STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition

STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition

Only Classic version will work properly. Anyone have a fix?
I'm currently playing on a Linux system with reasonably high specs (certainly high enough to run a DOS game from 28 years ago lol). If I launch the Special Edition version, I can make it through the opening cutscene fine, but once I get into the start menu (where you input your name) my mouse is invisible, which you can expect would cause problems with menu navigation. I know that the mouse exists because I can see various menu options react as the mouse crosses over them, I just can't see the mouse itself. I don't even know if the game proper works because I can't figure out how to click on the "start mission" door.

The Collector's CD-ROM version doesn't launch at all.

The Classic version has been working pretty well so far, I've had some issues with the mouse drifting up and left, but I suspect that to be a problem with my physical joystick rather than the game itself.

However, as the Classic version has about 7 polygons per ship, I'd much prefer to play the Special Edition if at all possible. Does anyone have a way to fix this? As far as I can recall, I had the same problems on my previous Windows PC, so I doubt the operating system is the problem.

Anybody know any troubleshoots I could try out, or a launch option to fix any of these problems? If not that's fine, as I said the Classic version is perfectly playable and fun, this is more or less just a quality-of-life thing. Thanks!
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Visualizzazione di 1-3 commenti su 3 tells you how to fix the collector edition, its a bug/typo on steam/valves part which was reported 2+ years ago and has never been actioned/fixed.

in short, go to your launch options and type

%command% # "

this fixes the spelling mistake/typo and lets proton actually work, game now launches for me on my linux desktop pc and on steam deck.
Messaggio originale di DisasterIncarnate: tells you how to fix the collector edition, its a bug/typo on steam/valves part which was reported 2+ years ago and has never been actioned/fixed.

in short, go to your launch options and type

%command% # "

this fixes the spelling mistake/typo and lets proton actually work, game now launches for me on my linux desktop pc and on steam deck.

Oh awesome! Thanks! I know I made this post over a year ago, but this will be a really big help!
Funny thing, I too, have the same issue, of only being able to play the most basic of the 3 options, and I am on a Win 8 laptop.

I honestly am kinda so\so about it. I purchased it, for 'nostalgia', as well as IMHO, it is still the 'High-Water Mark' of space-combat flight-sims.

But I aint gonna lie, would love to play the version that uses 'skins', instead of that 'G-Shade' stuff....

ETA: I can run the 'Balance-of-Power' title, just fine.
Heck, I only play that title to see the 'Skinned' versions of the various spacecraft.
Ultima modifica da 4sng_Respawnz; 29 nov 2023, ore 16:44
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Data di pubblicazione: 9 ago 2022, ore 6:03
Messaggi: 3