ARK: Survival Evolved
[Mega Thread] It's time guys, all things Battle Eye Related.
Just bringing all the info into one spot.

Links to official battle eye resources:


I don't want Battle-Eye recording all my keystrokes!

Neither do we :) Battle eye doesn't do this.

I don't want to run Battle eye!

If you run the ShooterGame.exe from your install directory as opposed to the ShooterGame_BE.exe, it will not run the Battle Eye service on your machine when launching. This will however, prevent you from connecting to servers that are running the Battle Eye service.

I like using console commands! Will I get banned for spawning in things?

Using console commands will not ever flag you as a hacker/cheater by Battle Eye.

I can't run Battle Eye on Linux or Mac and now I can't play!

We're working very closely with the developers of Battle Eye to bring support to both Linux and Mac as fast as we possibly can. We're dedicating a significant number of man hours and $$$ to make it happen as quick as we can. Just hang in there!

You can still play on Servers not running the Battle Eye service while you wait.

My client is having trouble starting the Battle Eye Service! Help!!

Check here for solutions and workarounds:

I want to remove Battle Eye from my computer, how do i do that?

You can remove BE from your computer by removing the following files:

\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye


open command prompt as administrator and type in:

sc stop beservice

sc delete beservice
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nubsly; 10 ก.พ. 2016 @ 7: 48pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 2,068 ความเห็น
BattlEye Failure to Launch
BattlEye files are installed, but it doesn't seem like the system is running the program. There is no BE software shown to be running via task manager, also if you remove the BE folder you can still launch ark and connect to servers with no issues.
The BE client is fully reverse-compatible with servers that do not run BE, but if you connect to a server that requires BE, you must have a BE client.

If that makes sense.

- The Right Hand.
how do unofficial servers force BE to be required?
"If you wish to run your Unofficial Server with BattlEye, you can do so with -BattlEye (however, only functions with Windows servers currently)."

From the patch notes.

- The Right Hand
Doh! we're on a linux server
Sorry about that, expect Linux support soon!

- The Right Hand
Looking forward to it! Thanks for the quick replies. Hope you have a great night!
Battleye support coming to this platform very soon!?!?!?!?!?
Seriously? I know I'm playing on a Mac, so haha me...NOTHING in the notes or the in game messages said, "Hey Mac, peeps. Be sure to log off in a safe place before the patch becasuse it's going to be a bit before you get logged back in."

I got sick of waiting for the update and was running around outside. I don't think i had anything super valuable, but I know i had some junk I was carrying.

This was very unprofessional. Bad form folks.
Linux Client Disabled
I'm pretty butt hurt about them intentionally breaking the Linux client instead of waiting to release until it was at least far enough along everyone could still play.
Can't believe they actually had the guts to roll this out. If it were only a few days, why not delay it to the next release? And if it's really mostly targeted at Windows players (see - why in the world would you need to DISABLE OSX and Linux?

I'm super-pissed to say the least.
It is unprofessional to release a patch for one platform and not another, especially if it means those using the second platform can't log into their game after the patch!! What's up with that?? And what does "very soon" mean? Check back later today? three days from now?? I was waiting around my base and got to a safe location but when my tribemate respawned he found me back in the woods where I was at least an hour before (I know because I was building a wall and gate and now it's gone.) My tribemate had to drag my body back to base so I wouldn't die out there and lose all my gear, until the sometime in the unknown future I may be able to log back in.

I don't get it. Why release for one platform and make us Mac users unable to play at all??
Mac functionality disabled
I just bought this game for my mac last week. It would have been nice if there had been a warning that it would be disabled for Mac. Here's a thought, why not wait until the compatibility issues are fixed before putting out a patch that only allows Windows players to use your game?
I am beyond pissed right now. Had their been some kind of heads up about this, I could have made arrangements to be gone from the game for an exteneded period of time.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Macedog | KYA:
Mac functionality disabled
I just bought this game for my mac last week. It would have been nice if there had been a warning that it would be disabled for Mac. Here's a thought, why not wait until the compatibility issues are fixed before putting out a patch that only allows Windows players to use your game?

I agree. It really should just be temporarily disabled. The last time this happened I was able to log in the next day. It's annoying, unprofessional and rude to non-Windows users for sure. I'm probably going to go play on my windows partition side now.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Macedog | KYA:
Mac functionality disabled
I just bought this game for my mac last week. It would have been nice if there had been a warning that it would be disabled for Mac. Here's a thought, why not wait until the compatibility issues are fixed before putting out a patch that only allows Windows players to use your game?

It is early access. There is nothing that says you won't have service interruptions that could be hours, days, weeks. They could close alpha now and not open it again for you til beta.

I get it's frustrating, but stop acting to entitled.
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ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 10 ก.พ. 2016 @ 11: 42am
โพสต์: 2,068