Steam Link

Steam Link

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
slouken Oct 11, 2023 @ 5:19pm
The Samsung TV app has been discontinued
Steam Link will no longer be available on Samsung TV after November, 30th, 2023.

From Samsung:
"Thank you for using the Steam Link app on Samsung Smart TVs. The app will be discontinued on Samsung Smart TVs as the corresponding app plugin will no longer be supported by Samsung. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to bringing you more exciting gaming updates in the near future."

The Steam Link app was created and maintained by Samsung and is not related to Valve's Steam Link software. The Steam Link app is available and supported by Valve on Apple TV and many Android devices.

You can download the app for Apple TV here:

You can download the app for Android here:
Last edited by slouken; Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:40am
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Showing 1-15 of 130 comments
Toddness Oct 11, 2023 @ 5:53pm 
You mind making a suggestion for an alternative instead of buying a new TV? I got a 65 inch Samsung 4k tv to pair with my 4090 to work with the app, and I don't want to hear just buy another TV cause the app is what I used to play wirelessly with the steam games.
Broseph Joseph Oct 11, 2023 @ 11:49pm 
Just an idea...perhaps this is a good opportunity for Valve to release a hardware steam link 2 for a few reasons, not least because youve shown such interest in maintaining the original and so i think on some level you already agree a hardware link product is still relevant. The link is and was a much appreciated piece of hardware as a fully integrated product, and its probably even more relevant to Valves plans now than it was before, since game streaming has become more central to Valves goals (not to mention more central in the industry in general). It seems to me that releasing an updated unit should be relatively (compared to hardware releases like the Deck, Index etc) simple, mostly a case of updating the chipset to modern standards to support 4K/HEVC streaming etc and porting the (ongoing, amazingly) work put into the current link firmware to it with an updated kernel and such. I know releasing an actual product to market is a lot more involved than that, but like i said still relatively simple compared to Valves more recent hardware releases, i think. Anyway, its just something to think about.
wet socks Oct 12, 2023 @ 10:05am 
Originally posted by Broseph Joseph:
Just an idea...perhaps this is a good opportunity for Valve to release a hardware steam link 2 for a few reasons, not least because youve shown such interest in maintaining the original and so i think on some level you already agree a hardware link product is still relevant. The link is and was a much appreciated piece of hardware as a fully integrated product, and its probably even more relevant to Valves plans now than it was before, since game streaming has become more central to Valves goals (not to mention more central in the industry in general). It seems to me that releasing an updated unit should be relatively (compared to hardware releases like the Deck, Index etc) simple, mostly a case of updating the chipset to modern standards to support 4K/HEVC streaming etc and porting the (ongoing, amazingly) work put into the current link firmware to it with an updated kernel and such. I know releasing an actual product to market is a lot more involved than that, but like i said still relatively simple compared to Valves more recent hardware releases, i think. Anyway, its just something to think about.

I agree and would love a Link 2.0 or something. I've been using the Samsung app and despite not bein related to it, it was pretty solid up until now. I have the OG Link hooked up now, but I'd love 4k compatibility.
Sam Oct 12, 2023 @ 11:19am 
This has been a massive letdown, now I'm scrambling in search of a new device that can work adequately and it's all pretty murky about what can work as good with the same requirements like interface connectivity, latency and such.

I'll look for something that can also use Moonlight since I'm very disillusioned with Valve's continued support on Steam Link.
wet socks Oct 12, 2023 @ 1:15pm 
Originally posted by Sam:
This has been a massive letdown, now I'm scrambling in search of a new device that can work adequately and it's all pretty murky about what can work as good with the same requirements like interface connectivity, latency and such.

I'll look for something that can also use Moonlight since I'm very disillusioned with Valve's continued support on Steam Link.

I would say any android based smart tv box with an USB port and a lan adapter will do, since it's just the steam link app you need. It's not discontinued anywhere else, this is just samsung being ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Delta9 Oct 12, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
Already let Samsung know about my dissatisfaction and still waiting on some kind of feedback. Everyone else should do the same
_Caras_ Oct 12, 2023 @ 4:41pm 
Nossa, que absurdo, eu uso esse aplicativo todo o dia pra fazer streaming do PC para a TV, até indiquei a tv samsung e o steam por conta disso, agora simplesmente vão deletá-lo do HD da TV, é isso mesmo? Isso não é cancelar o suporte, poderiam manter o app do jeito que está pelo menos até seus usuários arrumarem uma alternativa, ridículo da parte da steam e da samsung.
Last edited by _Caras_; Oct 12, 2023 @ 4:47pm
Salamando Oct 14, 2023 @ 4:37am 
Terrible decision. Valve are saying its Samsung's fault, Samsung are blaming Valve (an email reply on reddit -

Ok dont update it, but just leave it on the TVs / Store? Like it will literally drive me to not by a Samsung TV again
Last edited by Salamando; Oct 14, 2023 @ 4:37am
wet socks Oct 14, 2023 @ 7:58am 
Originally posted by Salamando:
Terrible decision. Valve are saying its Samsung's fault, Samsung are blaming Valve (an email reply on reddit -

Ok dont update it, but just leave it on the TVs / Store? Like it will literally drive me to not by a Samsung TV again

Absolute classic. I didn't expect anything else tbh. Btw I am waiting for my E-Mail's response too rn.

Instead of saying things along the lines of "hurr durr not our fault" it would be great to see more consumer friendly behaviour from both sides, but that's a bit much to ask for in 2023. Really isn't much to ask for to have an app that is on there. The complete lack of updates of the Samsung app didn't hinder anyone from using it, since most things happen on the host's side of things.
Last edited by wet socks; Oct 14, 2023 @ 8:02am
Salamando Oct 14, 2023 @ 7:14pm 
the samsung app has been the best performing experience for me. I have an nvidia shield connected to the same TV and have tried using that - it seemed ok in the past but now im getting horrible frame pacing issues - all the diagnostics in the steam stats are good (<1ms input latency, 15-25ms for display latency) but it is clearly performing poorly. Just turning the camera while playing skyrim is a stuttering mess. On the samsung app? smooth as butter D:

Please allow the app to remain on our TV even if it is no longer updated
Last edited by Salamando; Oct 14, 2023 @ 7:21pm
wet socks Oct 15, 2023 @ 4:31am 
Originally posted by Salamando:
the samsung app has been the best performing experience for me. I have an nvidia shield connected to the same TV and have tried using that - it seemed ok in the past but now im getting horrible frame pacing issues - all the diagnostics in the steam stats are good (<1ms input latency, 15-25ms for display latency) but it is clearly performing poorly. Just turning the camera while playing skyrim is a stuttering mess. On the samsung app? smooth as butter D:

Please allow the app to remain on our TV even if it is no longer updated

Are you using a wired connection? Ethernet performs just as good for me as the Samsung app via the same that used the same connection. Btw, if you are using a different power outlet, make sure to hook it up properly and maybe even disconnect some other sources nearby. I am not kidding: I can not stream when I am charging my phone over a specific power outlet. I get several freezes and whatnot.
wardrobe Oct 15, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Just posting to say "bah to you Samsung"
Co_pilot Oct 16, 2023 @ 10:51am 
I thought it was only in Russia, sanctions there or something like that. But no, it's all over the world. Samsung what are you fk doing?
Last edited by Co_pilot; Oct 16, 2023 @ 10:52am
Salamando Oct 16, 2023 @ 4:15pm 
Originally posted by wet socks:
Originally posted by Salamando:
the samsung app has been the best performing experience for me. I have an nvidia shield connected to the same TV and have tried using that - it seemed ok in the past but now im getting horrible frame pacing issues - all the diagnostics in the steam stats are good (<1ms input latency, 15-25ms for display latency) but it is clearly performing poorly. Just turning the camera while playing skyrim is a stuttering mess. On the samsung app? smooth as butter D:

Please allow the app to remain on our TV even if it is no longer updated

Are you using a wired connection? Ethernet performs just as good for me as the Samsung app via the same that used the same connection. Btw, if you are using a different power outlet, make sure to hook it up properly and maybe even disconnect some other sources nearby. I am not kidding: I can not stream when I am charging my phone over a specific power outlet. I get several freezes and whatnot.

Tried Steam Link on the ShieldTV again today and it was working very well, much smoother without stutter. Not sure what, if anything changed. Yeah everything is connected via ethernet.

Was really weird yesterday, not only the stutters but after a couple minutes of play I started getting really high latency, the diagnostics were showing a display latency of over 150ms. Then it would go away for a few minutes, then come back again. I could be standing still and this would happen. No idea why.
Last edited by Salamando; Oct 16, 2023 @ 4:18pm
Choripan Oct 17, 2023 @ 12:22am 
Weird... at the same time Samsung are blaming Valve.
Bad news for us.
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