Sans IS NOT Ness
I am what you would call a retro gamer. Here’s a bit of my history. Grew up in the 80’s and my NES was the first system I owned when I was about 5. I stick to console systems and games. I own every single Nintendo, Sega and Sony gaming systems besides the Sega Game Gear. I have a steady growing collection of NES games (325 and counting) and many other games for each of the other systems I own (one of them being a complete copy of Earthbound for the Super Nintendo, game manual and scratch n sniff stickers included). I avoid playing games on emulators and try to play everything on their original systems. I have a twin brother and together with a mutual friend of ours host a podcast called Treasure Hunting for Nostalgia where we discuss top 5 lists, (like Top 5 bosses in video games, top 5 Final Fantasy Summons) games we have been playing, and we even go out and “treasure hunt for grey gold (a term we use for NES/SNES carts)” from flea markets, used game stores, things like that… Anyway, my kids knowing I love Earthbound, suggested I play Undertale and review the game on our Podcast. Since it was only available on the PC, I declined. I got all sorts of lines thrown at me like “But Dad, you HAVE to play it, its sooooo much like Earthbound!!” and “There’s a cameo from Ness in the game!!!” I was tempted but still declined. So, fast forward to last week, I noticed Undertale came out for the PS4, so I decided to give it a whirl. As I played, I kept looking for Ness. I beat the game first and got the Neutral ending. Then I played through the True Pacifist route and finally Genocide. This was a very fun game to get through and I loved how every route had different modes of play. The Genocide route was a welcome challenge since games now a days don’t offer much of a challenge. I mean, you sit most kids in front of let’s say, Mega Man and they give up before even getting to the first boss (which was usually Bomb Man for me). I was starting to think this whole “Ness cameo” was a con to get me to play the game. So, perplexed, I asked my kids where Ness was, and come to find out, they were talking about Sans. SANS?!?! WTF?? I asked them how the hell they thought Sans was Ness. They really couldn’t give me a better answer than saying Toby Fox, the creator of the game, said Sans was Ness. I was so peeved by this “theory” I said the first thing that came to mind: “That’s like me making a movie called The Marvelous Mutant and saying The Marvelous Mutant is The Incredible Hulk” The only reference I could find that is anything Earthbound related is the image on Papyrus’s chest is a Starman symbol. I mean, the game is a little quirky like Earthbound, the enemy fights perspective is like Earthbound and the over world design reminds me of Earthbound. Otherwise, there is no direct link between Sans and Ness (I guess besides the psychokinesis powers) Has anyone else found proof of this? I started looking into this whole Sans is Ness debate and it seems like a relatively popular fan theory. I just don’t get why so many people would come to this conclusion because it seems so black and white to me. Sorry for the rant, I just had to get this one off my chest. Usually i let fan theories be theories but i couldn't let this one go.
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Показані коментарі 112 із 12
We’ve been through this across the whole community. We already know this.

Nobody gives a fuck about your idiotic post.
I'm not sure if you know where this theory comes from, but I'll let you know just in case. The fan theory grew in popularity from popular game theorist, MatPat, his youtube channel unsurprisingly known as 'The Game Theorists', when he made a theory about it. I am quite a fan of his content, while not agreeing with this certain theory. His younger fans basically takes his word as law, which is probably why your kids said "Toby Fox, the creator of the game, said Sans was Ness." I would suggest to not worry about the theory too much, the people that believe this theory are usually kids.
Im a kid and that offends me.
The idea for it came from an episode of Game Theory on YouTube, and MatPat received a lot of backlash for it.

My personal theory is that Sans is from an alternate universe within Undertale’s own lore. There’s a mysterious character named Gaster within the game that may be connected with this concept.
Sound like some one just watch game theory or some user hear it from other people that told them about it. Knowing that there already few video debunking game theory already and again..... And again..... And again. I have to say... It was meant to be just a theory.
I feel like people aren’t reading the actual post.
Also Toby Fox never said Sans was Ness. In fact, if anything he debunked it by acknowledging he pretty much disregards his Halloween Hack that MatPat used partially for his theory.
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Why am I here again? I guess I came back because I had this Undertale discussion link in my history.
pyro from tf2 sams undertale??????
It is true that they have similar attacks, but other than that, personally, I don't see a connection. Though Toby is a die hard Earthbound fan, I'm pretty sure Sans is just... Sans.
Автор останньої редакції: ratqwert; 8 лип. 2018 о 16:21
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Опубліковано: 9 трав. 2018 о 19:12
Дописів: 12