Play original Fallout demo
Featuring completely unique content not found in the main game:
Stage 1: Download the demo from the Internet Archive. It's just 20mb, so you'll have it in seconds.
Stage 2: Extract the contents of the zip archive to anywhere (even just your desktop). You'll be left with a folder called 'falldemo'.
Stage 3: Inside the falldemo folder you'll find a Falldemo.exe, but don't click it straight away. First, we need to sort compatibility. So, right click on the Falldemo.exe and go to the Compatibility tab. Within that tab, under the Compatibility mode section, select the option to run the .exe in Windows 95 mode.
Stage 4: Finally, in the same Compatibility tab under the 'Display settings' section, tick the boxes to run the .exe in 256 colors and 640 x 480 screen resolution. You're now set to double click the Falldemo.exe and play the Fallout demo.
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Показані коментарі 112 із 12
Ah yes the I can play the demo of the full game i have buy,A true joy to have.
The demo includes a city and characters not available anywhere else in any game in the series, so it's an interesting curiosity for the fan.
There is a mod that brought them back in Fallout 2, but I can't remember which one.
Цитата допису kud1:
The demo includes a city and characters not available anywhere else in any game in the series, so it's an interesting curiosity for the fan.
There is a mod that brought them back in Fallout 2, but I can't remember which one.

No the demo is about Max stone and junk town some event are change or alter but it the same map.
Цитата допису speaker2:
Цитата допису kud1:
The demo includes a city and characters not available anywhere else in any game in the series, so it's an interesting curiosity for the fan.
There is a mod that brought them back in Fallout 2, but I can't remember which one.

No the demo is about Max stone and junk town some event are change or alter but it the same map.

The demo technically delivers stand-alone content that is not available in the full Fallout game, while the game's Junktown location and a few characters are reused in part.
It's heavily based on combat rather than Fallout's RPG elements.

In any case some folks might find interesting to see a piece of gaming history.
Цитата допису TheOrangeBox:
Цитата допису speaker2:

No the demo is about Max stone and junk town some event are change or alter but it the same map.

The demo technically delivers stand-alone content that is not available in the full Fallout game, while the game's Junktown location and a few characters are reused in part.
It's heavily based on combat rather than Fallout's RPG elements.

In any case some folks might find interesting to see a piece of gaming history.

No really,even the dev say It was a Waste of time and ressources.Time much better spend on the actual game as bug fixing and just content in general.
Yes a piece of history But no not in a good way.
Цитата допису speaker2:
Цитата допису TheOrangeBox:

The demo technically delivers stand-alone content that is not available in the full Fallout game, while the game's Junktown location and a few characters are reused in part.
It's heavily based on combat rather than Fallout's RPG elements.

In any case some folks might find interesting to see a piece of gaming history.

No really,even the dev say It was a Waste of time and ressources.Time much better spend on the actual game as bug fixing and just content in general.
Yes a piece of history But no not in a good way.

The only waste I can see is your waste of space in this thread.
Цитата допису TheOrangeBox:
Цитата допису speaker2:

No really,even the dev say It was a Waste of time and ressources.Time much better spend on the actual game as bug fixing and just content in general.
Yes a piece of history But no not in a good way.

The only waste I can see is your waste of space in this thread.

By Chris Taylor,
1-¨¨Personally, with the magic of hindsight, I think the Fallout 1 demo was a mistake. Looking back, I think my issue with the demo is that it took time away from the actual game we could have used for balance issues and bughunting. I also didn't think the demo did a very good job of portraying the actual game. I have had a small measure of regret for the demo ever since we released it. (Insert "I regret nothing!" MST3k joke here!) But if it helped sell a couple of copies... then I guess it worked. We'll never know if not releasing the demo, but having a tighter release product, would have resulted in more sales.¨¨

2- “If I'm not completely senile, there was quite a bit of discussion internally about doing a demo for an RPG when we planning for the FO1 demo. Not many RPGs did demos at the time. Most of those that did were shareware projects, which wasn't going to work for us. I can't remember if everyone on the team was gung-ho for the demo, but I think they were. We just wanted people to play our game!”

Seem somebody is Malding hard that a bring a factual facts into this forum that to happy about ignore ligitimate critic.OH well I guest self awarness is not for the high of ego.
Автор останньої редакції: speaker2; 12 трав. о 3:44
I don't understand where your dislike for this demo comes from? It's just a curiosity. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
Цитата допису kud1:
I don't understand where your dislike for this demo comes from? It's just a curiosity. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

Because the demo is poor representation of the actual game and suffer from that, A good demo should be about showing all the cool thing and BEING HONEST about the full game.

Check Diablo 1 demo is a good exemple of a demo(they even came the same year 1997).
Автор останньої редакції: speaker2; 12 трав. о 3:53
This demo was created almost 30 years ago. Today hardly anyone remembers that such a thing was created, and even fewer people care about it. If someone wants to try the old Fallout, he will easily catch it on some sale for a measly penny. And the demo is a mere curiosity, interesting for a fan, but nothing beyond that.
Цитата допису kud1:
I don't understand where your dislike for this demo comes from? It's just a curiosity. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
I wouldn't pay much attention from someone that's banned on the Fallout 2 forum, some people just cannot help themselves.
Цитата допису TheOrangeBox:
Цитата допису kud1:
I don't understand where your dislike for this demo comes from? It's just a curiosity. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
I wouldn't pay much attention from someone that's banned on the Fallout 2 forum, some people just cannot help themselves.

Just for 1 day,my guys, i will be back more polite and wiser. Even not day, as in less than 6 hour from now on.
Автор останньої редакції: speaker2; 12 трав. о 16:24
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