Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Q to use Bow broken?
anyone else having trouble getting this to function properly? most times i have to press ALT and then Q to use right click as aim
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I started getting this about 10 minutes ago, it's strange because it was working fine before that. :\

EDIT: Ok just did some testing, fixed it by pressing Q again after using the button I have bound to secondary skills, but it breaks again after sprinting...
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Volexen; 2016. jan. 15., 11:35
I am having the same problem. Works for a short time and stops.
First problem i've had in two hours tho
Really? Weird. Happened to me before I even reached the encampment.
oh so im not an idiot and its just broken, thats good.
have the same problem, it looks like sprinting breaks it...
This is a really major flaw tbh, hoping this gets patched. Annoying the hell out of me.
I think I figured out the problem. Bow mode will not work for me if I have any sort of controller plugged in. I play with mouse and keyboard but I keep an xbox controller plugged in. When my xbox controller is plugged in the only way bows work like they do on the controller. You have to draw the bow with your secondary skills button and then press grab to fire a basic shot.
Tapping alt fixes it every time, btw.
Why not just use Alt and then F? Fires a regular arrow. I see no point in the toggle mode.
Alt and Q sometimes switches the game out of fullscreen which annoys me. I also have a controller plugged in. I didn't see anything wrong otherwise, except me just me having problems pressing keys, I just don't like the controls for the bow.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Vega; 2016. jan. 16., 12:10
adoggz eredeti hozzászólása:
I think I figured out the problem. Bow mode will not work for me if I have any sort of controller plugged in. I play with mouse and keyboard but I keep an xbox controller plugged in. When my xbox controller is plugged in the only way bows work like they do on the controller. You have to draw the bow with your secondary skills button and then press grab to fire a basic shot.
i have no controller or adapter plugged in so afraid thats not a fix but thanks
I couldnt get "Q" to work for the bow, however pressing the right mouse button allowed me to attack normally with the bow. sometimes it doesnt work and I need to use a bow move to allow me to use it.
Zomroc eredeti hozzászólása:
I couldnt get "Q" to work for the bow, however pressing the right mouse button allowed me to attack normally with the bow. sometimes it doesnt work and I need to use a bow move to allow me to use it.
the issue im having is the need to press the alt skills button to get the bow out and then pressing Q to put it into regular mode to fire a single shot and by that time my chance has passed
Sorry if this is ages late but just to be clear, Q does not engage bow mode. Left Alt engages bow mode; Q then allows you to toggle it on and off. You also need to hold Left Alt (not press Q) to use your special skills.

It's frankly a right pain in the **** and makes me think this game was designed for a controller. Hope it doesn't prove to be so annoying that it sours the game.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2016. jan. 15., 11:29
Hozzászólások: 19