Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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How to remove the state "stolen"?
Apparently it is possible since my stolen items lost it several times over time... Is this supposed to be like that or was it just a simple bug?
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Vembi Feb 16, 2018 @ 4:51am 
It might be that you moved far enough away from the crimescene, så that the current town you're in doesn't think of your items as stolen anymore. Not sure though. The game is not easily understandable..
Mashed Potato Feb 16, 2018 @ 4:55am 
It takes some time, a day or more I think
Deathjester Feb 16, 2018 @ 3:35pm 
I think there is a timer, don't know how long, for me it's too long. You can make items "clean" by selling them to a fence and then buying them back. Just remember to haggle to minimize loss.
Ruffio Feb 16, 2018 @ 3:38pm 
Found when I just toss stuff in the saddle bags or in the chest where I sleep, and let them be there for a while they just lose the flag. I don't really see how things can be sniffed out as stolen, if they been looted in the winderless or in another town far away. Not like things come with a name tag.
morph113 Feb 16, 2018 @ 3:39pm 
It's explained in the codex under tutorials and then "crime and reputation" and there you need to scroll down until the part about stolen goods starts. Basically stolen goods will lose their stolen status after a certain amount of time. The time it takes depends on what you stole. If you stole some pair of generic pants, then it won't take as long as if you steal like a unique important necklace of someone or whatever.
Defiled Feb 16, 2018 @ 3:39pm 
I hate it how it says my items are stolen, even though they're off people I've killed in battle... so dumb...
Originally posted by BigD Defiled:
I hate it how it says my items are stolen, even though they're off people I've killed in battle... so dumb...
What people you killed in battle? Since loot of bandits is not stolen.
Originally posted by morph113:
It's explained in the codex under tutorials and then "crime and reputation" and there you need to scroll down until the part about stolen goods starts. Basically stolen goods will lose their stolen status after a certain amount of time. The time it takes depends on what you stole. If you stole some pair of generic pants, then it won't take as long as if you steal like a unique important necklace of someone or whatever.
Thank you! :)
D_cRypT Feb 16, 2018 @ 5:05pm 
If you have done the miller quest (stealing a ring from executioner), you can sell stolen goods to miller.
Roasty Feb 16, 2018 @ 5:13pm 
Put the stolen stuff in your personal box at the millers/when your rent an inn. After a couple days (maybe 2-3) it won't be stolen anymore.
nobrien Feb 16, 2018 @ 5:17pm 
Originally posted by D_cRypT:
If you have done the miller quest (stealing a ring from executioner), you can sell stolen goods to miller.

but the millers pay sh-it and dont seem to have an trade amount listed 1k wep dont even get a few hundred it like 60-90 and normal traders pay similer amounts for flagged items so whats the point of the millers ?
Originally posted by nobrien:
Originally posted by D_cRypT:
If you have done the miller quest (stealing a ring from executioner), you can sell stolen goods to miller.

but the millers pay sh-it and dont seem to have an trade amount listed 1k wep dont even get a few hundred it like 60-90 and normal traders pay similer amounts for flagged items so whats the point of the millers ?
Many traders don't accept stolen goods at all. That's why there are millers.
Dragun16 Feb 20, 2018 @ 1:04am 
"stolen items" looted off thiefing back stabing bandits..... or enemy faction members.... or funner yet the fact that NOT everything found on a body is "stolen" property only a few things, an this game got glowing reviews..... smells like devs fluffed the review page.....
exb0xthreesixty Jan 19, 2022 @ 7:13pm 
some items don't have the X when you put them in your box and they just say "steal" when ever you hover over them and when you take it out of your box it resets the stolen tag timer... the really expensive stuff... what u can do is just put them in your horse to wait out the timer since the timer seems not to move with it in your box... problem solved
Last edited by exb0xthreesixty; Jan 19, 2022 @ 7:14pm
MacKaris Jan 20, 2022 @ 12:22am 
Originally posted by Dragun16:
"stolen items" looted off thiefing back stabing bandits..... or enemy faction members.... or funner yet the fact that NOT everything found on a body is "stolen" property only a few things, an this game got glowing reviews..... smells like devs fluffed the review page.....
Stuff taken from dead bandits or Cumans etc will not be considered stolen. Have you actually even played the game? The game has flaws but this isn't one of them. The stolen goods mechanism works pretty much as intended.
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Date Posted: Feb 16, 2018 @ 4:49am
Posts: 20