火影忍者 疾风传 终极风暴4

火影忍者 疾风传 终极风暴4

Hayro 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:14
It seems Bandai Namco gathering feedbacks from this forum:
So why not make their job easier by posting your issues here constructively?

ill start:
-Game is in chinese, even though language chosen as english
-Sound comes from left ear during story mode/dialogues
-Some users reports that game is very laggy even though they have high-end PC
-Checking the bingo book freezes the game


引用自 ナルト
Crossposting this from another thread

It's pretty obvious that the game does have an issue with optimization. I attempted to assist a friend of mine with it, and I found that there is some kind of serious issue with the game.

First of all, the logos use 90%+ GPU power on lower spec GPU's. These are LOGOS, absolutely no 3D rendering is happening at this time (At least i hope not). Then FMV starts, gpu usage drops, and the frame rate rises. (Expected in all honesty.) The menu loads, then the GPU usage tanks up to 100% again.

This was being tested on a EVGA GTX 550 TI with 2GB DDR5 vram.

The character customization menu runs at 30 fps locked. GPU usage chills around 30-40%

Ingame, the fps tanks to 15 fps, GPU usage shoots through the roof despite nothing that is ridiculously demanding occuring. My buddy tried using naruto's Giant Ball Rasengan, the animation occurs, frame rate shoots up to 30 and GPU usage drops.

Friend tried it again, this time with Jonin Minato's Ultimate.

The animation starts, frame rate jumps up to 30, GPU usage drops to 30-40% whilst there are no changes in the map. The level is still visible, and so are the characters.

There are some glaring issues with optimization here. People having FPS issues can test these out and report back. Because there are blatant issues with the game at this time. MSI Afterburner confirms it.

The crashes are most likely due to people's hardware overheating due to this game being an absolute tank in the GPU department, despite a majority of the game remaining the same graphically to the previous ones. The only real noticable update here, is that the particle effects are a decent step-up from the previous ones. Even then, they aren't PhysX enabled so the frame-rate tank makes little sense from occuring with those. (See: Borderlands 2)

TL:DR the character customization menu runs @ 30 fps, Naruto's charged rasengan attack makes fps jump to 30 from 10, as does Jonin Minato's Ultimate. And this game uses an abnormal amount of GPU power for no particular reason.


引用自 ナルト
Running this game at 320x240 doesn't even help the framerate



引用自 ナルト
Futher exemplification of some bizzare optimization issues. Please pay attention to the FPS counter and GPU usage on the top right of the screen.



(important if you having framerate drops)
最后由 Hayro 编辑于; 2016 年 2 月 14 日 下午 6:35
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 695 条留言
[零]D3kim 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:17 
the most important thing you need to do it's
1) give us change resolution at any
2) enable settings in the game that are in the config file
3) more optimization, fixed sound and other fixes.
2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:20 
The Game doesn't have a language option in game. And there's nothing you can do to change it out of the game. Still couldn't play it cuz of this.
Oscar 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:21 
I have a good gaming Laptop and i get only 20 or less frames while playing! also no matter how much i lower the settings i still get the same frames!
Hayro 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:23 
The Game doesn't have a language option in game. And there's nothing you can do to change it out of the game. Still couldn't play it cuz of this.
in theory you could change it in by going right clicking UNS4 on steam then properties>language>english

howewer it seems there is an issue that some users <including me> has only chinese language even though they select english
Hayro 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:24 
引用自 Oscar
I have a good gaming Laptop and i get only 20 or less frames while playing! also no matter how much i lower the settings i still get the same frames!
install speccy and screenshot your specs then post it here
mutiny 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:30 
Remove the framerate cap, but we know that won't happen.
Hayro 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:33 
引用自 Mario Jonas
All of the cutscenes are pre rendered it looks as bad as garbage console I can't believe it
wait, aren't they like in the storm 3?
mandaneator 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:34 
Mis especificaciones de pc son procesador i7 4400 series, grafica nvidia gtx 745-2 gigabites y 16 gigas de ram, tengo 15-20 fps con drops de asta 1 fps, estaria bien que optimizaran el juego, que no me hace puta gracia gastarme 50 euros y no poder jugar.
GEFILTE MAN 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:36 
i have a realy good pc and it still has a lot of lags and slowmotions isuses on the menu..
vgor1988 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:40 
Instead of some feedback, I'd like to provide some solutions for some of the problems.

Crashes every few minutes in Windows 10:
引用自 Rayge
If you're crashing ever 10-15 minutes and are using Windows 10 you need to run services.msc and disable "touch keyboard and handwriting panel service"

Changing resolution:
There is a config.ini in the main folder of the game, there you can change the resolution. I tried 1440p and 4k and both worked perfectly fine.

Enabling Vsync can sometimes improve performance in this game, especially in the menus.

Static sound:
To fix it, right-click on the sound settings on the bottom right of your desktop. Click on "Playback Devices". Right-click and go to the properties of whatever you use to output audio. Go to the "Advanced" tab and change the format to 2 Channel, 24 bit, 44100Hz (Studio Quality)

For Laptop users, make sure that the game uses actually uses your GPU. I can't really help much there because I don't use a Laptop.
Ezodagrom 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:40 
- Make it so the list of resolutions uses the same list as the user's monitor supported resolution list, instead of just 1280x720 and 1920x1080.
- Implement a better method of anti-aliasing other than FXAA (like SSAA that the previous games had).
- Add the Vsync setting to the game's options.
shup the fuck up and play 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:49 
My screen turned white right after into the Story Mode. And it keeps white forever. Some of my friends had the same problem. I used my whole night trying to fix it .. Didn't even have a chance to play the game
SoulReaver 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:53 
12fps drops in awakening
Fennek 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:57 
Gaming laptops suck, there are no gaming laptops, they all suck.
Hayro 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 5:02 
引用自 Fennek
Gaming laptops suck, there are no gaming laptops, they all suck.
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发帖日期: 2016 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:14
回复数: 696