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haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 3:41am
Here Are The HD-fied Backgrounds of The Game
Hi, these are the static ff9 backgrounds upscaled:!GxET2ZhQ!JYy_4wshsLKTkHJM0B2uLbIW7PpzPVwtez4Ix_b9Eds

Before and after samples:

Hopefully someone with modding experince can use it to replace the in game ones.
Last edited by haaa; Apr 22, 2016 @ 3:50am
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Altair Apr 22, 2016 @ 4:15am 
These are really good! I'm surprised Square didn't put in the effort to do this, it would have made for a complete HD remaster of FF9.

Now we just need someone to fix the Sound FX
Simone Apr 22, 2016 @ 4:19am 
Not bad at all...
Last edited by Simone; Apr 22, 2016 @ 4:20am
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by Xalvin:
These are really good!

Thanks, now we just need someone to put it in the game.
Sekkuar666 Apr 22, 2016 @ 11:57am 
The backgrounds aren't really that great. Specially when it's supposed to give depth to the chracters standing in different positions or sitting on the scenario, it looks really fake.

Although, I gotta say the character textures looks amazing.

Maybe that's the problem, the characters looks way too good and make too much contranst with the not-as-good scenario.
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:22pm 
The character textures and models were redone, so it is not surprising they look good compared to the backgrounds which were taken directly from the ps1 with almost no change.

Better than crappy characters in addition to the crappy backgrounds I guess.
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:36pm 
Originally posted by Shirayuki474:
Who cares about backgrounds, 1 hour didn't last and I already cannot play this anymore... This sound... It is like playing FF VIII without Rose and Wine.

Sounds fine to me, not that I care about ultra high sound quality.
KennyBones Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:41pm 
I haven't downloaded the whole thing, but did you extract the assets from the actual game? I certainly hope so, if not, you just did hours of work for no reason :p

The backgrounds in FF7-9 are separated in layers, with alpha areas in them. So the backgrounds are rarely just one image, they're several.

Looks good though! Is it a waifu filter on there?
Aquaflute Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:58pm 
Someone pleeeeeeaaaaaase!!! I want those images in my game!!!!!

Well at least you gave me a huge amount of hope that the backgrounds can be further improved and a potential mod can happen in near future. Thank you!
Last edited by Aquaflute; Apr 22, 2016 @ 3:07pm
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by KennyBones:
The backgrounds in FF7-9 are separated in layers, with alpha areas in them. So the backgrounds are rarely just one image, they're several.

Layers should not be upscaled seperatly, doing so will introduce obvious seams between them at the edges. Upscaling them as a whole then seperating them to layers negates that.

Originally posted by KennyBones:
Looks good though! Is it a waifu filter on there?

Yup, RPG model with some sharpening in photoshop. I wanted to add some more touches, but I decided to keep it as close as possible to the original.
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:02pm 
Originally posted by aquaflute:
Someone pleeeeeeaaaaaase!!! I want those images in my game!!!!!

Well at least you game me a huge amount of hope that the backgrounds can be further improved and a potential mod can happen in near future. Thank you!

You are most welcome my friend.
KennyBones Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
Alright, as long as you know what you're doing! So, you managed to extract the assets from the game? But you can't as of now import them back in?
haaa Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:17pm 
Originally posted by KennyBones:
Alright, as long as you know what you're doing! So, you managed to extract the assets from the game? But you can't as of now import them back in?

Nope, these are from the ps1, the steam version has a bad filter - bilinear? - that makes upscaling it properly not possible, at least not without lossy descaling that will make things worse.

And I'm not a modder, if I was there will be no point of this thread now will there? There are some ready unity extractors and packer tools that did not work for me, and from what I understand unityraw - the game's packing format - is niether compressed nor encrypted, so hopfully it is not very hard to mod the game.

This is just from a 30 min of playing around with the game files, there are many methods that I haven't tried yet, and I don't know if I will have the time.
HideoKoncima Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:17pm 
Just wonder how these backgrounds looks @ 1920x1080.
Gilbertify Apr 22, 2016 @ 1:35pm 
Cool. Wonder when someone's gonna mod these in. Hurry up boys.
C4RNIVOR3 Apr 22, 2016 @ 5:22pm 
While I appreciate the effort you went through with these, the biggest issue with them is that rather than just sharpening the image, you also gave the backgrounds a painted look and it kind of throws off the original tone of the backgrounds and makes them more cartoony. In another game these would be really nice, but I don't think it would fit with this game too well. If someone manages to mod them into the game, more power to them though, I'm sure some people will enjoy it.

I can't manage a single post today without spotting a typo after posting lol.
Last edited by C4RNIVOR3; Apr 22, 2016 @ 5:22pm
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Date Posted: Apr 22, 2016 @ 3:41am
Posts: 19