Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

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Window when you launch the game
Is it possible to "remove" the window (when you choose between play and setup) with a launch option on the Steam game properties ?

I mean like "-NoLauncher" (I tried but didin't worked) or something else
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At the bottom of that window, there's a checkbox to remember that choice. Haven't checked it personally, but I assume if your choice is "play", it'll bypass that screen at startup.
RMJ 29 juil. 2023 à 17h16 
NOt sure what mean? If you mean the intro splash screens , Just go to the game folder- Movies create a new folder here and put both "intro. bik"s in that folder. Then it will start with out them. My game goes directly to main menu after it loads this way.
Dernière modification de RMJ; 29 juil. 2023 à 17h18
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