Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider

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Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 25일 오후 1시 54분
Graphics? Edurance Mode: "Rise of the Tomb Raider has stopped working"

1. Turn off Steam Overlay by right-clicking on Rise of the Tomb Raider in the Steam Menu, select properties, and uncheck the Steam Overlay option.
2. Start the game and start your Endurance run immediately (don't play anything else first).
3. After choosing your settings, challenges, and cards, make the first run count... it's your ONE AND ONLY RUN!
4. DO NOT PAUSE the game for more than a few moments. The longer you pause, the greater the chances of problems.
5. If you die, you have to exit the game, get back in, and reset all your settings, challenges, and cards. You CANNOT restart the endurance run from the options after you die or exit to the main menu and restart. You must exit the game and get back in. The more restarts you do (even 1 restart) greatly increases the likelyhood of a crash.

Original Post:

It's technically not just endurance mode, but it has the "stopped working" crash by far the most. I'm thinking with the new patch's graphic upgrades, something pushed my PC over it's limits (because I was on the limit before the patch, and had zero crashes). However, I'm not an expert in what's what.

When I get into Edurance mode, it usually works how it's suppose to, except every once in a while, it will start to freeze then crash, usually during a large combat encounter, but also sometimes when I just select things (I opened a crest and grabbed a "wood" tree and it "stoppped working") - although, this is much rarer.

I'm thinking it happens because the PC has to load so much when a combat encounter starts (the ones where I'm "spotted") or is loading a new area of the map and I select something, and it just stops working. Unless someone else has encountered this after the new patch?

In short: I'm looking for a means to end the "stopped working" crashes, because when you get to Day 14 in Edurance mode with full food (both bars) and full warmth... you want to finish. 90 minutes wasted by a crash. Normally the crash happens within the first 3 days, I'm not sure how I managed to get to day 14 that time and then it decided to crash on a wood tree of all things.

I'm thinking turning off certain graphical settings will help, but I'm not sure which ones.

My PC's specs:

1. Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
2. Intel i7 Core - 950 @ 3.07 GHz
3. RAM - 8 GB
4. 1 Graphics Card - AMD Radeon R9 200 (4GB memory)

My Current Rise of the Tomb Raider Graphical Settings:

Resolution: 1920x1080
Refresh Rate: 60 Hz (this appears to be locked)
Vsync: Double Buffered
Anti-aliasing: FXAA
Texture Quality: High
Anisotropic Filter: Anisotropic 4X
Shadow Quality: High
Sun Soft Shadows: On
Depth of Field: On
Level of Detail: High
Dynamic Foliage: Medium
Ambient Occlusion: On
PureHair: On
Specular Reflection Quality: Normal

ALL of the options on the right side (check options) ARE checked: Vignette Blur, Motion Blur, Bloom, Tessellation, Screen Space Reflections, Lens Flares, Screen Effects, & Film Grain

If someone could help me discover the minimal amount of downgrade I could do and get Edurance Mode to work properly again, I would greatly appriciate it. For instance, which of the "checked" options would hurt my preformance the most with minimal visual effect? If someone has another idea on what's wrong and how to solve it, I'm more than willing to listen.

Any help would be appriciated.
Crusader Vanguard 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 26일 오후 10시 20분
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Crimsomrider 2016년 2월 25일 오후 2시 59분 
First let me say that you are not alone in this issue. Many, many others are having the same problem.

I have an open support ticket and I'm providing any info I can to see what is causing these crashes. My only solution so far that seems to help is turning Steam Overlay OFF. You can do that by right clicking on the game in the library > properties > Steam Overlay.

I don't know if it works 100%, but I managed to get to day 11 and it did not crash at all. Another user also reports that he can now play without crashing.

Please try turning off the overlay and report back if it continues to crash. As I said, any info can help solve the crashing. For me personally, the game would crash after 10-15 minutes once I got into Endurance. With the overlay off, I played for 97 minutes before I extracted.
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 25일 오후 3시 41분 
Thank you for responding. Perhaps if you can gather a lot of PC specs and graphical settings, a pattern might emerge there as well.

Time seems to be less revelant for me. Once, I got the crash on day 1 when I messed up a combat encounter... as soons as the trinity soldier reconized me, it froze a moment, played sound for a few seconds a moment later, then crashed. On the other hand, like I said above, while most happened within the first 3 days of Endurance, I got to Day 14... then couldn't pluck a tree.

--> The only consistent factor I can find is it seems to crash when it loads something. My endurence mode slows down in frame rate for a moment when it loads (or reloads) a segment of the Siberian Wilderness. Combat encounters where enemies become aware of you (especially the more of them there are), the more likely it is to freeze and crash. Strangely though, it seems to happen more when I'm "looking" at the enemy that spots me. If an enemy off to my left or right I'm not aware of spots me, it seems to handle it normally. It's confusing. Then there is of course the opening of the chest and the plucking of that tree on Day 14. The plucking tree on was in the middle of "nowhere" (nothing nearby) and it was loading the "Day 14 Morning" message. Perhaps plucking the tree, loading the next day's environment, and loading a new area of the map plus Steam Overlay caused it?

I hope some of that helps.

The Steam Overlay is an excellent idea actually... know what I think about it. For some reason, despite the fact it was "on" for Rise of the Tomb Raider, it never appeared as I was earning achievements until very recently. I got tired of trying to minus the game to see if I earned the achievement as expected, so I found a way to turn it back on. Helped me finish off my achievements, but it could have caused the crashes.

I will test the Steam Overlay when I can (glad I got all the achievements), and hopefully get one of the endurance runs back up to day 11 plus and see how long I can keep it going. I was somewhere around 80-90 minute mark when I got the crash that time, so I'll try to at least get back there.

Thanks for the info!
Game Cooker US Rocks VR 2016년 2월 25일 오후 4시 23분 
I am confirming that you are not crazy. Endurance mode is an issue and possibly some of the other expedition modes that I crashed on.The same exact thing is happening to me that you are mentioning. I am using the recommended Nvidia optimal settings on my GTX 970 4 gig card and I have an 8 core processor that runs at 3.5ghz/4ghz Turbo and 16 gigs of computer RAM. Crashes when a Trinity guy sees me and also just crashes in general randomly. This never happened before I bought the add-ons. I will try to make a video to prove this is happening. I read the RotTR dev recommendations. Why should I buy a game only to have to turn the graphics down to crap? I chose the game because of the graphical hype. I am a bit upset. Every other game I have played so far after my upgrades have worked fine. Just RotTR is givig me issues right now.
shahzadbahi 2016년 2월 25일 오후 5시 42분 
Endurance mode was also crashing for me randomly sometimes I would get to day 5 or sometimes even at day 2... suffice to say I did the following:
- Disabled the steam overlay like Crimsonrider suggested.
- Launched the Game from Geforce Experience with the game optimized settings ... which for my setup was everything max except for Texture = high not very high.
- Another thing that I disabled was that I disabled the gamepad vibration...I had noticed that the last time couple of times I crashed my controller was vibrating like crazy.
- After that I lauched endurance mode and played straight till day 11 and escaped without crashing.

Hope this help someone... but I also did one thing that I don't usually do... I played straight through... didn't pause the game a single time ( I've noticed that when you pause ROTR and leave and come back the graphic card would be spinning at full blast when I got back... probably nothing but it is wierd that the graphic cards would spin up like that )

my Setup is as follows:

- WIndows 10 x64
- ASROCK X99 Extreme 11 with 64GB
- 980 GTX in Triple SLI
- 2 980 Pro M2 SSD
Game Cooker US Rocks VR 2016년 2월 25일 오후 8시 00분 
shahzadbahi님이 먼저 게시:
Endurance mode was also crashing for me randomly sometimes I would get to day 5 or sometimes even at day 2... suffice to say I did the following:
- Disabled the steam overlay like Crimsonrider suggested.
- Launched the Game from Geforce Experience with the game optimized settings ... which for my setup was everything max except for Texture = high not very high.
- Another thing that I disabled was that I disabled the gamepad vibration...I had noticed that the last time couple of times I crashed my controller was vibrating like crazy.
- After that I lauched endurance mode and played straight till day 11 and escaped without crashing.

Hope this help someone... but I also did one thing that I don't usually do... I played straight through... didn't pause the game a single time ( I've noticed that when you pause ROTR and leave and come back the graphic card would be spinning at full blast when I got back... probably nothing but it is wierd that the graphic cards would spin up like that )

my Setup is as follows:

- WIndows 10 x64
- ASROCK X99 Extreme 11 with 64GB
- 980 GTX in Triple SLI
- 2 980 Pro M2 SSD

There is something seriously wrong with the game if it can't play well at "Ultra" with your set-up.I tried what you suggested but no help for me. Soon I will be at low settings. That is funny. I am still crashing and even have two videos uploading now on my Youtube to prove it. My specs are here and my cpu is not overclocked anymore just in case that was a problem but it was not:
Game Cooker US Rocks VR 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 25일 오후 8시 01분
shahzadbahi 2016년 2월 25일 오후 8시 57분 
I forgot to mention that I am running @ 2560x1440. and that 980 GTX is 4GB and as far as I know GPU memory doesn't stack if you've SLI setup ... I can play @ very high Texture but the result is not smooth even on my XB270HU Gsync... so I bumped it down and it runs sliky smooth :)..

I am sorry the game crashes on your system... how big is your power supply ? just asking, once I had a system that would crash randomly and it turned out the Power Supply was the culprit and couldn't provide enough juice when the graphics card starts chugging. along.
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 25일 오후 8시 58분 
Well I turned off Steam Overlay... that went well...

I did 3 attempts. I guess I'll try another tomorrow but... here is what happened:

First Attempt:

I got the fatherest on this one. Having fought 2 Lynx, 1 Bear, 3 Wolves, and a Trinity squad at the EXACT same time (that was as much fun as it was annoying)... and somehow surviving that, I got to Day 7 night and turned a corner to find Deathless attacking 2 Lynx. Of course, since the Lynx just ignore the Deathless trying to kill them, they decided to charge me instead. I got cought up in the battle (and won) but I lost all my warmth trying to kill the stupid cats. I attempted to "warm" Lara by firing a fire arrow under me but instead of warming then quickly healing (which is possible with the Conflict of Interest card), she "froze" and collapsed into the ground... into the fire... and instead of healing... died.

--> Point of the above story is I got to 7 days without incountering a crash. I did find many parts where the frame rate dropped for a moment, but it never crash. Other thing of note is I did have a significant pause period during this attempt. It didn't crash this attempt, but perhaps it did the others?

Second Attempt:

It crashed on day 1, not even close to becoming night. First thing I ran into was a "saw mill" building, and I climbed up to the third floor for a artifact and instead of grabbing the "swing pole" like she should, Lara went left and fell. Now, I've learned how to determine what a "survivable" fall is... and it was... barely. But before Lara hit the ground, it froze and crashed.

Third Attempt:

I think it was Day 6 Morning. This attempt went a lot like the first one (except I had to fight 2 Bears at the same time instead of that mess of enemies from the first attempt), but I was just approaching one of those "walled off" village settlement type places and it just suddenly froze and crashed. I didn't select anything, push any buttons except to go forward, and I wasn't under attack. It just randomly crashed.


I think all my "first" attempts (getting out of the game, restarting it, and going back through all settings - difficulty, challenges, cards - are the only ones where I never crashed. This might not be true for others, but I have noticed that the game acts weirdly when you play a level too many times by hitting "restart level" or "restart endurence".

For the "Prophet's Blessing" Expndition Level, if you "restart" the level too many times without getting out of the level AND game, you notice some things don't reload properly. One of the enemies disappears when you attempt to kill him with the knife, and another one just doesn't appear after about 2 restarts. For other levels, animals start appearing less and less the more restarts you do. Maybe that's been fixed in the latest patch, but, the point is restarting it would doing a COMPLETE restart seems to make it load less and less.

Then again, I think my 14 day attempt metioned in the first post was a 3rd or 4th attempt. I don't know. Perhaps it's time related (reality time not in-game endurance time) like shahzadbahi said. I'll test the "don't ever pause the game" theory later.

What I don't understand is why I only got these crashes recently (While the "Prophet's Blessing glitches were there, Endurance Mode never crashed before the last patch). I purchased the season pass, and I've not had any issues like this until recently. Is it the patch?

I'll see what I can find out tomorrow going for a run without pausing.

EDIT: Shahzadbahi, my power supply has 1050 watts. I can run Dragon Age Inquisition at nearly maxed out settings without issue. I doubt that is the case.
Crusader Vanguard 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 25일 오후 9시 06분
Game Cooker US Rocks VR 2016년 2월 25일 오후 9시 55분 
shahzadbahi님이 먼저 게시:
I forgot to mention that I am running @ 2560x1440. and that 980 GTX is 4GB and as far as I know GPU memory doesn't stack if you've SLI setup ... I can play @ very high Texture but the result is not smooth even on my XB270HU Gsync... so I bumped it down and it runs sliky smooth :)..

I am sorry the game crashes on your system... how big is your power supply ? just asking, once I had a system that would crash randomly and it turned out the Power Supply was the culprit and couldn't provide enough juice when the graphics card starts chugging. along.
I have a 650watt PS. It is a name brand but I forget which kind. It should be more than enough for a gtx 970 with the settings I run the game at now. I hope they can better optimize the game to handle the memory issue because that is what I think it is. My card should eat it for breakfast but it does not. I am no expert though.
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 26일 오후 12시 57분 
I died on day 8 this time because Lara wouldn't warm herself up again. But I think I found a "temporary" solution:

1. Start the game and start an edurance run with your own settings, challenges, and cards.
2. Make this first run count, because it is your only run!
3. Do not pause the game for any longer than a few moments, as significiant pauses start leading to problems.
4. If you fail or die, even if it's day 1, DO NOT RESTART the Endurence mode run by hitting the "restart" button in the pause menu. Crashes are much more likely to appear in runs that are "restarted".

I've tried this method twice. Got to day 7 night and day 8 morning before dying, without any signs of crashing.

Hope this helps someone.
Crusader Vanguard 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 26일 오후 12시 57분
shahzadbahi 2016년 2월 26일 오후 3시 11분 
I can confirm that I don't encounter a crash when I don't pause or not more than a few moments while playing endurance, Crusader Vanguard's workaround works for me at least.

This is off topic but CV (Crusader Vangard) mentioned Lara not warming up... I encoutered a bug where the Siberian Tiger just wouldn't die no matter how many time I shot it with fully upgraded rifle at point blank range or fire arrow with a compound arrow ... it was hilariously unfunny when it killed me on Day 11 :(
Nom_Nom 2016년 2월 26일 오후 3시 27분 
I think pausing the game makes the game lose focus, for me the game crashes when I replay the Endurance mode.
Nom_Nom 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 26일 오후 3시 27분
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 26일 오후 5시 18분 
shahzadbahi님이 먼저 게시:
I can confirm that I don't encounter a crash when I don't pause or not more than a few moments while playing endurance, Crusader Vanguard's workaround works for me at least.

Glad it helped someone. I have done another run where I made it to Day 8 again, and following my own instructions and it ran perfectly. I believe the workaround works thankfully! I added the "temporary fix" at the top of the original post.

shahzadbahi님이 먼저 게시:
This is off topic but CV (Crusader Vanguard) mentioned Lara not warming up... I encoutered a bug where the Siberian Tiger just wouldn't die no matter how many time I shot it with fully upgraded rifle at point blank range or fire arrow with a compound arrow ... it was hilariously unfunny when it killed me on Day 11 :(

"Hilariously unfunny" is a good term for such things...

At least you can posion bears at they will stop moving. Dodge is all you can do for the Lynx. Closest I found to that was a Trinity soldier (bolt action rifle variant) stuck froze behind a large crate just stuck... froze. I shot him in the head 5 times with an arrow, but he didn't die or move. So... I just left him there.

I have noticed a few times where Lara will not accept an "alternative" warming source (like fire or explosive arrows). Normally, a second attempt at whatever you were trying to do works, except when you are nearing complete freezing and die anyway. The Greek Fire Codex Skill seems to be the most prone to this.

There are 3 cards that I use (1 new after discovering Lara sometimes refuses to warm up) that greatly help your chances of surviving longer... assuming you don't kill yourself along the way:

1. Conflict of Interest: This (especially coupled with the Iron Hide skill in the Brawler Tree) will allow Lara to warm up from a fire arrow shot on the ground and get to full warmth before the fire can kill her. So as long as you are not a "I don't take damage at all" type player, this can save your life in an absolute emergency situation.

2. Kain & Raziel: These two cards give Lara a "medium" amount of food and warmth respectively for melee kills. The food one seems a little small in my opinion, but 3 stealth melee kills later it's a game saving card. The warmth one is a significiant boost, as I was very close to red on the warmth meter and I stealth killed two enemies in a row, bring my warmth meter back up to almost full.

I couple these 3 with Grip (yes, it's annoying, but the 100% percent score bonus is worth it) and Polar Bear (I found ways to minimize the amount of time I have to swim, if I have to swim at all during a run, so it's a nice boost that really has no effect on my runs). Total bonus is 120%.

Of course... none of these help you with a Trinity pyromanizer, and since he can't be stabbed or posioned, I died before I realized he wasn't a normal or elite Trinity soldier. Explosive arrows... needed two explosive arrows.

Well, here we go again! :)
Crusader Vanguard 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 26일 오후 5시 18분
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 26일 오후 10시 15분 
Finally got it! 20 days and extracted. Took just under 3 hours. The method described here works! I had a few "scare" moments when my computers frame rate dropped significiantly and almost froze, but it never did. Almost forgot about the crashing for those 3 hours.

I believe the workaround we developed (and now at the top of the original post) will work for everyone until Square Enix can address this... if they address it.

Thanks everyone! Got the run I wanted!

Edit: The record for the most artifacts in a run is: 4,294,965,336. Wow... he must be the guy who "survived" 308 days and got stats as if he survived an Endurance run for a thousand years. The leaderboards need cleaning.
Crusader Vanguard 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 2월 26일 오후 10시 18분
Game Cooker US Rocks VR 2016년 2월 27일 오후 3시 13분 
XxThEK3LLERWiThIn84xX님이 먼저 게시:
I think pausing the game makes the game lose focus, for me the game crashes when I replay the Endurance mode.
Mine crashes no matter what and I do not tink I ever paused the game once in all the times I played. I just leave her sit there if I have to go afk. I have a stay warm card though. But I die from starvation or trinity attackers, lol. I don't take my time though. ;-) The crashes still stink because I never get past day 2.
Crusader Vanguard 2016년 2월 27일 오후 4시 04분 
Game Cooker US Rocks님이 먼저 게시:
Mine crashes no matter what and I do not tink I ever paused the game once in all the times I played. I just leave her sit there if I have to go afk. I have a stay warm card though. But I die from starvation or trinity attackers, lol. I don't take my time though. ;-) The crashes still stink because I never get past day 2.

If you never get passed day 2 (even using the workaround posted at the top of the original post) then I think you have more of a problem than just whatever causes the rest of us to crash. I would try downgrading your settling a little and see of that helps. That's about all I can suggest at the moment.
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게시된 날짜: 2016년 2월 25일 오후 1시 54분
게시글: 20