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Experience Glitch?
I am currently at level 67 and I am fighting enemies in Sapphire Ridge (with the booster). The Monster Fibula says that Arentarda will yield 5 exp, and killing them does. However, the Monster Fibula indicates the sun and moon beetles as yielding 11 exp, but when I kill them I only get 1.
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enemies give less experience if your level is higher than theirs, and vise versa.
Wave Guy Apr 6 @ 11:58pm 
I know that. As I have been going through the game that has been ocurring, and the monster fibula has always kept up to date. Also, After continuing playing and coming back to Sapphire Ridge after going elsewhere, the beetles started giving the 11 exp as the Fibula had been suggesting.
odd, did you have any equipment with exp modifiers on it?
mapron Apr 7 @ 6:10am 
yeah, you should have more XP from beetles.
NOTE: if you fight QUEST beetles they won't be boosted! like troublemaker endgame quest. so you will get low XP from them
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