Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Thoughts on casual mode (soon quick match) lobby / matchmaking
Obviously many players don’t want big changes in casual (for good reasons)...

However, it’s annoying when you have many leavers in your team or enter "ongoing matches" several times in succession and after each match it’s a pure gamble game in which lobby you are pushed next. Bad luck if you enter (once again) a lobby with toxic player(s) or vs players/squads who are ranked far higher than you.

When you finally find a lobby that offers balanced skill on both sides and nice players and fun, you can indeed choose "stay as team" after the match ends - but often this doesn’t work well due to matchmaking error messages or bcs players habitually click on "new match" etc.

Ofc you can put players on your FL and open a squad with them - but then these players are always in your own team and it also puffs up the friends list and we have only 5 seats in our squad. I was told that many don’t like to choose "stay as team" because they have to wait extra 20 seconds before all remaining players are collected (after the countdown) and it would be much faster to look for a new match. IDK, maybe a couple seconds faster.

Casual stays as it is with the exception that after each match all players stay in this lobby and all of them are moved by the game into the summary screen (or main menu). Maybe to an extra screen like a "scoreboard" (or something) with last match results and overview next team members, next map etc.). Eventually a countdown message that says this lobby will start a new match in xx seconds. Also, it would be great if the players/teams are then mixed on the next map compared to the previous map (if there are no squads). BTW it’d be great if you could see the members of any squad on the scoreboard, even if you aren’t in this squad yourself.

Ofc it should still be possible to actively select “find another match” or “leave this match” etc.

In this way the game of pure luck would end (or at least weakened) after each match to join an "ongoing match" or as a SQ enter a lobby with toxic players/squads several times in a row. This way you look for a lobby with players you like and you can easily stay in this lobby.

What do you think?
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
UbiFate  [developer] Nov 30, 2019 @ 3:16pm 
Hello! I appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed post regarding the Casual playlist! I do like the idea of maintaining a lobby after the match and continuing onto the next. It would allow for a smoother transition and lower the chance of being loaded into a match in progress, while also allowing you to stay with players you encounter! I will be sure to include this thread in my report to the devs. :)
Stealth Nov 30, 2019 @ 3:21pm 
I haven't touched casual since unranked released simply to avoid matches in progress.
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Date Posted: Nov 29, 2019 @ 10:51am
Posts: 2