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Save Disappeared on Steam Deck (but still exists in cloud)
I first played this game on the deck. At some point I took a break and when I came back to the game, my save was gone. Steam cloud said it was up to date.

So I installed the game on my desktop and the cloud pulled my existing save. I exited the game and made sure steam cloud said up to date, backed up the saves locally then booted up the game on the deck hoping it would pull the saves off the cloud. Sadly that didn't work.

Next I tried moving the local saves I backed up on my desktop to the deck. I believe I put them in the correct folder (psychonauts base directory > profiles). That didn't work either.

I'm at a loss for what to do now. I was 16 hours into the game and I really don't want to restart. I could play it on my desktop of course but I would prefer to play it on the deck.
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I'm guessing you've already tried restarting Steam on the Deck or just restarting the whole device? Steam is really buggy in general and sometimes restarting is the only way to make it wake up. I've had loads of issues with cloud saves as well. You also said your local save on the Deck is what initially disappeared, back when that was the only device you'd played on? That is so weird, I have no idea how that could happen.
Another suggestion: try running the game on Deck with Proton Experimental if you aren't already (Game Page > Gear Icon > Properties > Compatibility). There is weirdness with save files going between Proton and non-Proton versions of games (i.e. from Deck to PC and vice versa). Some people have said switching to Experimental got the game to pull their save. If that doesn't work, try disabling Steam Cloud for Psychonauts on the Deck, maybe that'll force it to use your local backup instead.
wamel a écrit :
Another suggestion: try running the game on Deck with Proton Experimental if you aren't already (Game Page > Gear Icon > Properties > Compatibility). There is weirdness with save files going between Proton and non-Proton versions of games (i.e. from Deck to PC and vice versa). Some people have said switching to Experimental got the game to pull their save. If that doesn't work, try disabling Steam Cloud for Psychonauts on the Deck, maybe that'll force it to use your local backup instead.
Sorry for the late reply but switching to experimental fixed it! Thanks
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