Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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I was permanently suspended, but the developers are shameless.
This article only tells the truth about the recent cases of unfair suspension from the game's developers, the shameless developers who did not take any action against them, and the developers who actually released the suspension of users who used illegal programs directly through partner streamers. I'm just letting you know that this has happened. It's up to you to decide.
I have been playing this game for more than 3,000 hours and I am a Korean user who invested about 1.5 million won (about 1,300 dollars) in Hanwha. That much this game is attached.By the way, Nov. 24 in Korean time in the morning, all of a sudden my dbd were shutdown of the account is permanent.I'm ever a game more than 30 hours, fair play than anyone else has been unfairly blocking users to play suddenly they've not report the stop I'm so embarrassed.
I thought the developers accidentally suspended innocent users, so I put an inquiry on the game website. There were a lot of mistakes like this before.
However, the answer that came back was shocking. The answer was that an external program was caught in my account and that my permanent suspension was also valid. Not only have I not used any external programs in any game, but I also hate people who use them. Just in case, I was suspicious of hacking my Steam account, so I checked the log record and even checked the files on my computer and game integrity, but they were all normal. I sent a request to the developers again to investigate once again because I've never used the program. However, there was an answer saying not to send any more e-mails because I could only make one request per account, and since then, only the answers have been made as if I were a user who used illegal programs. I was unfairly suspended permanently, but I asked for compensation for the money and time this game invested in, but it was rejected. Until I was suspended, I only played games normally. But why are the developers doing this to me?
It is common for developers to stop innocent people and apologize and release them only later. I thought I would apologize and release the suspension only later, but I'm really angry that you're driving me as a bad person.In addition, in order to maintain a relationship with a famous Korean partner streamer or to use such a relationship to release the suspension of users who used illegal programs. Even though the user used illegal programs, he is still playing games proudly. I don't think it makes sense. The developers I see are just bad people who revealed their money and stole my money. What I want is one of the three results. Release my permanent suspension, give me financial rewards, or lose the image of the Behavior developers. It's not just my own greed. There may be another person like me who can be unjustified later. That could be you. It's a reward that those people deserve. Once again, I've only delivered "facts" and the judgment is up to you.
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Εμφάνιση 1-7 από 7 σχόλια
DangerDonkey (Αποκλεισμένος) 9 Δεκ 2021, 4:58 
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από 🍀BE정상따따뀨🍀:
It is common for developers to stop innocent people and apologize and release them only later. I thought I would apologize and release the suspension only later, but I'm really angry that you're driving me as a bad person.In addition, in order to maintain a relationship with a famous Korean partner streamer or to use such a relationship to release the suspension of users who used illegal programs. Even though the user used illegal programs, he is still playing games proudly. I don't think it makes sense

Obviously run through a translator.

I very well could be wrong, but am I reading that a streamer was using some kind of cheat and so you did? Now youre mad because you got banned and the streamer didnt?

Like I said, I could be wrong, but...
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από DangerDonkey:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από 🍀BE정상따따뀨🍀:
It is common for developers to stop innocent people and apologize and release them only later. I thought I would apologize and release the suspension only later, but I'm really angry that you're driving me as a bad person.In addition, in order to maintain a relationship with a famous Korean partner streamer or to use such a relationship to release the suspension of users who used illegal programs. Even though the user used illegal programs, he is still playing games proudly. I don't think it makes sense

Obviously run through a translator.

I very well could be wrong, but am I reading that a streamer was using some kind of cheat and so you did? Now youre mad because you got banned and the streamer didnt?

Like I said, I could be wrong, but...

I am not good at English, so I used a translated language. I'm sorry.

First of all, an anonymous Korean cheat user, not me, was suspended by the developers. However, just by judging that the Korean partner streamer does not seem to be a cheat user, the developers lifted the user's suspension.
Madeline (Αποκλεισμένος) 9 Δεκ 2021, 5:10 
It is really hard to get these guys to ban anyone, so if you got banned you almost certainly earned it.
First, the developers don´t read the forums and second, you are not supposed to argue about bans on the forums. There is nothing anyone here can do for you.
In 5 years of playing this game I have only seen one ban reversed by a mistake and that was a complicated case with a save file. If EAC banned you, you have to contact EAC, if BHVR banned you, you have to contact them. No, a company does not have to give you money back if you cheated.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Cat Night:
First, the developers don´t read the forums and second, you are not supposed to argue about bans on the forums. There is nothing anyone here can do for you.
In 5 years of playing this game I have only seen one ban reversed by a mistake and that was a complicated case with a save file. If EAC banned you, you have to contact EAC, if BHVR banned you, you have to contact them. No, a company does not have to give you money back if you cheated.

I already know about that part. I just want others to be aware of this situation.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Cat Night:
First, the developers don´t read the forums and second, you are not supposed to argue about bans on the forums. There is nothing anyone here can do for you.
In 5 years of playing this game I have only seen one ban reversed by a mistake and that was a complicated case with a save file. If EAC banned you, you have to contact EAC, if BHVR banned you, you have to contact them. No, a company does not have to give you money back if you cheated.

And I never used any cheats. Trust or not is your choice. But I've never used such illegal programs in games that I've devoted my money and time to.
As you have already been told in this thread, we do not discuss bans on the forums. And your permanent ban is between you and Support.
One appeal is allowed per account where everything is checked thoroughly.
We do not ban without proof.
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Εμφάνιση 1-7 από 7 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 9 Δεκ 2021, 4:45
Αναρτήσεις: 7