Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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alchemist in Rattay?
is there an alchemist in Rattay? I honestly cannot find them. I've found the alchemy bench and the door that leads to it, but every other door I've found near the alchemy sign was locked with a hard/very hard lock. time of day shouldn't have been an issue because all the other shops and merchants were available.

is there an alchemist in Rattay? if so, where? I went on a tour with Nightingale, granted my ADHD mind drifted off a bit during but I coulda sworn I saw all the shops.
Last edited by tools guy-kun; May 23 @ 4:07pm
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Yes, you found his place. Not sure why he's not inside during the day. Could he be away due to some quest?
Last edited by Rookie-31st; May 23 @ 5:14pm
Spelmer May 23 @ 5:22pm 
Yes, there is, it's close to the church. there is a potion symbol next to the door. It's also close to the Bailiff. Make sure it's at least 10 A.M., if I'm not mistaken. By the way, I'm describing the location of the Apothecary NPC, so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for.
Last edited by Spelmer; May 23 @ 5:23pm
Originally posted by Spelmer:
Yes, there is, it's close to the church. there is a potion symbol next to the door. It's also close to the Bailiff. Make sure it's at least 10 A.M., if I'm not mistaken. By the way, I'm describing the location of the Apothecary NPC, so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for.
strange. I think the time had something to do with it, then, because the door to the shop was locked. either way, I found him, thanks.

Originally posted by Rookie-31st:
Yes, you found his place. Not sure why he's not inside during the day. Could he be away due to some quest?
at the time I noticed this shop, it was right before the hunt with Hans. maybe that could be it? or it was probably before 10 am like the previous comment suggests it should be open after 10.
Apocalypse May 24 @ 12:35am 
The man there also fianced the saving of henry's life when arriving at the mill, you owe him a debt.
Every respectable incanation of Henry should visit him and settle it :)
EMPLOYER May 24 @ 1:34am 
Not trolling but are you trying the front door the one facing the centre of town? The alchemy bench is in the back door. Sometimes merchants appear a bit later as well I always just set it to midday to ensure they are where they should be.
Last edited by EMPLOYER; May 24 @ 1:35am
I seem to have noticed that, unlike in previous games I've played, not all the shops open at the same time of day. The Swordsmith and Armourer in Rattay open earlier than the Tailor, who onlt opens at ten. I haven't really noticed the Apothecary's time as I use the other three shops more frequently.
MF May 25 @ 3:42pm 
Originally posted by Rookie-31st:
Yes, you found his place. Not sure why he's not inside during the day. Could he be away due to some quest?

he's like the female tailor next door - he comes to work late (around 10 if I recall). He's probably a druggie.
Originally posted by MF:
Originally posted by Rookie-31st:
Yes, you found his place. Not sure why he's not inside during the day. Could he be away due to some quest?

he's like the female tailor next door - he comes to work late (around 10 if I recall). He's probably a druggie.

If she is also a late opener, perhaps you solved the mystery. Female tailor next door, both opening shops later, that sounds like some morning nookie to me...

This calls for further investigation by a stealth based character.
Last edited by Darth Cannabis; May 25 @ 7:10pm
Originally posted by Darth Cannabis:
This calls for further investigation by a stealth based character.
Sadly, inter-NPC interactions are extremely limited, and scripted. I hope to see AI-powered NPCs eventually. Imagine them communicating freely and sharing their experiences interacting with the player's character. And of course generally living more independent and free lives loosely following predefined routines based on basic character traits, skills and background story. Endless adventure.
Last edited by Rookie-31st; May 25 @ 7:32pm
Originally posted by Darth Cannabis:
Originally posted by MF:

he's like the female tailor next door - he comes to work late (around 10 if I recall). He's probably a druggie.

If she is also a late opener, perhaps you solved the mystery. Female tailor next door, both opening shops later, that sounds like some morning nookie to me...

This calls for further investigation by a stealth based character.
I can easily do that.

Running a heavy armor plated armor set that jingles like Christmas bells but nothing like a good stripping of my now swole body to solve that volume issue.

Hell I’ll even have my Henry naked for the job if I have to. Hell, not even that. I just will.
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Date Posted: May 23 @ 4:06pm
Posts: 10