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Nvidia Game Ready Tekken 7 Driver
Dernière modification de Isshak Gravi; 22 mai 2017 à 11h23
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 113
I've got the evga gtx 970 4GB overclocked and a i5 4460, hope there isn't any trouble at max settings
Why nvidia says a 1080 ti required if they showcased this game running perfect with a 1080? For 4k.
Dernière modification de EQBoss; 22 mai 2017 à 13h00
Ultimate Senpai a écrit :
I've got the evga gtx 970 4GB overclocked and a i5 4460, hope there isn't any trouble at max settings
the 970 performance are the same of the 1060, so I think for the 1080p and 1440p you got no problem at all...
BossHephaestus a écrit :
Why nvidia says a 1080 ti required if they showcased this game running perfect with a 1080? For 4k.
+1, I think its just a marketing.
On Track a écrit :
Their driver search still only shows 382.05.

If you use you Geforce Experience on the other hand, it'll notify you just fine. but it'll be direct download.
Dernière modification de Temporary; 22 mai 2017 à 17h46
𝒦ℒℬ (banni(e)) 23 mai 2017 à 5h06 
Ultimate Senpai a écrit :
I've got the evga gtx 970 4GB overclocked and a i5 4460, hope there isn't any trouble at max settings

it might if the requirements are a 6gb 10 series GPU. im worried about my 980 , i7 6700k and 16 gb ram..

Make sure to click on "Supported Products". Also not seeing my laptop's 960M
KLaurenceB a écrit :
Ultimate Senpai a écrit :
I've got the evga gtx 970 4GB overclocked and a i5 4460, hope there isn't any trouble at max settings

it might if the requirements are a 6gb 10 series GPU. im worried about my 980 , i7 6700k and 16 gb ram..
Kidding right ? You got a good gpu as well as cpu..it should run at max 1080p 60fps...10 series is recommended by taking higher resolutions into considerations like 4k.

dont know if it has 4k textures in the first place
Dernière modification de samartsog; 23 mai 2017 à 7h16
My previous Nvidia GPU died on the same week as 3 other GPUs of the same model did. Planned obsolescence. I dropped them for AMD because of that crap. Why is BNEI shilling for Nvidia btw? I hope there's no dumbass gameworks in this.
Mr Daylight a écrit :
My previous Nvidia GPU died on the same week as 3 other GPUs of the same model did. Planned obsolescence. I dropped them for AMD because of that crap. Why is BNEI shilling for Nvidia btw? I hope there's no dumbass gameworks in this.
just because u have bad experience doesn't mean we all do. nvidia is the only brand gfx card I use, very good cards, very good performance

what I'm wondering is, is minimum/recommended for 1440p? as in will 860m be fine running game at low-med at 1080p?
Mr Daylight a écrit :
My previous Nvidia GPU died on the same week as 3 other GPUs of the same model did. Planned obsolescence. I dropped them for AMD because of that crap. Why is BNEI shilling for Nvidia btw? I hope there's no dumbass gameworks in this.

don't wanna sound rude or anything, but if 4 nvidia gpus died in within a week, that's probably not their fault at this point.
Shiki Ryougi a écrit :
very good cards, very good performance

You mean apart from lying about VRAM? Or how about adding planned obsolesce so an entire series suddenly die at the same time a month after warranty. Or approaching publishers to inject proprietary technologies and techniques purposely designed to hurt competitors instead of just making a better product. Never forget Crysis 2's overuse of tessellation. Or G-SYNC to compromise the neutrality of monitor manufacturers instead of just making something open like AMD's freesyn? Go ahead, support them all you like but I'm done with those snake-oil merchants.


felys a écrit :
don't wanna sound rude or anything, but if 4 nvidia gpus died in within a week, that's probably not their fault at this point.

Not rude at all but I think you misunderstand... they weren't all mine. 3 other correspondence on a forum reported their GPU of exact same model dying within suspiciously close timeframe. I know planned obsolesce is a thing in almost every product these days but for it to be that bad (only had the GPU 3 years) and to happen right after warranty.... well I have my limits. I'm sure they expected me to buy another GPU because if it. They were right... but I wasn't about to get their garbage again.
I dont beleive that 1080ti is needed for 4k max settings 60 fps on a fighter. I upgradedd cpu and ram 2 motnhs ago and now i have Ryzen 1700 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHZ but i kept my GTX 970 G1 GAMING and 1440p monitor DELLP2416D 1440P 60 HZ IPS. Iam sure it will run at max settings 1440p 60 fps with no issues.Iam sure of it! Just like evry other fighter runs 1440p 60 fps max settings. A 1080ti will run it at 200 fps 1440p max settings and 100+ fps on 4k. Perfect for those new 4k 144hz HDR monitors that release next months. Yesif you are going to get one of those monitors a 1080ti will be recomend in order to run the game at max settings 4k 144 fps. But for 4k max settings 60 fps? I dont think so.
And here I am with my laptop running a crappy 940M video card. I just hope I can play the game smoothly at 60fps even if it has to be on the lowest detail settings.
Dernière modification de エル ヂヤブロ マチョ; 29 mai 2017 à 0h55
940m can do 60fps ! @ 800*600 of course
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