Novus Inceptio
 Este tema se ha marcado como fijo, por lo que probablemente sea importante
Pařanoik.CZ 14 ENE 2017 a las 12:28 a. m.
__ FAQ __
Please keep in mind that it is possible that answers could be added or updated during time.


I can see only black screen, game won't load
Issue is mostly caused by Unity loader and your monitor detection. Please check loader settings and select proper monitor.

I'm experiencing huge fps drops, what should I do?
Root cause of this is recent update of Unity engine. We are still working on identification of root cause of this.

Horrible FPS drop after restarting game
This is usualy caused by some communication flaw between GPU drivers and Unity. We are still researching root cause of the issue to avoid it in future. Issue causes running game on integrated graphics instead of dedicated one. You'll need to check and change your GPU settings and its default GPU processor for certain applications. Sorry, there is no universal howto because every vendor uses different concept.

I can see message like "you do not have activated Steam"
Your steam is not running or not in online state.

I can't create account, no error is displayed
Check your firewall settings, it probably blocks game from connecting to our server.

My cursor behave weird
There is known issue related to HW, DX11 and Unity combination. It is nothing we can fix (Unity devs have to do it). Seems that turning on vSync (Settings / Video) and or switching to windowed mode solves the issue for many people. There are curently no recent reports of this issue, if you have any troubles, please report them.

Cannot move window as top left corner is out of screen (or "need reset settings")
UI scaling could become weird in some cases of update and resolution changes. To fix this, best way is to reset your windows (and all settings). To do so
1) Turn off the game
2) Search "regedit" in your Windows and run it
3) Search in registry tree for -> "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / McMagic Productions"
4) Delete folder "Novus Inceptio" inside "McMagic Productions" folder.
5) Run the game
6) If you can't see your window after activating it, rerun game with higher resolution and change UI scaling. Then rerun game with your prefered resolution.


I'm moving freaking sloooooow
Check your inventory. When you are over 90% of capacity, your speed is being penalized. Move your stash to A2-A inventory, drop it or destroy (small recycle icon on inventory bottom right corner). You can also try to run (hold Shift key during movement). Btw check also your skillbars, these works as belts, you have maybe big stack of something here. Another issue could be lack of stamina which is needed for walking/running. If you are standing still and your stamina is being lowered, you have probably accidentaly enabled climbing skill. You can anytime refill your stamina with some small snack.

Windows are each over another, can't move them
Drag them by text in header and place whetever you want. Header with text is ONLY space reacting on dragging. However, there are few reported cases of stuck inventory window. Try to close them all with Esc and open again.

I was kicked from anomaly but I was far from exit
You have limited time to get through. This is preparation to future when there will be bigger environments where you will have to chose what to do and do not loot everything. There is also confirmed issue so if you were visiting anomalies for some time, there get something wrong inside game client and you'll get kicked usually instantly after entering it. Right now, restarting game client is only solution.

I cannot place building part where I want, it doesn't allow me to change level
If you're trying to get lower and it looks like it is working for a moment (then it returns to higher level), problem is in building tool. It will currently disallow you to place building parts below your character's level. So, turn off the tool and try to move your char to below level than your house.

I need Singleplayer save
Saves are located in C:\Users\_yourname_\AppData\LocalLow\McMagic Productions\Novus Inceptio. File works as emulation of our storage server so it contains all your characters. There is no history for them, just current state. So backup it for cases of some destructive research or moving to new system.
To see files, you'll need to show hidden files. To do so, see this topic:

My A2-A is overloaded
In curent version, A2-A carriage capacity is unlimited. This is because of balancing weight of items, character strength and A2-A upgrades. Carry limit will apply oneday, but there will be time to get prepared for it. Or maybe not, we are also hoarder, we like our A2-As loaded with 30tons of stuff.


What is Single and Ghost mode?
Single mode is pure offline singleplayer game. You can make research there, test whatever you want. Your save location is stored ONLY on your computer. Also, it doesn't require running steam on background.
Ghost mode is main game mode. It stores all data on our servers and allow us to analyse your progress to tweak the game. Ghost character will be able to connect to MMO world when released. Connecting to our server requires running and active steam on background.
Both game modes tries to use online chat. Chat is now available to all players with available internet connection. It only uses your character name and is not connected to your account anyhow. Chat is there primarily for quick support between players.
We strongly recommend to play Singleplayer version now, especially if you live outside of EU region as latency could lead into unexpected behaviour.
Also, we plan to allow transfer singleplayer characters to ghost characters and vice versa.

What engine does this game use?
Unity 5 with many personal optimalizations.

What are your plans during early access?
Check this topic on Trello[]. However, main goal is to polish gameplay, balance game mechanics and test MMO version.

How often there will be updates?
There is no plan to make timeframed updates. There will be probably updates with bunch of smaller things on a weekly basis and also big features which can take few weeks to get done.

When will the game exit early access?
There is no exact planned timeframe but most probably after polishing MMO part of the game.

When is MMO (multiplayer/coop) mode planned to be released?
Definitely not in near future. This feature will need big effort to get everything working. But still, for sure there will be issues which will be better to hunt down during early access. Curent goal is to get it done till end of 2018.

Do I need to buy the game when it will be released?
No, you have to pay once. You will not be asked to spent a penny in future.

Will there be any other platforms (mac, consoles)?
Maybe. Curently we want to focus on polishing the game and release first. As we are small team and another platforms requires changes in game itself, it would kill any development now. Also, it's not easy (and cheap) to release game on consoles, so if this will ever happen, it will not be anytime soon.

What will be payment model for MMO mode?
At the moment we are working with few different concepts. There are actually different priorities so we will evaluate this later. But definitelly no pay2win and no monthly fees. Most probably version is to have free to play model with some premium visual content and guild related functionality.

How big will be the world?
Currently 64 square kilometers dedicated for every single player. More worlds will be released with releasing MMO mode or later over time.

Will be possible to run my own server?
No, mainly because of security. However, it would be possible to invite friends to your online realm.

How many playable characters/races/classes will be available?
Based on game concept there is actually only single character. You are now able only to play with male character but there will also female available in future. Character skins are on table, but cannot promise them yet. Concept of the game allows you to do whatever you want, character will skill up with every single action you make, so there are no skillpoints or perks. (Perks are actualy planned but you'll be able to get all of them over time, you'll just have to select their order based on your priorities in game.)

Is there any game story?
Not yet, you can read basis on game description in store.

Why are you doing this game?
In short, fullfilling dream. Doing what we always wanted to do, doing something what we miss in different games.

How many people are working on Novus Inceptio?
There is only single person standing behind whole project from the beginning on 2012 till the mid 2015. After this milestone some work (like 3D models, music) was started to being outsourced. Also, there are several people participating on testing.

So who are you exactly?
30 and something guys working hard.
McMagic is former designer and UI dev standing behind few online gaming portals in Czech Republic. Now working fulltime on Novus Inceptio.
Pařanoik is core hater standing behind 99% of features not implemented in the game because overthinks everything. Curently working as corporate SW tester and testing and supporting NI in free time.
How we got together? I've just came and said that NI sucks and what should be better. McMagic said thanks. We both knew that only constructive critic could move us forward and since then we are working together to do it best as possible.

What about translations to another languages?
Our native language is Czech so all records are in Czech and translated to English then. Most of curently present translations are being made via automatic translations, so overal quality is not as expected, however, it could help a bit with understanding things. Professional translations are no go, as game is under active development and new records are being added all the time. Our goal is to prepare game to at least kind of stable versions (means content stable) and prepare translation tables so anyone could participate on improving translations or even create whole new package.
Última edición por Pařanoik.CZ; 24 MAY 2018 a las 9:08 a. m.
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McP  [desarrollador] 14 ENE 2017 a las 1:44 a. m. 
Failed to Start the Game (Missing Executable)
I see the error "Failed to Start the Game (Missing Executable)" when launching a game through Steam. What can I do?

This error results from the improper delivery of necessary game files. Please follow the steps below to initiate a small download of the missing content:
1.Completely exit Steam.
2.Navigate to your Steam installation folder (~C:\Program Files\Steam)
3.Delete the 'appcache' folder.
4.Restart your computer and attempt to launch the game through Steam

This should can fix this problem.

The game requires a 64bit OS - the game does not run thus on 32bit OS.

The game crashed when loading

Really meet the hardware requirements for the game - especially the size of RAM (you need to desired size to add the RAM the memory requirement for the your system)?

It does not run in the background of other applications too?

Alternatively, send us output_log.txt of the game - as soon as the crash of the games, so send us this file by email: AT for review.
(The file you can found in the folder with the game in the subfolder "NovusInceptio_Data")

If you have an integrated graphics, so it is possible that the game will fall - a game not officially supported an integrated graphics as HD3000.

How to set a default graphics card
1) Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel by right clicking on your desk top and clicking on "NVIDIA Control Panel".
2) In the default screen that pops up (it should be "manage 3D settings", and the "Program Settings" tab should be automatically selected), under "1. Select a program to customize:" hit the "Add" button.
3) From here, navigate to the folder where your steam games are located. For us, it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common.
4) Select the folder for the game you want to use your NVIDIA card for, and find the .exe for that game (it's usually right in the main game folder). Select it and hit open.
5) Then, under "2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program:" open the drop-down menu and select "High-performance NVIDIA processor".
6) Finally, hit apply in the far bottom right corner, and you should be good to go!
Última edición por McP; 17 MAR 2018 a las 8:29 a. m.
Inri 30 JUN 2017 a las 12:14 p. m. 
Hi, is there any possible solution when I have integrated graphics as you mentioned in second comment? I just bough game, run it and it failed and then I read here that it will not run with exactly my graphic card HD3000 :-(
Thanks for response
McP  [desarrollador] 30 JUN 2017 a las 12:21 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Inri:
Hi, is there any possible solution when I have integrated graphics as you mentioned in second comment? I just bough game, run it and it failed and then I read here that it will not run with exactly my graphic card HD3000 :-(
Thanks for response
We are very sorry, but the game does not officially support integrated graphics cards.
(We also highlight this on the store page in the recommended specifications).

Although we have some players playing our game on HD4000, but we do not know about anyone who succes run the game with HD3000.
We can not promise any possible future support for this graphics cards:(
Therefore, we recommend that you ask Steam for a refund (during a small while, Steam send back your money to you Steam wallet).
Inri 30 JUN 2017 a las 1:26 p. m. 
Thx for fast reply, I will not ask for refund, cos I am willing to support this project/game anyway :-) and luckily I´m going to buy some PC soon so it will be sorted it out. Anyway my mistake in first place, I saw note about integrated cards too late(didn´t read all the way down the spec)
McP  [desarrollador] 30 JUN 2017 a las 1:28 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Inri:
Thx for fast reply, I will not ask for refund, cos I am willing to support this project/game anyway :-) and luckily I´m going to buy some PC soon so it will be sorted it out. Anyway my mistake in first place, I saw note about integrated cards too late(didn´t read all the way down the spec)
Thank you very much for your support - we appreciate it!
Mondhase Fay 22 JUL 2017 a las 1:00 a. m. 
Hmm, do doors actually work? I'm not seeing an option to open my door, and building mode has its share of bugs.
McP  [desarrollador] 22 JUL 2017 a las 1:17 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Faylinn Lily Rose:
Hmm, do doors actually work? I'm not seeing an option to open my door, and building mode has its share of bugs.
The building system still has a lot of shortcomings (we will be tuning, but we have to gradually).

Door should be okay for us - open and close (both cottage house and normal door) - try to describe the door problem in detail to understand the problem (ideally to the game bugs section: )

Thanks a lot!
Mondhase Fay 29 JUL 2017 a las 5:39 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por McMagic Productions:
Publicado originalmente por Faylinn Lily Rose:
Hmm, do doors actually work? I'm not seeing an option to open my door, and building mode has its share of bugs.
The building system still has a lot of shortcomings (we will be tuning, but we have to gradually).

Door should be okay for us - open and close (both cottage house and normal door) - try to describe the door problem in detail to understand the problem (ideally to the game bugs section: )

Thanks a lot!
I just had to wait some minutes, and then the door worked as intended.
sazza0963 6 OCT 2017 a las 12:47 a. m. 
Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but when building/crafting the recipe won't recognise that i have certain items in my inventory, like twine.
I finally found a door blueprint, went in build mode, placed doors in all my doorways, went to build them, but apparently no twine. Go to craft menu, craft twine, return to door, still no twine? had to delete the doors to get in my house. :'(
McP  [desarrollador] 6 OCT 2017 a las 1:04 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por sazza0963:
Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but when building/crafting the recipe won't recognise that i have certain items in my inventory, like twine.
I finally found a door blueprint, went in build mode, placed doors in all my doorways, went to build them, but apparently no twine. Go to craft menu, craft twine, return to door, still no twine? had to delete the doors to get in my house. :'(
We are not sure whether we are well understood.

We tried to build the all type of door now and go to finish it in our case fine.
(We add material - twine for "trunk door" or nails for "wood door" - and other material and everything is ok).

Or is it a problem that the unfinished doors can not be "opened", pass through them?
Jane Doe 6 OCT 2017 a las 1:22 a. m. 
Could be because the twine you had in inventory was T1 or above, and the building windows is asking - by default - for Tier 00; try checking the button "Use any tier" (or similar, is to the mid-left side of the contruction window, I'm not in the game right now), so any materials, of higher tier, can be used.
McP  [desarrollador] 6 OCT 2017 a las 2:00 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Doobie-Doo:
How do you get a sewing kit?
You must to create it - Crafting (key X) the "weapons and tools" section.
At first it is good to produce a "sewing kit" made from stone or bone.
Jane Doe 8 OCT 2017 a las 1:38 a. m. 
Before the last update, when the character reached the age of 75 and died, it respawned with full food / water, no matter the level they were before the critical age.
After the update, newly created clones will retain the food / water level they previously had; is it intended?
Última edición por Jane Doe; 8 OCT 2017 a las 1:41 a. m.
McP  [desarrollador] 8 OCT 2017 a las 3:48 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Jane Doe:
Before the last update, when the character reached the age of 75 and died, it respawned with full food / water, no matter the level they were before the critical age.
After the update, newly created clones will retain the food / water level they previously had; is it intended?
We will fix - hunger and thirst should be restored after death to old age.
McP  [desarrollador] 9 OCT 2017 a las 11:35 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Jane Doe:
Before the last update, when the character reached the age of 75 and died, it respawned with full food / water, no matter the level they were before the critical age.
After the update, newly created clones will retain the food / water level they previously had; is it intended?
0.50.045 - Fixes this issue
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