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Will the finished game have a singleplayer campaign ?

uhm.. will the game have a singleplayer campaign when its finished ?? i'm interested in the game but i would love to know if its focused on online racing or if its a combination of solo modes (in which a campaign is the most important one) and online play.

would be awesome if someone can answer me before the sale ends ;)

best regards
< >
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hm.. anyone who can help me with this ? who has an answer to this ? the sale is ending soon and i need to know that. i won't buy it for the full price because i made too many early access mistakes (nearly all of them don't turn out as good as promised).

or is this game so unbelievably dead that no one is even on this forum ?? because it sure looks like that :(:(:(
dude, 10 hours ago it was full night in Europe and evening in US so wait :p. But if I remember well it's specified in the Early Access Box of the Steam Page of the game (and the game is not dead, they released an update last week ;))
i know but the sale timer is counting towards the end and considering there are only a few ppl here in this forum at all i was worried i won't get an answer at all.

i meant dead in terms of online community which seems to not exist at all. but thanks for half the answer :D i read the early access box and theres nothing about a campaign in there.. or maybe i'm blind..

edit: furtheremore the early access box seems to not have been updated at all since a year. all the information is old. like they want the game to be in early access for 8 months and released in the first half of 2016. well that didn't happen.


it doesn't contain any crucial information. if the things specified in the early access box are really final (like 8 tracks only) then i won't buy it because it won't have enough content, even for the current price.

edit2: btw the early access box and the store page content are completely different. on the storepage there are other informations like 22 tracks and so on.. so whats right now ? in terms of informations its a total mess
Naposledy upravil MONZUN; 26. srp. 2016 v 1.53
so.. anyone who might answer me ? maybe anyone of the devs. i see you are active right now on the forum.. 18 minutes ago you answered to someone elses tread about something else ?

or don't you care about a sale ? its not looking like the game sells at all tbh.. throughout the entire sale period only 1 new review was posted i think so maybe 10-20 ppl bought the game. not really looking promising :( my interest is actually fading after seeing all this despite loving how the gameplay looks. won't buy a dead on arrival game without really good worthwhile singleplayer ;) i think thats understandable :D
never stated an sp campaign i think its just custom events - read the ea description
they want esports yet this game has no skill to properly support it
Naposledy upravil _doglmao; 26. srp. 2016 v 9.08
ahh alright.. yeah i read the entire store page more then once in a desperate attempt to find a campaign stated there.. unfortunately you are right and i'm really disappointed :( with custom events only in singleplayer the game will get boring after 2-5 hours and online it will definitely be dead on arrival, its delusional to hope for something else in terms of online racing :(

i wish i would be wrong, but in the end i'm going to be right unfortunately -.- game like these have no future in terms of multiplayer these days, regardless of how much i love them :(

edit: thanks for the answer, this thread is solved for me :)
Naposledy upravil MONZUN; 26. srp. 2016 v 9.10
purdisc  [vývojář] 26. srp. 2016 v 9.34 
hi mOnzun

apologies for not getting to your question quicker - with 22 unanswered posts this morning (PST) I start from the oldest and work my way forwards (occasionally jumping on something higher up if it catches my eye)

To answer your question: YES, the finished game/final release WILL have a single player campaign mode.

The Multiplayer community will be more consistent in future as we start to bring all the TPP together to test things out. Even with the number of Formula Fusion owners it's difficult to get everyone on at the same time.

Multiplayer still has plenty of optimisation to go but for now, if you find someone who's in the same geo as you it works reasonably well. Not perfect,'s pre-alpha EA

Please buy and let us know what you think

mOnzun původně napsal:
ahh alright.. yeah i read the entire store page more then once in a desperate attempt to find a campaign stated there.. unfortunately you are right and i'm really disappointed :( with custom events only in singleplayer the game will get boring after 2-5 hours and online it will definitely be dead on arrival, its delusional to hope for something else in terms of online racing :(

i wish i would be wrong, but in the end i'm going to be right unfortunately -.- game like these have no future in terms of multiplayer these days, regardless of how much i love them :(

edit: thanks for the answer, this thread is solved for me :)
purdisc původně napsal:
hi mOnzun

apologies for not getting to your question quicker - with 22 unanswered posts this morning (PST) I start from the oldest and work my way forwards (occasionally jumping on something higher up if it catches my eye)

To answer your question: YES, the finished game/final release WILL have a single player campaign mode.

The Multiplayer community will be more consistent in future as we start to bring all the TPP together to test things out. Even with the number of Formula Fusion owners it's difficult to get everyone on at the same time.

Multiplayer still has plenty of optimisation to go but for now, if you find someone who's in the same geo as you it works reasonably well. Not perfect,'s pre-alpha EA

Please buy and let us know what you think

mOnzun původně napsal:
ahh alright.. yeah i read the entire store page more then once in a desperate attempt to find a campaign stated there.. unfortunately you are right and i'm really disappointed :( with custom events only in singleplayer the game will get boring after 2-5 hours and online it will definitely be dead on arrival, its delusional to hope for something else in terms of online racing :(

i wish i would be wrong, but in the end i'm going to be right unfortunately -.- game like these have no future in terms of multiplayer these days, regardless of how much i love them :(

edit: thanks for the answer, this thread is solved for me :)

yay, thanks for this incredible and detailed answer !! this makes me want the game again and maybe i'll buy it within the next few hours as long as its on sale.

really happy about the campaign mode because i fear that the multiplayer community will still be nearly non-existent as it always is with such niche games :( even worms games have nearly dead communities these days (the new one wmd is incredible.. bought it pre-release but its already dying out and it only has been 3 days. in a week or 2 there will be no one left -.-

thanks for the answer again.

maybe it would be good for you to update the store page with new information ?? because the information seems old and contradictory (i was following this game from the very beginning). the early access box states completely different content than the store page itself. furthermore the campaign mode is not even on the store page. for future interested customers it would be nice if you could update the store page according to the newest informations :)
Naposledy upravil MONZUN; 26. srp. 2016 v 9.43
well i bought it now and i hope it will be as good as it looks on the videos :D i always hoped for a wipeout on pc and with a bit of luck this will be it :D looking forward to playing this game and especially to the finished product which hopefully won't take a few years anymore :D
purdisc  [vývojář] 26. srp. 2016 v 11.16 
thanks for buying EA - yes - Store page needs updating
purdisc původně napsal:
thanks for buying EA - yes - Store page needs updating

so i really love the game. i'Ve to admit i felt at home within the first minute of playing it.. unfortunately the performance is far from great. on epic settings i barely reach 30fps (i've a gtx 670@680 right now and playing on 1080p) and on high preset i get like 30-50fps depending on the track.

though i expect that to be much better once the game has progressed further right ?! anyway i'm planning on buying a new gpu anyway (gty 1060 or a old 980ti because they are getting cheap now) so i most most likely won't have any problem with performance at all..

btw i love nearly everything about the game but the menue system is not that great because its hard to see what is selected and what is not AND i unfortunately hate the music :( i thought it would be more pumping but its like idk.. smartphone ring tones lol.

the gameplay though feels incredible. the steering is superb and i didn't need even a minute to be able to drive without bumping much into the walls :D (idk why because i haven't played a wipeout game in like 10 years or even longer)

you are definitely on the right track with the game and i hope you will stay on it until the game is finished.
Naposledy upravil MONZUN; 26. srp. 2016 v 11.31
purdisc  [vývojář] 26. srp. 2016 v 11.40 
thanks mOnzun

a 670 is above min spec but a 1060 would definitely sort you out - in the meantime try and tweak some of the Post Pro options in Custom and that should help things

Optimisation is coming along and we are clearly aiming at 60fps min for consoles and most pcs. Many people have reported seeing jumps in fps to over 100 since we started optimising.

Have you tried upgrading the handling in the Garage - you'll find it makes a huge difference

mOnzun původně napsal:
purdisc původně napsal:
thanks for buying EA - yes - Store page needs updating

so i really love the game. i'Ve to admit i felt at home within the first minute of playing it.. unfortunately the performance is far from great. on epic settings i barely reach 30fps (i've a gtx 670@680 right now and playing on 1080p) and on high preset i get like 30-50fps depending on the track.

though i expect that to be much better once the game has progressed further right ?! anyway i'm planning on buying a new gpu anyway (gty 1060 or a old 980ti because they are getting cheap now) so i most most likely won't have any problem with performance at all..

btw i love nearly everything about the game but the menue system is not that great because its hard to see what is selected and what is not AND i unfortunately hate the music :( i thought it would be more pumping but its like idk.. smartphone ring tones lol.

the gameplay though feels incredible. the steering is superb and i didn't need even a minute to be able to drive without bumping much into the walls :D (idk why because i haven't played a wipeout game in like 10 years or even longer)

you are definitely on the right track with the game and i hope you will stay on it until the game is finished.
purdisc původně napsal:
thanks mOnzun

a 670 is above min spec but a 1060 would definitely sort you out - in the meantime try and tweak some of the Post Pro options in Custom and that should help things

Optimisation is coming along and we are clearly aiming at 60fps min for consoles and most pcs. Many people have reported seeing jumps in fps to over 100 since we started optimising.

Have you tried upgrading the handling in the Garage - you'll find it makes a huge difference

mOnzun původně napsal:

so i really love the game. i'Ve to admit i felt at home within the first minute of playing it.. unfortunately the performance is far from great. on epic settings i barely reach 30fps (i've a gtx 670@680 right now and playing on 1080p) and on high preset i get like 30-50fps depending on the track.

though i expect that to be much better once the game has progressed further right ?! anyway i'm planning on buying a new gpu anyway (gty 1060 or a old 980ti because they are getting cheap now) so i most most likely won't have any problem with performance at all..

btw i love nearly everything about the game but the menue system is not that great because its hard to see what is selected and what is not AND i unfortunately hate the music :( i thought it would be more pumping but its like idk.. smartphone ring tones lol.

the gameplay though feels incredible. the steering is superb and i didn't need even a minute to be able to drive without bumping much into the walls :D (idk why because i haven't played a wipeout game in like 10 years or even longer)

you are definitely on the right track with the game and i hope you will stay on it until the game is finished.


yeah i will look into the custom graphics options but it doesn't bother me that much right now because as written i'll buy at least a 1060 if not an even better gpu :D

handling ? uhm i didn'T upgrade anything but even the standard handling without upgrades felt incredibly good :D maybe its just me because prior to buying it i read pretty much and most ppl complain aber stuff like the fire effect on the cars (its not the prettiest one but ppl are exaggerating in my opinion. its ok and i could even live with this) and the handling too but to me the handling felt very intuitive and i was able to handle the car without even a minute of training :D maybe it just suits myself well idk :D

overall i'm positively surprised, because especially after reading through the forum and the reviews i expected something worse. the game is obviously missing much content right now but i expect to to get much more content till its final release and it most likely has some bugs (i got a freeze on the menue where i couldn't go back from the garage to the main menue and had to restart the game but thats ok too because the game is assumingly still far from being finalised :D) but overall it already feels like a quality product considering the gameplay itself. love it, ofc i'll keep the game and won't refund it and i'm very curious how it will turn out when its finished :D

as written in my opinion you are on the right track to a quality product that can compete with triple aaa if nothing goes wrong till the final release :)

thank you for the time you invested in my thread. also very happy to see such a dedicated dev ! :)
purdisc původně napsal:
thanks mOnzun

a 670 is above min spec but a 1060 would definitely sort you out - in the meantime try and tweak some of the Post Pro options in Custom and that should help things

Optimisation is coming along and we are clearly aiming at 60fps min for consoles and most pcs. Many people have reported seeing jumps in fps to over 100 since we started optimising.

Have you tried upgrading the handling in the Garage - you'll find it makes a huge difference

mOnzun původně napsal:

so i really love the game. i'Ve to admit i felt at home within the first minute of playing it.. unfortunately the performance is far from great. on epic settings i barely reach 30fps (i've a gtx 670@680 right now and playing on 1080p) and on high preset i get like 30-50fps depending on the track.

though i expect that to be much better once the game has progressed further right ?! anyway i'm planning on buying a new gpu anyway (gty 1060 or a old 980ti because they are getting cheap now) so i most most likely won't have any problem with performance at all..

btw i love nearly everything about the game but the menue system is not that great because its hard to see what is selected and what is not AND i unfortunately hate the music :( i thought it would be more pumping but its like idk.. smartphone ring tones lol.

the gameplay though feels incredible. the steering is superb and i didn't need even a minute to be able to drive without bumping much into the walls :D (idk why because i haven't played a wipeout game in like 10 years or even longer)

you are definitely on the right track with the game and i hope you will stay on it until the game is finished.
Wow Purdisc, i didn't know you would be targeting 60fps on consoles, great choice. I can imagine the game selling very well on consoles if you do hit 60fps. At least you have Neo and Scorpio to get you there if you need to lol.
i agree.. on consoles if they get constant 60fps without drops it will most likely sell very well
< >
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 25. srp. 2016 v 15.20
Počet příspěvků: 16