Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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New Source server side exploit allows malicious servers to download malware on client PCs.
I am posting this to serve as both a warning for users and also for the developers to check if Black Mesa is affected by it.

Terakhir diedit oleh ắ√øḯd★ℙαўℙαlツ; 22 Feb 2016 @ 6:16pm
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For now, play on only trusted or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ servers. I'll let the appropriate folks know and see if we can do anything on our end.

Usual common sense stuff. If you feel like you miiiight be on a bad-server, make sure to run a virus scan and check your start-up programs (as I've been told).
Terakhir diedit oleh Fruity Snacks; 22 Feb 2016 @ 7:11pm
I want to mention another thing for server owners.

It is possible to spoof steam ID's on servers, one could easily spoof the steam ID of a root admin on your server.

Since 99% of servers out there only use steam ID's to authenticate admins this would easily allow someone to create quite a decent amount of chaos on your servers & also potentially make them distribute malware to users via the exploit in the main post.

Add a password on top of the steam ID authentication for admins if you care about your server's & your user's security.


I've gotten in contact earlier today with Leystryku (the person who found the exploits) and passed on some info about them to Fr0z3nR.

It's nice to see the Black Mesa team caring about security, unlike others *cough* *Valve* *cough*.
Diposting pertama kali oleh ắ√øḯd★ℙαўℙαlツ:
It's nice to see the Black Mesa team caring about security, unlike others *cough* *Valve* *cough*.

They care. We just talk more than they do.
Past experiences involving security & Valve have proven otherwise to me :D.

Anyway, stay safe guys.
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Tanggal Diposting: 22 Feb 2016 @ 6:16pm
Postingan: 4