The Living Dungeon

The Living Dungeon

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zenorf  [developer] Jun 28, 2016 @ 10:24am
Linux and MAC interest
If owners of either platform are interested in this game being released for Mac or Linux, please state your interest in this thread and spread the word to your fellow Mac and Linux users.

Thank you.
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Showing 16-30 of 185 comments
Gray Jazz Jul 23, 2016 @ 1:23am 
+1 for Linux.
manero666 Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:24am 
+1 Linux
fabry Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:30am 
+ 1 for linux!
load.runner Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:33am 
+1 for linux
daniel.mantione Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:39am 
As a Linux gamer, of course I want more Linux games. However, it's always a bit difficult to judge wether a game is worth playing just from the store. When buying a game, it's only a small risk, but for developers this risk, resulting in resources spent, is bigger.

However, after a close look on the store page, I think this game is worth porting.

As an experienced Linux coder, I can even offer assitance for testing or coding work. I have also translated several games into Dutch.
[LINUX]Wolfyrion Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:55am 
well I already have the game and I would be glad to be able to play it on Linux :)
Edwin Jul 23, 2016 @ 3:15am 
I'm not sure a thread like this will really help in judging interest since you mostly get about a hundred vocal plus oners from the Linux side. Mostly, you're still dealing with about a 1%-4%-95% split over Linux, Mac and Windows, so the combined market is probably an additional 5%. In theory Linux/Mac owners have more disposable income (you can see that from the hardware stats), but that only really helps in special occasions.

Whether it's worth it is something only you can decide. It depends on how much effort is needed for the port. If you're using a standard engine (Unity, Unreal 4, XNA, etc.), then it should be relatively easy. Doing a full port from DX to OpenGL manually takes quite a bit of effort. So much so that active porters like VP and Feral (and Valve before) used DX9 wrappers to keep the effort down.

Going by the estimated sales numbers for Windows, I think effort is going to be the key factor here.
PurplePerson Jul 23, 2016 @ 3:40am 
It's not a game I had seen before and looks pretty interesting. I'd certainly like to see a Linux release and try it out.
zenorf  [developer] Jul 23, 2016 @ 3:51am 
Hi Everyone. We are using Unity 5.0. Enough people seem to be interested that it's worth us considering. What we don't currently have is any of our machines set up for Linux. So we'll need to sort out a duel boot somewhere and take a look into this. Obviously if there are some people willing to help test stuff that would be a great help.

I'll be honest though. Money isn't going to be a significant motivating factor in this. As game developers we just need to be able to pay the bills and keep making games. Time is a far bigger concern as we are a tiny team split across 2 games.
lucifertdark Jul 23, 2016 @ 3:53am 
Looks like a fun game, I'll buy it if you release it for Linux. :D
Cheeseness Jul 23, 2016 @ 3:54am 
Great to hear!

If you hit any hurdles or find anything that you think might be an engine bug, I may be able to help.

Feel free to reach out to me via Twitter or
Arios Jul 23, 2016 @ 4:12am 
This game looks interesting for multi-player.
I'd love to see this come to SteamOS (and Ubuntu as a bonus).
tuubi Jul 23, 2016 @ 4:57am 
I'd love to see this on Linux. I can guarantee you won't have a hard time finding willing and able volunteer testers. There are a lot of enthusiastic, helpful and technically competent people in the Linux gaming community.
PublicNuisance Jul 23, 2016 @ 5:27am 
Count me in for a purchase for a Linux version.
daniel.mantione Jul 23, 2016 @ 5:28am 
Originally posted by Edwin:
Mostly, you're still dealing with about a 1%-4%-95% split over Linux, Mac and Windows, so the combined market is probably an additional 5%. In theory Linux/Mac owners have more disposable income (you can see that from the hardware stats), but that only really helps in special occasions.

You should expect approximately 3.5% of your user base to use Linux. This is because the 1% of Linux users on Steam necessarily spread their purchases over a smaller amount of games than Windows users. Of course this heavily differs per game, some games see 10% Linux users, for some games it is really small. Releasing a Linux version relatively quickly after Windows versions helps to get a good share of Linux users.
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