perhaps. Instant gratification is not happening in ARR, that's for sure. There's a market for those games though, seeing as FFXIV continues to surge. In fact another three people, with a possible fourth, from my WoW guild just quit WoW to play FF. Not that you'll agree but I personally think it makes me care more about the world and my character's place in it, rather than simply being brandished as a "champion" and having all the allied bigwigs take credit for my work.
BrokenG3ars May 26, 2021 @ 10:04pm 
Originally posted by Malfeasance:
I just started after giving up on WoW and everything I've heard is that the game is pretty boring and essentially a tutorial until you get out of the ARR content. You really have to know what you're getting into before you start and temper expectations based on that. Some people undoubtedly won't have the patience to go through the entire pre-50 MSQ and that's okay.

Already I like the fact that the game goes slow. The pre-first dungeon tutorials at 15 especially are insanely good and WoW could have used something like that. Unfortunately with how common boosts are in that game people don't get dungeon experience until they already have full kits, generally leading to severe underperformance unless they do their research. The people who don't look up rotations then go into raids performing at half or less their class and gear capability.

Is it too slow? Perhaps. Instant gratification is not happening in ARR, that's for sure. There's a market for those games though, seeing as FFXIV continues to surge. In fact another three people, with a possible fourth, from my WoW guild just quit WoW to play FF. Not that you'll agree but I personally think it makes me care more about the world and my character's place in it, rather than simply being brandished as a "champion" and having all the allied bigwigs take credit for my work.

Genuinely curious, how do you care about the "world" and any character outside of the very small main quest selection of them, when the whole game world is extremely dead and quests outside of the main one are poorly written and bland text dumps with very basic meaingless objectives? Even the main quest itself the player is just along for the ride and has no actual choice or impact in the world or it's inhabitants whatsoever.

FFXIV has great instanced content, and the main story is decent when it's not just silent text dumps on the filler quests but but there really is no "world" to care about and your character doesn't actually have a place in it because you're just on rails 100% of the time from the very first main quest all the way to the latest. Even WoW frankly has a more "alive" feeling world (although it's still not great either) and both games absolutely pale in comparison to MMO's with real world's like ESO, BDO or even SWTOR.
Navhkrin May 27, 2021 @ 2:06am 
It was the most boring MMO I have played until around level 35, it opens up a bit, when you reach Heavensward that is when you get the real FFXIV experience.

I'm not saying that it is factually the most boring mmo until level 50 as there are people who really enjoy even the early level experience. Just my personal experience with the early game.

There are a lot of "go to x, talk to someone, go back" or "go to x, click something, come back" quests at early ARR. Quest design opens up a lot at later. A lot of MMO's actually have similar boring quests but one expects better quest design from a sub based MMO with emphasis on story (referring to quest design on ARR, not the entire game).

I think it's just that they did not have a lot of funds for ARR(especially after failure of 1.0) so they tried their best while also ensuring the questing is long enough to get sub fee's. On later expansions game actually became successful and hence much bigger funds for better everything.
Last edited by Navhkrin; May 27, 2021 @ 2:14am
Taiga Hiiragi May 27, 2021 @ 7:57am 
Who even asked for your opinion? If you don't like it, don't play it. Don't come here to cry just because you can't get past level 23. It's weird you think your opinion matters. Cry harder, but do it elsewhere.
Aidenel May 27, 2021 @ 8:04am 
congrats on finding a review that you agree with?
Sunny May 27, 2021 @ 8:07am 
I wish you all the best luck in finding a game that's more suited to your tastes! This one clearly isn't. It's sad when you want to like a game and don't, but it happens.
Replicant Six May 27, 2021 @ 8:34am 
To be honest you're not wrong when it comes to leveling in XIV, ESPECIALLY in the vanilla experience. It's outdated and very repetitive full of just boring walk here and talk to this person quests to progress the story.

Square Enix gets their ♥♥♥♥ together in Heavansward and improves quest quality and story quality both to great lengths. The hardest part about recommending this game to anyone is the long slog through A Realm Reborn which at this point if you're interested in getting to better content just get the skip or grind through it and ignore the story,

ARR has a good story around the Braves storyline so if you can sort of keep an eye out for that then it gets interesting for like the last 20-30 quests but yeah... Either quit, skip, or just bull head your way through.

Also on combat being boring, every job evolves around level 30 where they start to move in stride. Rather than just standing and hitting you start to get other resources to manage and they expand as the job progresses.

On the games official store/account page Mog Station you can purchase job level skips to 70 and story skips. If you are going to skip anything JUST skip ARR, but I strongly advise against skipping a job because you're going to go from basic nothing gameplay to getting bombarded with like 20-30 spells and two job specific systems you'll have to learn from scratch rather than slowly being introduced to it.
Last edited by Replicant Six; May 27, 2021 @ 8:37am
Oberon May 27, 2021 @ 8:51am 
Originally posted by Antyss08:
This game is boring, lets not try to use its just my opinion and preference, its super boring.

But it is just your opinion and preference. I personally don't put 8000 hours in to games I find boring.

Originally posted by Taiga Hiiragi:
Who even asked for your opinion?

To be fair, this is exactly the place to freely post opinions.
Rin (Banned) May 27, 2021 @ 10:03am 
You're playing 8 years worth of old content. So either you get a boost or trekk through it. There's a reason games like WoW cut down on the leveling experience a few times so people like you wouldn't complain as much.

You could've also started with the trial as people here have probably already mentioned.

Nothing interesting is gonna happen til you hit 50+. And even then you will be a bother during dungeon runs regardless if you're good or not since you are indeed 8 years late to the party, whenever you like it or not. And this goes for most MMOs in general if you're this late into the games lifespan. Not to mention the questing experience will be the same as it was on level 1, the only thing that really changes is the story if you ever bother to read/follow it.

if you prefer hitting things with a large stick then there are better alternatives out there.
Last edited by Rin; May 27, 2021 @ 10:10am
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Date Posted: May 26, 2021 @ 6:46pm
Posts: 520