Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

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Team Cherry  [vývojář] 26. srp. 2018 v 23.33
Hollow Knight v1.4.2.7 available on Public Beta for Windows PC
Hey Everyone,

Version of Hollow Knight is now available for Windows PC players on the public beta branch.

Accessing Public Beta:
  1. Right-click on 'Hollow Knight' in the library and click 'Properties'
  2. Select the 'Betas' tab in the window that pops up
  3. Select 'public-beta-' from the dropdown menu
  4. should start automatically!

Godmaster Changes:
  • Godmaster boss 'PV' gets stunned more frequently
  • Lifeblood Cocoons in Godhome produce more Lifeseeds
  • Trial of the Fool is no longer a requirement for accessing Pantheon of the Sage
  • Reduced HP of Godmaster's final battle
  • Reduced Markoth's HP in Godmaster battles
  • Several changes to Uumuu's Godmaster incarnation:
    • Reduced Uumuu's HP
    • Uumuu calls for Uoma more often
    • Uoma rise more slowly
    • Uumuu's speed down
    • Explosions do more damage to Uumuu
    • Reduced the size of the explosion hitbox that damages hero
    • Extended vulnerability time for Uumuu
    • Greatly reduced recoil on Uumuu when getting hit by an explosion

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue where Hornet Sentinel could get stuck in corner of her Godhome arena
  • Fixed issue in final battle of Godmaster where a respawn could place player in the wrong location, ruining the battle
  • Fixed issue where nail arts could lose their ability to damage enemies
  • Fixed issue where a mechanism could be struck while it was retracted into the ground in Godhome
  • Fixed issue where players could use Dreamgate to warp out of ending sequence and bust the game
  • Fixed timer display issues for main game and Godmaster pantheons
  • Fixed Moss Charger's rustling grass not appearing
  • In Mantis Village, disallowed enemies from approaching the Mantis Claw item to prevent possible softlock
  • Game text fixes in certain languages
Naposledy upravil Team Cherry; 26. srp. 2018 v 23.35
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Zobrazeno 115 z 54 komentářů
I dont think PV needed a nerf. Also, is it possible you can specify values of how much youve nerfed something? That would be better in my opinion.

Thank you!
I thought PV was fine but Markoth nerf is appreciated.

Thanks for this boss rush!! Honestly this is the best thing ever in this game for me, I could just play Godhome forever.
Trial of the Fool no longer needed to unlock the third pantheon?

Thank you! *tears of happiness*
PV didn't need a nerf at all and Uumuu got way too overnerfed, HP nerf, Speed nerf and Uomas nerfs were not needed at all.
Uumuu finally could be called a boss, now its just sad to be honest.
The Colosseum thing and most of Uumuu changes were just to please who wouldnt git gud.

Godmaster is awesome tho.
Naposledy upravil Gnagghi; 27. srp. 2018 v 0.31
Does this mean I can kill uumuu first stagger instead of 2nd now? I'm not sure what to think of those changes though. Honestly, the playerbase didn't have nearly enough time to adapt to the new bosses and some of the changes and I feel like it's way too soon to decide on whether they need a nerf or not.
The Uumuu nerfs are appreciated! I did manage to beat the unpatched and ascended versions just today, but the fight does tend to drag if he refuses to summon Uoma or I have to miss a momentary window of opportunity to avoid getting electrocuted. Still mashing my face against the fourth Pantheon, loving Godmaster so far!
Next patch press "x" to win option (they are gonna do it eventually you know is true) is funny how the hard content needs to be made more easy (so much for challenge)
Glad to see TC is listening and implementing community feedback! Just please don't overboard on the nerfs (expect for absolute radiance, ♥♥♥♥ that boss)
Give Checkpoints. Just give ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Checkpoints. People who want it to be hard can still have it that way if you add a Godhome portal to exit. But give ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bench checkpoints.

Nobody likes doing this ♥♥♥♥ over and over, banging their heads up against a wall, especially with an ending 99.9% of your fanbase is not gonna see that seems to be the new canon true ending, and is the lead in to a paid DLC.

Seriously, what were you thinking? You paid up the ass to animate that ending and you put it behind THAT?
Naposledy upravil TheUncle; 27. srp. 2018 v 1.08
cool thanks. will install beta as soon as I get home
Thank you for taking everyone's opinion and feedback for this patch

I think the final Final boss needs a damage nerf , the player obviously has skill if they can make it to "AR".. but 3 hits and its game over just seems too harsh especially for a 45 minute rush ...... I get that it's a dance and dodging is the whole point of that battle but it just seems like too high of damage.

I keep getting to AR but die to random things that regardless of practice seem to just ruin the fight. Such as orbs spawning right where I am dodging from other orbs
VoreanTheKobold původně napsal:
Give Checkpoints. Just give ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Checkpoints. People who want it to be hard can still have it that way if you add a Godhome portal to exit. But give ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bench checkpoints.

Nobody likes doing this ♥♥♥♥ over and over, banging their heads up against a wall, especially with an ending 99.9% of your fanbase is not gonna see that seems to be the new canon true ending, and is the lead in to a paid DLC.

Seriously, what were you thinking? You paid up the ass to animate that ending and you put it behind THAT?

Git gud
There's a bug in the title screen, if you have Godseeker mode in one of the slots, it will show only 2 Soul Vessels instead of 3.
This is the first time I am going to opt out of the beta. I just started playing the Godmaster content yesterday and then today read the nerf wall :/
thorin.hannahs původně napsal:
This is the first time I am going to opt out of the beta. I just started playing the Godmaster content yesterday and then today read the nerf wall :/

Uumuu definitely deserved a nerf bat to the face. He is very RNG dependent, and requires a crapton of patience sometimes.

And making people do the entire coliseum just for God Tamer is a pretty heinous requirement for what is practically half the DLC.

While I was able to manage to clear it, the last trial was at least as much trouble for me as Nightmare King Grimm or The Radiance. Mo it's very fair to no longer gate half of the pantheons behind that.
Naposledy upravil Angry Nerd Bird; 27. srp. 2018 v 6.52
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Zobrazeno 115 z 54 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 26. srp. 2018 v 23.33
Počet příspěvků: 54