MRnok14L 13 mai 2016 à 15h42
Just happened to me, if you restart your latest mission after you had replayed previous missions - then ALL your progressions including discovered secrets, collectibles and weapon masteries during earlier revisits will be lost.
Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 14 mai 2016 à 11h31
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eesh. not cool. thanks for the heads up
Thanks for the heads up because i was going to replay some missions to collect stuff i missed.
Wait what?
So this means you lose your stuff if you replay missions? Surely a bug.
Gerg a écrit :
Wait what?
So this means you lose your stuff if you replay missions? Surely a bug.

Yes, you'll lose stuff - but not by replaying previous missions.

It seems like the progression of each mission is not registered & saved independently - and is bound with your latest mission. Which is to say, if you RESTART your latest mission then all the progression you made during the earlier revisit(s) will be lost.



Practically speaking, if you intend to revisit previous missions - or you had already done that, then do not restart your latest mission after resuming it; use CONTINUE MISSION from the main menu instead to pick up where you left off.
Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 11 déc. 2023 à 23h44
Is there a way to recover all my progression? just happened to me.. jessus, 2 dfays of replays
Steeb a écrit :
Is there a way to recover all my progression? just happened to me.. jessus, 2 dfays of replays

I don't think so - unless you backed up the folder where the save files are kept.
That's very annoying.
Well, i checked in the main menu the collectibles panel, and i still have all the collectibles, even if in the select mission menu i lost my progress in some missions. (same thing for the classic doom maps)
I guess that i can still have the achievements without repating the process. Indeed for the armor upgrades i have to repeat again all the levels.
i have similar problem in the main menu it shows i have all chalanges complete for every map yet i dont get the achievment and if i revisit some stages they are not complete

maybe its the same bug but it sucks
Vamphaery a écrit :
I'm still confused. Are you saying we can't use SELECT MISSION to play missions we've completed at our liesure

After using 'SELECT MISSION' to replay/revisit previous mission(s), only use 'CONTUNUE MISSION' to resume playing your latest mission AND do not use 'RESTART MISSION' on it if you lost track of progress in the latest mission; instead, complete it then use 'SELECT MISSION' to replay it - then use 'CONTINUE MISSION' to resume to the next mission which will be the latest one by this point.

Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 16 mai 2016 à 23h56
Unfortunately I was FORCED to restart a mission because of a level design bug where I backtracked to look for secrets and a door leading to the exit closed making it impossible to finish the map. And yep I lost all my progression.

In short, all the stuff you find and points you spend in any mission are not permanent until you have finished that mission. At least I think that is what the OP is saying.

p.s. the bugged mission is the first one you go to Hell called "Into the Fire". When you get to the area near the end where you encounter a Baron of Hell for the first time (and there is a quad damage nearby), DO NOT backtrack out of the main door to that area (that's the door where a Super Shotgun is lying just outside), as that door can close and you might get check-pointed OUTSIDE it, as I did, making the mission impossible to finish.
Dernière modification de Ghostlight; 16 mai 2016 à 1h55
Vamphaery a écrit :
NOKIA SE a écrit :

After using 'SELECT MISSION' to replay/revisit previous mission(s), only use 'CONTUNUE MISSION' to resume playing your latest mission AND do not use 'RESTART MISSION' on it.

But exiting the game completely after replaying a mission successfully with "select mission" and then returning to "select mission" is safe, right?

What you said will be fine - because the progression lost that we're talking about in this thread is not reuslted from using 'SELECT MISSION' to replay other mission(s) as I pointed out in #4 post.

The progression you gained from replaying previous missions will only be saved upon completing your current latest mission.
Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 11 déc. 2023 à 23h48
I don't understand the problem here. If you want to replay a mission, you just go into the Mission select menu and pick the level there. It even warns you when you're about to restart a mission you haven't completed and tells you what you'll lose.
I don't understand the problem here. If you want to replay a mission, you just go into the Mission select menu and pick the level there. It even warns you when you're about to restart a mission you haven't completed and tells you what you'll lose.

It's not about replaying previous mission(s) - but resume then restart your latest mission after replaying previous mission will cause progression gained during earlier replay/revisit to be lost.

So whatever you do, do not use 'RESTART MISSION' on your current latest mission after you've paid previous mission(s) a revisit.

As for 'why would I restart my latest mission?', it may due to you feeling lost track of progress within the mission after earlier replays so you'd like to start over - or you ran into bug as mentioned in #11 in this thread.
Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 17 mai 2016 à 2h51
Be glad youre not playing on ultra nightmare.
OfficialS0l0 a écrit :
Be glad youre not playing on ultra nightmare.

As I recall 'RESTART MISSION' as well as 'LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT' are disabled in ultra nightmare.
Dernière modification de MRnok14L; 17 mai 2016 à 2h37
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Posté le 13 mai 2016 à 15h42
Messages : 109