ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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DubbaThony Oct 24, 2015 @ 6:58am
[tool] ARK Levels/xp config generator (LevelExperienceRampOverrides generator)
I wanted to make custom "LevelExperienceRampOverrides" recently but I figured it will take AGES. I mean... if I want lets say... make level 4000 cap... so I made a tool that generates level ramp.
So no more grindy insane time of creating that config!

Maybe, you just really hate MMO grinder - like playstyle? Well.. thats for you! Just adjust difficulty to match your preferences :)
Fun servers with like 4000 levels and requrement of 1 xp for 4k'th lvl? Yeah, sure, it can do this!
Want hardcore hours-killing grindstone to get to level 20? Why not? its totally possible here!

-choose how many levels you want to be created
-set difficulty (how much XP per level)
-optimized curve (thanx cryptis midnight!!!)
-it will add max xp value based on highest level automatically.
-curve type xp ramp and linear type of xp ramp
-fully blown engrams point generation!


it creates txt file that you can copy from and paste it to game.ini. if you are looking for level ramp generator you probably know what to do.

Your feedback highly appriciated :) This app took lots of time, you can give me like 5 minutes back ;)

version 4:
-streamlined everything
-maths re-worked
-added real stock values and features like "real time preview table"
-convinient wizzard form!

[Windows 7 users only]
I made this app before 4k monitors were popular. Windows 10 knows how to scale apps that dont know how to scale on 4k monitor (cough cough... steam) but windows 7 does **not**. just drop your resolution to 1080p and it will be fine. I no longer play ark and rewriting to make the app responsive.... meh. I dont really have time for that, Im sorry. I have few projects in queue and I dont have time to finish them.
Lots of ideas. Not enough time.

This is final version of this app. I am willing to support it if you find severe bugs etc. but no new features.
Last edited by DubbaThony; Feb 11, 2019 @ 8:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 152 comments
Xyberviri Oct 27, 2015 @ 1:03pm 
Seems to pass a virus scan and i don't think i have a rat installed at this time.

It also generated the levels like i needed.

10/10 would install root kit again. (kidding )

i needed 1000 levels for a joke server and didn't want to create them, thanks mate, ill need to hit these with a regex to make them all 0 except for level 1000 but i can do that in N++

thanks mate
DubbaThony Oct 31, 2015 @ 5:20am 
no problem. im very happy someone found it usefull. (scanners may shout thats unknown program but you can trust me ;) i dont even know how to make rootkit (or phone - rooting kit... lol))
War3zuk Apr 13, 2016 @ 11:13am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Batman...... If this works then I owe you a BEER !!! haha, Been looking for something that would give me 300 levels but everything I try crashes or doesnt work so just restarting server now after pasting code, Thanks Muchly if it all works ok... :)
DubbaThony Apr 24, 2016 @ 10:51pm 
im glad someone found it usefull ;)
DeMiNe0 May 11, 2016 @ 5:51am 
Originally posted by DubbaThonny:
im glad someone found it usefull ;)
This is pretty awesome! You should check out the Ark Server Manager forums. They were looking for a script like this to add this feature into their app. Is the source available? I would love to see it and add to it.
DubbyThonny May 11, 2016 @ 5:17pm 
if you are looking for source, i have to warn you, its preety.. well.. not so good. as I mentioned before, its work of total beginner. anyways if you are still interested, please add me as friend in steam and I will give you e-mail, so I can give you source.
DubbaThony and DubbyThony are my accounts. although add me on that account that Im typing from.

edit: or give me link to specyfic post of forum (i no longer play ark as Im out of spare time) or better to post of developer of that tool so I contact him.
Last edited by DubbyThonny; May 11, 2016 @ 5:22pm
DeMiNe0 May 12, 2016 @ 5:08am 
I'm at the beginner stages of programming as well. I figure this would be a great example to learn off of and improve. I'll add you on steam!

This was the thread BTW:
Last edited by DeMiNe0; May 12, 2016 @ 5:11am
Cryptis Midnight May 20, 2016 @ 11:12am 
I found a few issues with this, i did some testing. there is an issue with level 80 = no xp. Also the leveling curve is way off(i used recommended one), but i really like the idea of the app, you can check out what i have done so far. The Spreadsheet Graphs and Level Calculator, i have the stock ark curve, yours, and mine.
Last edited by Cryptis Midnight; Dec 10, 2016 @ 11:24am
DubbaThony May 25, 2016 @ 5:58am 
First of all, thank you for that data.
Second of all, I was writing them down from Wiki of some sort.
I could use your function in my program. question is if I have time and if I have permission.
ofc Im going to give you credit.
Cryptis Midnight May 26, 2016 @ 2:04pm 
yeah i notice it had a simular xp curve as the stock one, and I was trying to get a slightly more linear xp curve. As far as it goes i have the equation on the chart and you can use it. I used a Varible of 1.95 to get a fairly even and close to vanilla for the first 20 or so levels.
DubbaThony May 30, 2016 @ 7:30am 
version 2 has been released, thanx cryptis midnight :)
RowanRides May 31, 2016 @ 11:33am 
This is amazing! OMFG i am in love with this program, i hope you will making something for like harvesting configs.
DubbaThony Jun 1, 2016 @ 9:58am 
I am very, very happy to see such positive feedback :).
fully featured config creator would be preety time consuming to create. but maybe one day? will live, will see. for now I want to make version 3, I have some ideas..
c0nan666 Jun 7, 2016 @ 8:23pm 
I am going to try this
DubbaThony Jun 8, 2016 @ 2:00pm 
Be sure to post some feedback :-)
Last edited by DubbaThony; Jun 8, 2016 @ 2:00pm
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