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himmatsj Jan 23, 2016 @ 10:31am
[SPOILERS] How many endings are there?
I got the ending with Clarissa a sour puss, Nona + Ren together, and me and Jonas a happy family.

I chose in the caves to save my friends and was prepared to sacrifice myself.

Do you get different endings if you made different choices? Were there any special considerations for what you did throughout the game that shaped the endings?
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Feylong Mar 14, 2016 @ 4:58pm 
Exact same ending. Really not sure how I could have been nicer to Clarissa.
Last edited by Feylong; Mar 14, 2016 @ 4:58pm
Kibōchen Mar 14, 2016 @ 5:08pm 
I've got the ending with Michael back to life and together with Clarissa, Nona and Ren together, and Alex and Jonas best friends.
SalamiJim Mar 14, 2016 @ 8:25pm 
I got the ending with me and Clarissa making up for the past. Nona and Ren did not get together (he moved away to Cali) and Jonas and I became super close. Also, did the game do the whole time loop thing at the end for anyone else?

And Sylv3ster, you're ending sounds awesome. I tried to like change the past, but I guess I chose the wrong dialogues so Michael still drowned.
SIT_ROM.exe Mar 15, 2016 @ 6:18am 
Crit, if you want to bring Michael back, all you need to do is not say anything for the entire game, and stop Jonas from talking to his mom...
Kibōchen Mar 15, 2016 @ 1:40pm 
Originally posted by SIT_ROM.exe:
Crit, if you want to bring Michael back, all you need to do is not say anything for the entire game, and stop Jonas from talking to his mom...
Actually, there's another way. Once you'rehaving the final flashback with Michael, he would tell you that he's planning to leave. Just tell him not to go, and he will do so. After that, he would never leave, never would drown, so he's still alive.
Last edited by Kibōchen; Mar 21, 2016 @ 11:47am
PixiCode Mar 20, 2016 @ 11:41pm 

Do ALL of the endings have that ♥♥♥♥? It was just a vauge 'hint'... What the hell?! UGH!
Also I saved michael/kept Clarissa together with her/had Jonas be the 'Other Brother' to Jonas aka best friends. Ren and Nona did not get together.
zerogeekuk Mar 21, 2016 @ 4:24am 
I'm of the opinion now (after a playthrough and much time spent watching alternate playthroughs online) that the big twist of the ending isn't as bad as some people think.

In the closing voiceover over the photo when you see a breakdown of your major choices, Alex talks about getting home, what the others went on to do next and so on that implies the gang made it off the island and went on with their lives.

Yes, there's then a reset and we go back to Alex getting ready to head out for the first time, restarting the game, but this is because there are MULTIPLE versions of Alex. It's a neat combo of time travel theory and parallel realities - every playthrough creates a new reality based on the many subtle differences from each attempt, and the survivors of that go on to their lives in the real world.

But! To keep the time loop in place, a version of Alex has to repeat the loop. This one gradually remembers every other attempt, because that's basically us, the player, in the game. There'll be an 'Alex' going through events on the island over and over because that's the only way any of the other multiple versions of Alex, Jonas, Ren, Nona, Clarissa (and even Michael) can get away.

In some realities, fewer people survive, relationships are changed and the outcomes for the survivors' lives are different. You can even 'break' time and create a reality where Michael lives, after all.

So for everyone upset when it looks like Alex gets stuck looping on the island forever, just remember that technically, one of the infinite versions of her does, yes, but countless other versions of her escape and go back into the real world their live their lives out thanks to the sacrifice of that one 'looper'.

Does that make sense to anybody else?
Kibōchen Mar 21, 2016 @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by zerogeekuk:
Does that make sense to anybody else?
That's some serious Rick & Morty ♥♥♥♥ lol
A3 EZ 47 Mar 21, 2016 @ 10:31pm 
At least we don't get those cronenberg versions of the gang. But ya that dose make sense now that I think of it. Almost a clever way of metagaming a forth wall break
Lucius Mar 22, 2016 @ 12:12am 
Got the ending with Nona and Ren together, me and Jonas as real brother and sister and I made up with clarissa.
Thank you so much zerogeekuk for explaining that. I was really shocked because she would repeat the story again and again forever. I really like it that the timetravel thing works out in the end unlike certain other games I'll never mention again.
what was also extremly cool the reflection of alex had my name. That's brilliant. I love this game so much.
zerogeekuk Mar 22, 2016 @ 1:55am 
Another good way to look at it is the game is... (spoiler tagged just in case)

It's like a rollercoaster loop - there are always a handful of 'Alex's on the loop at any one time. You encounter other Alex's at various points in the loop when you see the other Alex's in mirrors.

When the credits roll, look for the names by the three 'Ghost Alex' credits - these will be other online players whom you encountered during your run and gave you advice through the mirrors. Exactly how 'Journey' works, I guess?

So the story only 'loops' from your perspective, not that of the Alex you've just got through the game. 'Your' Alex finishes and goes on with her life, and the next 'Alex' is then yours if you carry on playing.

Wubba lubba dub-dub
Last edited by zerogeekuk; Mar 22, 2016 @ 1:56am
AllSystemsGo Dec 12, 2016 @ 8:07pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that was quite the ride. I really want to know what all the possibilities were in the end. I got Clarissa and Alex semi-made up, Ren and Nona not together (Ren in Cali), and Jonas and Alex were siblings, but not close siblings. And Alex expressed an unrequited longing for something more with him. Did that happen to anyone else who got the non-Alex/Jonah hookup ending?

Thanks Zero for your explanation, I was really wondering what the hell those other names had been; that is so clever. So we, as the player, are the infinitely lopping Alex, because we can play the game over and over again. Wow.
But did anyone else notice everyone's eyes in the final picture go red when Alex starts talking about getting ready for the island trip? Everyone but Jonas' eyes glowed red for me....

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Date Posted: Jan 23, 2016 @ 10:31am
Posts: 12