

starting fallout
I never played fallout but after the serie I got interested and I'd like to start playing it (but there's too many) is there maybe an order (story wise) or can I start with fallout 4?
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
xcre1339 May 23 @ 3:02am 
Id say play new vegas first because it has a mix of a little bit of everything gameplay wise in the series but it you want to get all the cute references and stuff play them in order lol. You can start with 4 but in my opinion its not the best introduction to the whole series
[OCe]Kagari May 23 @ 3:46am 
3 and NV is a bit janky and doesnt age well gameplay wise 1 & 2 has a different gameplay altogether. They are all in one universe but has separate story so starting with 4 is fine.
Last edited by [OCe]Kagari; May 23 @ 3:47am
kud1 May 23 @ 4:58am 
All parts of Fallout ( with the exception of Tactis and Broterhood of Steel, which are non-canonical) take place in the same universe, but each part is a separate story (although there are references). The series also has an apparent division by release time and publisher.
F1 and F2 are turn-based rpgs in isometric view. F3, FNV and F4 are action rpgs in FPP view, such as Skyrim. F76 is a multi game.
For the modern gamer who has had no experience with classic rpgs, the best place to start is with F4. It's far from being the best of the series, but it's the latest installment, so you won't be so glaring with old graphics.
I always recommend 3 or New Vegas as the best starting game. Then whichever of those two you didn't pick go with the other. Then if you liked those games go back and try 1 and 2. 4 is a fun game as well, but it is more action based instead and lacks in meaningful dialogue options and roleplaying elements compared to the previous games.
Originally posted by CringePotato:
I always recommend 3 or New Vegas.

That's like saying start with the best Fallout (NV) or the worst Fallout (3).
Originally posted by Monnsteri:
Originally posted by CringePotato:
I always recommend 3 or New Vegas.

That's like saying start with the best Fallout (NV) or the worst Fallout (3).
Would you rather play the greatest RPG game ever made? Or the worst RPG ever made?
Give a chance to old relic of masterpiece F1,if you start from 4 you'll be way too cheesy to even play other fallouts.
Last edited by KolyaSmirno.; May 28 @ 12:44pm
Dracul May 28 @ 6:40pm 
Don't listen to the new vegats, their frothing hate for bethesda is causing them to try and rob you of the experience. 1,2 and tactics are isometric and play completely differently than the later titles - of those three 2 is regarded as the best, even if you cant really get into them enough to beat them it helps do understand where a lot of the FO3 and NV come from and the soundtrack in particular often has callbacks to the earlier games.

After that you want to start with fallout 3 in my opinion, the first like twenty minutes is iconic and the first time you step out of the vault and see the ruined wasteland of DC shouldnt be missed by any fallout fan for any reason. New Vegas raised the bar gameplay wise and gave so much to explore, but trading the wastland for the mojave was a pretty boring exchange - sand! great.....sand....sand....oh hey, sand. Anything outside of the cities, vaults and DLC locations is, pretty much the same. That being said, new vegas should be your next stop after FO3 in your fallout travels.

Fallout 4 trades away a lot of the core values of the previous games in exchange for way better gunplay and of course graphics, the story isnt really bad either but the dumbed down the RPG part of it and I personally feel they hand you power armor WAY to early in the game. They also added a base building mechanic and tried to turn the world into a kleptomania simulator, where you feel compelled to pick up everything you can cause you may need it to build a water pump or a toaster or something.

Fallout 76 is the red headed step child of the series, it takes all of the worst parts of FO4 and puts it on 'games as a service' style rails, then forces you to play with random people that will brutalize anything resembling immersion if you are trying to actually enjoy the 'story' thats burried in recordings, computer entries and enviromental storytelling unless you cough up money for their subscription model so you can play on a 'private' world. That being said it does have SOME redeeming qualities, chiefly like all fallout games it has some really nice music in its soundtrack and the world is pretty neat to explore including a massive tower (Top of the world) you can visit all of like three times before never being given a reason to ever go back and the initial journey through the main story isnt terrible long as it doesnt bug out.....it might bug out.
Frothing hate for Bethesda? :lunar2019crylaughingpig: Oblivion is one of my favourite games of all time, I have hundreds of hours in Skyrim, I liked Fallout 4 and Starfield. It would be more accurate to say I love Bethesda. That said I'm not gonna be a fanboy and say Fallout 3 is good when it's trash.

The story of Fallout 4 is miles better than Fallout 3. Nearly every character in Fallout 3 talks like they have a brain injury, none of the writing makes any sense and the world isn't coherent at all. I've tried to play that game multiple times, but I can never get immersed in it cos everything is so poorly written.

In the first five minutes some goofball comes asking you to detonate an atom bomb in Megaton cos apparently he can't just do it himself, or instead you can use your 20 repair skill to deactivate a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nuclear bomb as some fresh out the Vault nobody who knows nothing about anything. Then you run into some twilight vampire LARPers, people who actually sound retarded, settlements in the wasteland that make no sense. You have some village of kiddos like they would survive five seconds in the wasteland. You run into some friendly neighbors just hanging in the wasteland (who of course turn out to be cannibals), those pansies would've gotten their eyeballs fed to them by raiders in a truly dangerous, believable wasteland. The wasteland of Fallout 3 does not seem like a dangerous post-apocalyptic wasteland. The whole game feels like a huge LARP-fest.

If you don't care about the story or if the world makes any sense in an RPG and just want to roam a cool looking wasteland, then go for it. The game does look pretty nice (considering the age) and the gameplay is pretty fun.
Last edited by Monnsteri; May 29 @ 1:47am
1 if you are fine with old games
3 if you want to start simple
Krathoon May 29 @ 6:30am 
The series is written where you can play any game. All the stories are self contained.
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