Insane 2
How is this compared to FUEL?
I'm playing through FUEL for the second time ... wondering if this compares if anyone has played them both cares to comment.. thanks!
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( understanding slightly not the topic...... but....) The first 1nsane was probably the most underrated never heard of arcade racer/battler ever. I still stare at the box and wonder why it never became popular. If 2 is anything like the first it has great potential.
I'd pick this up if it goes on sale I just bought too many $20 games lately have dozens in the queue still to be played. FUEL is a great offroad game I'm playing through it again 2 years later.
Overall Fuel is a better game that is well thought out, Insane 2 is like the maladjusted redheaded stepchild of ATV offroad fury 4
i dont know it compared to FUEL for i dont got it jet but you should get PS3 and Motorstrom, Motorstorm Pacific Rift and Motorstorm Apocalypse or just one wtih they, they ownd all FUEL for sure :)
Yeah Ive considered getting a PS3 for many reasons, Motorstorm being one of em.
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