Angels Fall First

Angels Fall First

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Features we would like for 1.0.
I’ve just discovered this game and I’ve been playing with my friend and I absolutely love it!

I want to have a nice chat about things we would like to see added to the game regardless of how plausible they are. I’ll start:
  • 3rd person for infantry, with option to block it when creating a server like in Arma 3.
  • Cockpit view for ships, even if the view is limited, it still looks cool af.
  • A map with both space combat and ground combat with vehicles, basically a map that is both on space and on the planet. I think mechanically this is not too dissimilar to the greenhouse map, just an aesthetic thing.
  • Split-screen coop for amazing couch-coop nights with friends and family, since we already got controller support :steamhappy:
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
sagagt505 Apr 15 @ 11:54pm 
Short Answer: 1.0 will likely primarily be a functional tutorial. Anything else will probably pale in comparison. This isn't a bad thing. The game is very robust in its current state.

Mod support is something the devs have said they want to add. Though probably after 1.0 (only they know).

Long Answer:

A lot of this is limited to development budget (pretty much zero unless it becomes wildly popular and sells lots of copies). Also, old engine with old/no longer supported 3rd party tools that make any UI changes difficult to impossible.

Split screen would be a ton of work for a very small percentage of an already very small player base. I'd be surprised if you could find more than 20 people who would use that feature and even fewer who would buy copies because that was added. The game runs on steam deck and budget laptops, so playing with friends in the same room is already very feasible.

Simultaneous space/ground maps sound good, but just wouldn't play well in practice and there are engine limitations making it difficult (though not impossible). There are plenty of space incursion maps already with mixed space/infantry areas (just no ground vehicles). Often times when stages move from space to interior, the space section empties out (even if there are exterior objectives still. Balancing a space+ground map to keep both areas active would spread the players thin (essentially two 32v32 player matches at once instead of one 64v64 match). We are better off just switching between ground and space each match.

These are all popular requests, so they aren't necessarily bad, there are just reasons they are unlikely to happen.
1) There is a spectator mode and 3rd person vehicle mode and I sort of prefer that way.
2) Not likely for starfighters but a bridge view on Capital ships would be nice.
3) Mirronode is going to be your favorite map. It isn't exactly space to planet but the 2 biolab pods on the space station is like on a planet and from there you can watch the space battle above through the station windows.
4) right after the Xbox port (/s but a guy can dream).

- Editing Maps would be amazing. They already done a great job by having the day/night maps for the different modes. Another great thing for the maps would be Incursion but the attackers/defenders were reversed
-The weapon pool is vast but could get some expansions. A ULA lock-on infantry missile or an AIA heavy plasma anti-vehicle cannon could do some good. But if I was to be honest I would want to see more counter measures like a ULA jammer throwing those icons on the screen or an AIA hologram decoy.
- The customization is already very robust, and with unlockable camo patterns don't know what else could be added. Maybe shoulder pads and Squad Icons but I don't know if making them microtransactions would be good for the game.
-Faces are very hard especially in UE 3, maybe a body type 2 and a voice slider to switch to your identity would be the best.
Clean the UI, it's just what I ask
main menu gui feels way too small
Ledo May 13 @ 3:51am 
Originally posted by Dat_Frogga:
main menu gui feels way too small
You can make it bigger in the settings. :steammocking:
Danoid May 18 @ 12:15pm 
update the game engine lol
Less jank. I want the three character types to feel, move and function a certain way.
Talbrys May 27 @ 10:38am 
Originally posted by Danoid:
update the game engine lol

Why? Works fine on UT3 as it is and porting it to a new engine would take way to much time and money for the limited time and budget they have for the game. By the time they were done porting it over there would a be a new engine and people would just complain to port to that. Better to let them polish what exists so we get an actual product instead of the dev hell of constantly moving goalposts that scams like Star Citizen do. This isn't EA Inc or Bethesda, the devs are more concerned with a functional game that is fun to play than just a pretty game.

If you're the kind that looks at sfx over gameplay you probably won't like this game anyway, most of the sounds and designs are just from household items, one of the engine sounds is just a distorted vacuum cleaner and the railgun sound was/is just one of the devs hitting their guitar against the wall. I like it and it works for the game, but you have to be able to see a game beyond skin deep to really enjoy it.

Originally posted by Forge Master:
Less jank. I want the three character types to feel, move and function a certain way.

Character types? I don't think we are playing the same game. There are different ARMOR types, but they don't limit you to classes or "character types." I have a feeling what you really mean is you want there to be generic cookie cutter classes like the other mainstream FPS slop out there. If the complexity is too much for you I'm sure there are youtubers who you can copy who will do the thinking for you.

On the off-chance that's not what you mean, there's enough customization options you basically make your own classes to play the way you want them to play. The main limiting factor is your imagination. I'd say it's better they way they have it, as you aren't restricted to certain types of play. You can have an AT build that is lightly armored but moves fast, or one that can take a hit but can't get out of the way easily enough. Or even a stealthy AT guy. Also, being able to have 1 primary and 2 secondaries is great for customization. Also, having most vehicles be customizable too is nice. I can have an antipersonnel LAV, AA, or AT, all from the same chassis. You can even customize loadouts on the fly mid match. It also means you don't immediately know what an enemy soldier can do because just because they are skinny doesn't mean they are carrying a sniper rifle, or just because they are heavy doesn't mean they are carrying heavy weapons. I've played off and on since 2015 and I still experiment with different builds. If there's another game out there in the Battlefield™ style with that much flexibility I haven't heard of it.

In short, be creative and don't be afraid to experiment to find what works for you. But let's not dumb the game down to generic mainstream slop levels. It's nice to have a battlefield style shooter with more than surface level depth.
Mr.Kill May 28 @ 12:49pm 
Are we getting immobilizer nets?
lol, what our first-person shooter needs is third-person....XD
(incompatible situational awareness between the two causes imbalance)
Last edited by Randombandit; Jun 9 @ 10:30am
Unfortunately, outside of a tutorial and mod support post-launch, I don't think many of the ideas in this thread will be implemented.

I'd kill for a Galactic Conquest mode (like in classic Battlefront) and awhile a longgggg while back.... the developers played with this idea. But I don't think it's happening now. I think the devs just want to release AFF and move on with their lives.
erm personally i just want a cheat to............ increase levels
like im playing on my own server i should be allowed to just max out the 3 trees for a min or something yknow lmao
[AFF]farseer  [developer] Jun 10 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by devil make rye:
erm personally i just want a cheat to............ increase levels
like im playing on my own server i should be allowed to just max out the 3 trees for a min or something yknow lmao
Aaaand you absolutely can! When setting up a game, set Stats Mode to No-Steam and the rank below that to whatever you like.
Originally posted by AFFfarseer:
Originally posted by devil make rye:
erm personally i just want a cheat to............ increase levels
like im playing on my own server i should be allowed to just max out the 3 trees for a min or something yknow lmao
Aaaand you absolutely can! When setting up a game, set Stats Mode to No-Steam and the rank below that to whatever you like.
oh shi i never knew that was an option thanks
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