how much power for alien structure?
just out of curio: how much power is need to do the alien structures, and is it the same on every planet?
tryed with 3 small generators that was'nt enough, a medium generator and 2 small is not enough either
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There is a blue bar that goes up as you supply more power, that should be a good indicator if your getting close. Seems each planet/structure is different and the harder the planet the more power needed.
ye but how much? are we talking 3 medium generators on the moon?
You're going to want RTGs to complete the whole thing. Plural.
Yes, I've had three wind turbines going on Vesania for 2 days and nothing's happening. Too bad I lost an RTG through terrain. They're a real pain to build, but I'm going to make it my project to build half a dozen or so.
I opened Sylva's Moon with 1 medium gen and 4 smalls I think... might have been 5 small, can't remember. The one on Sylva I did with 5 or 6 smalls. I had 7 down but I know I didn't have them all turn on before panels started to drop.
1 medium solar panel, 6 small generators, 1 large generator, 3 medium wind turbines, 2 small solar panels.
Thats enough, problem: half the stuff doesnt run the whole time.
should'nt 1 medium generator supply as much as 3 small ones, according to wiki. i hooked up one and it looked like it produced less than 3 small ones
why is that important?
You can add small ones simply by using normal matter in your backpack.
Then collect some organics.
A medium one needs to be printed by a printer, and then a melter to process the organics first aswell.
I would rather set it all up to have small ones to add a larger amount to the process instead of relying on medium generators.

Legutóbb szerkesztette: Buntkreuz; 2019. febr. 12., 8:40
i just use repackers to bring a single large rover, 2 large storage and a bunch of RTGs to each planet. single rover is easier to drive on rough planets like Exotic and you can fit the whole setup in one large shuttle
RTG's And Packagers FTW . novus i brought 3 RTG's and that powered about half so i would say 8 RTG's should be enought for most i havent tried atox or the ice planet yet. but i would assume 8 should be good just make a ton of packagers so that you can take all your RTG's and Platforms back and hop from planet to planet unlocking structures. tip tho you only need to unlock one structure to unlock the core dont waste time powering up all if your trying to unlock cores.
Atrox needs 8 RTG-s Glacio Needs 7.
I unlocked the ones on Sylva's moon using three medium batteries. Charged them up while driving along with the tractor, then connected one to each port.
Thomas Croft eredeti hozzászólása:
Atrox needs 8 RTG-s Glacio Needs 7.
or 7 for both and just bring a few small generators for atrox
Some required an absurd amount of energy just for the sake of it, but it's all the same.
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Közzétéve: 2019. febr. 12., 6:55
Hozzászólások: 14