ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Jat  [developer] Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:09am
Tribe Governance Options
Hey guys!

Just a run through for the current options with the new Tribe Government settings.

IMPORTANT - Before joining a tribe

When you receive a tribe invite, you are able to click on View Tribe Info in the activation menu, as an option. This will allow you to inspect the government settings of the tribe that has invited you. Therefore you'll be able to make an informed decision about whether you would want to join, based on ownership etc. If you do not see any government settings, that mean the tribe has not set them up yet and you should proceed with caution.

Dino Ownership

Tribe Owned

This is where any Dinosaur that joins the tribe ends up belonging to the tribe (this affects any Dino you previously own when you join the Tribe!). So any member belonging to the tribe is able to unclaim, ride, access the inventory, command the Dinosaur to carry out actions. If you leave the tribe, the Dinosaur stays with the tribe.

Personally Owned, Tribe Ridden

This is where the Dinosaurs are owned by the person who brings them to the tribe. However they can still be ridden and used by other tribe members (inventory access, AI commands). If you were to leave the tribe, the Dinosaur will also leave with you (and eject that creepy stranger who’s riding it!).

Personally Owned - Personally Ridden

This is where the Dinosaur is solely your personal belonging, members of the tribe cannot carry out any actions with the Dinosaur, only you can. If you are to leave the tribe, the Dinosaur also leaves.

Dino Taming


Tribe Taming

This means from here on out any Dinosaur that you tame or anyone in the tribe tames will belong to the tribe, for total communal use.

Personal Taming

This means from here on out whilst in the tribe, anything that you tame will belong to you (and thus follow the Dino Ownership rules above) and if you are to leave the tribe, it leaves with you. Taming rights in this case are determined by who knocked the Dino out (if knocked out by a player) or put the first piece of food into its inventory. You can tell who’s gonna own the Tamed dino in this case by looking at the Taming HUD.

Structure Ownership

This determines who owns the structures in the tribe, this will refer to who can place new objects, demolishing, setting pin codes etc.

Tribe Owned

Tribe owned means that everything that any structure or object placed is under ownership of the entire tribe. Therefore anyone in the tribe can interact with it. If you are to leave the tribe, anything you have built whilst a member - remains in the tribe.

Personally Owned, Tribe Snap, Admin Demolish

This mean that anything you place is owned by you, if you are to leave the tribe, the structures still belong to you. Tribe snap allows other people to help you with your buildings by placing objects, as well as allowing them to build nearby. Admin Demolish means that only you or admins can demolish what you own.

Personally Owned, Personal Snap

This means that anything you placed is owned by you, and only you can add on to it by placing new objects or structures. If you leave the tribe, you still own everything.

Locks & Pincodes


Tribe Locks & Pincodes

This option applies to Gates, Doors and Storage chests. It means that one of the prior is locked or has a pincode, a tribe member can automatically bypass this. Non tribe-members will have to either know the pin-code or they are unable to access any locked structures/doors.

Personal Locks & Pincodes

This option applies to Gates, Doors and Storage chests. This means that if something is locked or has a pincode, only you can immediately by-pass this. Other members of the tribe, or non-tribe members will have to know the pin-code to open the gates, doors or the storage chests.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion! We will be adding more Tribe Governance options based on feedback (very likely related to Admin privileges), as well as making it possible for a Tribe to change their Governance settings more than once… but until then, choose wisely if you’re going to setup your Tribe Government because currently it’s a one-time decision!

Have fun and feel free to ask any questions that I might be able to help you with here,
Your Community Manager Jat
Last edited by Jat; Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:30am
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Showing 1-15 of 322 comments
White, the Loiterer Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:10am 
Lumpy Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:11am 
already locked the option by accident. Why cant we change it?? Now I have to remove the tribe and redo it all.
whit Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:13am 
Could you confirm if...the tribe leader of a current tribe..removes all members and then disbands the tribe..that person will retain ownership of everything? Then this person can start a new tribe with the options..readd members..and unclaim the previous members dino's..back to them?
Jat  [developer] Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:14am 
We'll look into the future to enable re-doing of settings, possibly with a tribe member check, however right now it's so that players can't force-change options after someone has already joined a tribe. For instance, if you set everything to personal, wait til they log off, set it to tribe and boot them.. That would suck so we're going to avoid that for now, once we flesh out the system some more it may change.
Lithuex Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:16am 
With the newest patch can we get a reset on tribe governance? I hit the tribe governance by accident thinking it would bring up the preset option (communism ,capatalism and libertarian).
Robotj Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:18am 
So if you want most storage chests to be private but have community doors and gates you'd have to choose "Tribe Locks & Pincodes" and tribemates would have to enter a code each time to enter a compound?
Evaliss Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:18am 
Would it be possible to have more control in the individual settings of dinoes? As an example: I've just tamed a sabertooth and a dodo. I want to keep the sabertooth as my personal, private pet but I want to turn the dodo over for the whole tribe to enjoy.
As I understand it, it's either / or at this point, with one setting that will count for all dinoes? It would be very nice to be able to change ownership / permissions of individual dinoes and objects (chests, doors, etc), so that you may share and keep private what you wish on a case-by-case basis.
whit Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Robotj:
So if you want most storage chests to be private but have community doors and gates you'd have to choose "Tribe Locks & Pincodes" and tribemates would have to enter a code each time to enter a compound?

No...tribe locks is the old way..they have straight access....
Amino Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:20am 
Should have tested this stuff more seeing alot of problems with it on all servers people getting kicked out of their tribe and losing everything.
Caduryn Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:21am 
What about those People loosing everything because they merged to get the Tribe Settings?

Is this Bug still active?

Im worried about leaving and re-invite my Tribe.......
BellatorMonk Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:21am 
Jat Thank You for the Sticky and info.

I still have to ask if Tribe Leaders can change the Governance Options from Tribe Member owned type government to a fully Tribe owned government after creating the Tribe.

What I am saying is what prevents somone from luring people into "Utopia" then changing to "Communism" and stealing all their stuff?

Going to have to make an SWG City reference again. Did anyone on the Dev team ever play SWG to know what that reference is? Not trolling, just asking so as not to have to explain how that game worked with player ownership of buildings, pets, items.
Last edited by BellatorMonk; Jun 17, 2015 @ 11:00am
redniwediS Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:23am 
If a tribe is set to personal dinosaur ownership can the owner set a specific dinosaur to tribe ownership? That way some dinosaurs can still be community use, while retaining private rights for others.
GeekyGek Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:24am 
Originally posted by Jat Community Manager:
We'll look into the future to enable re-doing of settings, possibly with a tribe member check, however right now it's so that players can't force-change options after someone has already joined a tribe. For instance, if you set everything to personal, wait til they log off, set it to tribe and boot them.. That would suck so we're going to avoid that for now, once we flesh out the system some more it may change.

how about make it so it can be stepped down? i.e. from tribe->personal/tribe->personal/personal

that would stop it from being 'oh everythings personally owned' then later the leader switching it all to 'tribe owned'.

just a thought.
Jat  [developer] Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:29am 
Originally posted by Robotj:
So if you want most storage chests to be private but have community doors and gates you'd have to choose Tribe Locks & Pincodes and tribemates would have to enter a code each time to enter a compound?

If you want to keep your chests private, select personal and pincodes.

Tribe Locks means that Tribes can bypass locks and pincodes, but if it's personal, they'll need to know the pincode to open it. So I would go w/ the personal option for this case.

Originally posted by Pandalicious:
Would it be possible to have more control in the individual settings of dinoes? As an example I've just tamed a sabertooth and a dodo. I want to keep the sabertooth as my personal, private pet but I want to turn the dodo over for the whole tribe to enjoy.

Possibly in the future.

Originally posted by caduryn:
What about those People loosing everything because they merged to get the Tribe Settings?

Is this Bug still active?

Sorry could you expand on this, when you merge, the ownership/members should transfer to the new tribe

Edit: steam formatting owning me right now
Last edited by Jat; Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:29am
Eliaj Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:31am 
Originally posted by General Lumpy:
already locked the option by accident. Why cant we change it?? Now I have to remove the tribe and redo it all.

You could you know... read about the update before making changes?
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Date Posted: Jun 17, 2015 @ 10:09am
Posts: 322