Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

Fried Rice (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 21 日 下午 9:33
Do The Devs Even Listen?
MM is complete garbage, getting queued into people with over 6000 hours. Constantly getting queued into SWF. When I play survivor, constantly getting a trash camping Bubba. Constantly getting a tunneling garbage can. Constantly getting a trash team that can't seem to do a gen.

This game is just awful to play man, you can't have fun as survivor and you can't have fun as killer, this game is just lame asf. No matter how much I want to enjoy this game, I just can't.
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目前顯示第 1-14 則留言,共 14
LittleEtherKitty 2023 年 2 月 21 日 下午 9:54 
The devs don't look at the steam forums, from what I've heard.
Loathsome Dung Eater (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:17 
Just tunnel man
Roach Shit 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:19 
Gotta tunnel somebody out bro
SkullMerchantEnjoyer (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:51 
Nah, it's fine. If You want good teammates, then you play with friends.
Gaypex matches in ranked games people with 1-2 hours with people, who have for over 9000 hours not touched any grass.
Renjie 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 6:14 
Game is in a terrible state right now, I'd advise you not to play it until they actually do something.
最後修改者:Renjie; 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 6:14
amanda_bhvr  [開發人員] 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 7:56 
引用自 LittleEtherKitty
The devs don't look at the steam forums, from what I've heard.

We look at all platforms!

Matchmaking is something we are always monitoring. Hours do not equate to skill, MMR is done via a skill rating not by hours or time invested, as we are aware that these things do not mean that someone is better or worse at the game.
Fried Rice (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:05 
引用自 amanda_bhvr
引用自 LittleEtherKitty
The devs don't look at the steam forums, from what I've heard.

We look at all platforms!

Matchmaking is something we are always monitoring. Hours do not equate to skill, MMR is done via a skill rating not by hours or time invested, as we are aware that these things do not mean that someone is better or worse at the game.

You're right hours played doesn't necessarily equate skill, but what it does equate to is experience. People who have 6000 hours know the map, know how all the killers work, know how to loop, etc. So usually they will perform better than say someone who has only 200 hours in the game. I still think the mm is terrible, I mean this survivor I played against, I couldn't do anything against her, one of the strongest survivors I've ever played against. So again, this still sounds like an issue with your MM. I don't understand why you guys have MMR in the game, but still choose to hide it... just get rid of it, nobody likes it.
miketheratguy (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:14 
I don't know why they don't base MMR on average points. If a survivor is making about 20,000 points each during a 5 or 6 hour session of playing this game then they shouldn't be placed with someone who's averaging 35,000 points during that same period.

That said, if they weren't listening they wouldn't have introduced new MMR in the first place which they did about a year and a half ago. This kind of stuff is undoubtedly complicated to integrate, and it doesn't help when so many people are complaining that it takes then more than twenty seconds to find a match.
Fried Rice (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:21 
And another thing I've noticed that I'll share here.

I've been playing a lot of meme clown builds lately and just farming bps with party bottles, just so I can get clown to p6, because he's the best killer in the game... jk, but he's fun.

But anyway, what I do is, chase survivors, hit them with bottles, then get 8 hooks, so hook everyone twice. Then after which I let everyone finish the gens and leave. What's funny is my MMR is plummeting to the point where I go against complete noobs. Kinda weird, but again, this game is designed around getting kills... which it shouldn't be. So I guess me not killing the survivors the game decides this guy isn't very good so let's match him with even lower skilled survivors.

So I guess my issue is, why is the game designed around getting kills, more kills = more mmr or something? THat has to be the case, as evident by my clown meme shenanigans. Again, when I started playing the meme/ friendly clown build, I was going against decent survivors, but now, it's nothing but complete noobs.

This game should be designed around getting hooks and good chases, not kills. Because now it's like when I play a killer and I absolutely stomp some noobs, the game instantly matches me with people with 3k hours and I get completely steamrolled. SO conclusion... MM is trash.
miketheratguy (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:36 
引用自 Zero
Then after which I let everyone finish the gens and leave. What's funny is my MMR is plummeting to the point where I go against complete noobs.

The same happened to me with Doctor. After getting really good with him and having the points roll in left and right I started letting survivors go and began preferring it to kills. I just enjoyed it and many of the survivors were really cool about it too. But after doing it long enough I started being faced up against literally brand new players, 0-level people with like 1 yellow perk who just hid in lockers all day. Not only was that not fun, it wasn't a true representation of competition. I understand that it was my own (unexpected) doing, but that didn't change the fact that it was the game putting a thousand-hour killer against people who seemed to be playing the game for the very first time. I'm not sure what the game should consider when putting people against each other. Every metric can be abused, exploited, unintentionally altered, etc.
Dungeons & Incels 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:45 
Sbmm has ruined competitive gameplay. 10k hrs played, even worse meta on both sides because of perk reworks, if you're not at the very top or the very bottom you end up in dirty dishwater matches with people that can play, people that can't play and people that don't want to play to any level of skill, just entitlement.
It's a huge issue.
Tarenmir 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 8:49 
引用自 amanda_bhvr
引用自 LittleEtherKitty
The devs don't look at the steam forums, from what I've heard.

We look at all platforms!

Matchmaking is something we are always monitoring. Hours do not equate to skill, MMR is done via a skill rating not by hours or time invested, as we are aware that these things do not mean that someone is better or worse at the game.

Hi Amanda, what is the impact of answering the question "Did you have fun" at the end of every game? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I guess if I knew what the data is for I would answer more often.
Yakuza enjoyer 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 9:16 
The softcap for MMR is way too low OP. I see you have a bit more than 200 hours , that as you most likely have now guessed is nothing. In no world should you be going against people with 6k hours...but killer is very easy starting off and your MMR quickly rises. The softcap being so low means you get thrown into the same pot as players with 1k more rating than you.

If it makes you feel better , the old system for a newbie wasnt much better. People would derank and newbies were getting put up against veterans then as well. However those were players who were afraid to face the top players, now you have a chance to face actual good players because of the MMR and not just the deranking cowards.

Wish you luck.
Munqaxus (已封鎖) 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 9:34 
引用自 amanda_bhvr
引用自 LittleEtherKitty
The devs don't look at the steam forums, from what I've heard.

We look at all platforms!

Matchmaking is something we are always monitoring. Hours do not equate to skill, MMR is done via a skill rating not by hours or time invested, as we are aware that these things do not mean that someone is better or worse at the game.

Is BHVR looking into the allegations that DCs and Suicides-on-hook have increased since the April 20th, 2022 matchmaking changes? It's all over the forums and streamers are saying it.

Is it possible the April 20th, 2022 matchmaking changes went to far and maybe we'll see MMR tightened up a bit, to be between the original MMR and the changes made on April 20th?

Also, if BHVR going to come out with an official statement on the DCs and Suicides-on-hook? Maybe data showing it has or hasn't increased?
最後修改者:Munqaxus; 2023 年 2 月 22 日 上午 9:35
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張貼日期: 2023 年 2 月 21 日 下午 9:33
回覆: 14