ARK: Survival Evolved
What steamcmd parameter to check for updating?
Crosspost from server forums since I'm not sure it got much attention:

Running a linux server, if I run steamcmd shell and grep for branches, public, buildid i get "716656" which was the same id as before the v193 patch. Is this not the place to check for the latest server build when doing the following? What am I missing here?

./ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print "376030" +quit
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Показані коментарі 111 із 11
This could be the code to update linux though id wait for someone to confirm it before using.i googled this info.

./ +login [USER] [PASSWORD] +force_install_dir /home/steam/arkdedicated +app_update 376030 +quit

this might be useful to you also
Yes, something like that will force an update to the server, but I'm trying to set up a script that's automatic.

The one I'm using has bits and pieces from the script on the page you've linked to, the problem isn't with the script though, its with steam retrieving an unupdated buildid for ARK, in this case 716656 whenever run.

For whatever reason, updating the game forces steamcmd to update its cache of information and then the correct buildid is displayed when running the command listed above.

Is there a bug in steamcmd or am I passing incorrect parameters into in order to get just the version number of the latest patch?
./ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 376030 +quit
try that without quotes
Автор останньої редакції: Haggisbeard; 5 серп. 2015 о 16:55
Цитата допису GOF Feyd:
./ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 376030 +quit
try that without quotes

Tried this, same result with or without quotes.

Makes me wonder if there's a temporary file somewhere that i need to delete before steam is able to fetch this info.
Same behavior today. I've considered syncing the game to a different folder periodically with steam and then running the +app_info_print command on top of this to check for new versions since the local database on my machine won't update until an +app_update command is submitted. Anybody else experiencing this?
I too have the same issue, steamcmd is a giant undocumented POS.
I actually figured it out, the answer is it doesn't work. You have to run the normal update command before +app_info_print returns the updated value. So do something like:

./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir /steam_temp/ +app_update 376030 +quit

It will fail if ShooterGame is already running, which is fine because it still retrieves the new database info on the version number. Now add in +app_info_print to get the latest version number, compare and off you go.

Well done, Valve!
Hey at least they provide some walkthroughs these days. Can't figure out how I got mine working (just finished the server last night) but after changing the .ini I'm running into issues that I'm hoping this thread's info will help fix. Thanks guys
I know this thread is old as f*! But if you are still wondering on how to determine if a steamapp requires an update:

steamcmd +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +@NoPromptForPassword 1 +login ${SteamLoginName} +app_info_update 1 +app_status ${SteamAppID} +quit

You then check first the errorcode. If it is not 0, the login has failed.
If it is 0 you check the output which should contains something like this:
AppID 740: - release state: released (Subscribed,Permanent,) - owner account: <redacted> - install state: Update Required,Fully Installed, - install dir: "<redacted, but the absolute Path to the game folder>" - mounted depots: 731 (1495290704039986814) 740 (7125177741371831593) - size on disk: 20113228155 bytes, BuildID 3669394 - update progress: 0/0 MB 0%, Downloaded: 0/0 MB 0% - 0 KB/s - update state: ( No Error ) - user config: "UserConfig" { }
and search for the line starting with
- install state:
if the steamapp is installed, but no update is available, it usually looks like this
- install state: Fully Installed,
if the steamapp is installed, but an update is available, it looks like this
- install state: Fully Installed,Update Required,
The order of the states seems to be random!

If you can't pipe the output to the next command: This is SteamCMDs fault, which directly writes to console windows instead of just printing. to 'fix' that you just need to flood SteamCMDs buffer with data, so it is flushed in a more normal behaviour. In this case doing this helps:
steamcmd +@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 +@NoPromptForPassword 1 +login ${SteamLoginName} +app_info_update 1 +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +app_status ${SteamAppid} +quit
Keep in mind, that with this behaviour the output might cut somewhere in the middle of on of those status prints. So design your script accordingly!

Автор останньої редакції: Pingger Shikkoken; 29 берез. 2019 о 10:13
Unfortunately the method above doesn't work for me either. app_status just gives me "Fully Installed," all the time, even when an update is available.
However, I found a workaround for this issue: you have to remove appcache/appinfo.vdf before checking for updates every time. The folder appcache is located inside the steamcmd directory.
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Опубліковано: 5 серп. 2015 о 15:38
Дописів: 11