Bio Menace

Bio Menace

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Leon May 7, 2015 @ 6:37pm
Cheat codes
+ Cheat Codes - In the registered version only, press the following keys at the same time to activate the cheat. [C] [A] [T] - Get the machine gun, 99 ammo, and 99 grenades. + Secret Weapons - The following secret weapons are available in both the shareware and registered versions of the games. Super Plasma Bolt - Hold the up arrow until you hear a charge sound, then hit fire; this causes one hit point of damage. Fireball Attack - Turn left and right 6 or 7 times in succession, then hit fire. Electron Shield - Turn left and right 6 or 7 times in succession, then hit the jump key. Invincibility Burst - Hold the up arrow until you hear a charge sound, then hit the down arrow.