ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Jen May 17, 2016 @ 4:49pm
Switching from The Center Mod to DLC
**Looks like the Mac version of The Center is having some issues, we're looking into it right now.

Hey Survivors,

I see a lot of you are having some issues with this since the mod page was taken down. It looks like we made a bit of a mistake, The Center mod was not supposed to load at all and should have redirected to the DLC if you had the mod installed. Unfortunately it's not doing that right now. So if you are having texture issues and/or server joining issues, this should hopefully solve those problems now. We're going to work on streamlining this process.

If you played The Center previously, you need to remove the mod in order for the DLC to function properly in these cases.

It is a good idea to back up your saves before proceeding.

To remove the mod:

Navigate to your mods folder.

Delete the folder and file named "614734500".

To download the DLC:

Click here! (and press Download or Play)

If you are a server administrator running The Center pre-DLC, you must delete the mod folder in your server files and switch over to the DLC in order for your players to join properly. Here is a post on how to do this, outlined by Jeremy.

Make sure to remove "ActiveMapMod=614734500" from your GameUserSettings.ini.

Hope this clears up some confusion!
Last edited by Jen; May 18, 2016 @ 9:03am
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Showing 1-15 of 246 comments
Jack Fire May 17, 2016 @ 4:52pm 
aww that must usefull now
DigitalApex May 17, 2016 @ 4:55pm 
Boundless May 17, 2016 @ 4:55pm 
install link is
Neiara May 17, 2016 @ 5:00pm 
I deleted my mod folder, installed the DLC. But when trying to join my unofficial, I get the "Failed to install mod map" message. I assume this isn't on my end? But I thoought I'd ask just in case there's something else I should have done.
Jen May 17, 2016 @ 5:03pm 
Originally posted by Boundless:
install link is
Weird steam thing, I can't change that. :( I'll just change it to a link instead.
Last edited by Jen; May 17, 2016 @ 5:06pm
Jen May 17, 2016 @ 5:03pm 
Originally posted by Lupen:
I deleted my mod folder, installed the DLC. But when trying to join my unofficial, I get the "Failed to install mod map" message. I assume this isn't on my end? But I thoought I'd ask just in case there's something else I should have done.
Yep, your server admin does not have the DLC installed.
Boundless May 17, 2016 @ 5:09pm 
shame it deletes your old map and save entirely in solo...2 weeks lost
i_ate_yer_grandma May 17, 2016 @ 5:13pm 
Running private server with G2/TCAdmin control panel. Did everything as you guys suggest but I can't join my server now - it just time outs. I also noticed that Map's name is "shooterEntry" even though i did leave it as "The Center" in the commandline. Any help?
bucnasty315 May 17, 2016 @ 5:14pm 
Ok i had all the same issues as most (cant click link, no textures, general crashes) and the following fix worked for me :

1: backup saved ark data
2: delete entire server folder
3: reistall server from scratch
4: redo server settings (i used ASM)
5: copy saved arks to fresh server
5: copy any mods running to freshly installed server
6 : start server

I already had ark updated to 241.1, and the intall link never worked for me at all so i think all you have to do is update. I join and everything was back to normal (so far)

Hope this helps
Sreolla May 17, 2016 @ 5:15pm 
Indeed, When you remove the mod and install it as a DLC, it wipes the world and gotta start from scratch in Singleplayer.. RIP past 100 hours....

But now i can play with a few less mods and build new location, May be better than before!

Was afraid to remove a few the mods as what i ahd and where, would break 1/2 my base and id just ragequit it anyways lol
Last edited by Sreolla; May 17, 2016 @ 5:16pm
shine.kelly May 17, 2016 @ 5:24pm 
Hoping I can make sense of this when I get home shortly on my Mac...
Zergae May 17, 2016 @ 5:33pm 
Mine just isn't working right. I click to play The Center then click single player and all it does is sends me back to the main menu. I get no messages or anything. Am I doing something wrong?
Sreolla May 17, 2016 @ 5:36pm 
If your having issues with it kicking you back to main menu wait, As its a GB download after installing the center as DLC, you you dont have the fasterst DL speeds, well can take you 5-20min to download/install it in background.
Enrell May 17, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
For those having issues or still unclear, do what our fellow Ark player suggested.

Originally posted by McBane:
Hmmm....I removed "ActiveMapMod=614734500" from my GameUserSetting.ini and left all other things like they were. I also unsubscribed to the mod in steam with my client.

Well, I'm able to join my server, there are no textures on the map anymore. just grey squares.....

Now I removed all my TheCenter Mod-Files from the Server and Client, because even if you unsubscribe they still don't get deleted by Steam/Ark.
After that Ark offered me the Map-DLC, but in what a crappy way :-)
The Button on the DLC-Page just says "Play" (not Download) and the Steam Overlay InGame keeps asking me if I have Steam installed (looks like Steam isn't able to find So then I decided to go to the DLC Page manually via Desktop Steam (not overlay) and pressed "Play" there. Now the Map is downloading...let's see if it works.....

Wuhuu! That worked.
Man! You couldn't have made this progress more complicated for a normal User :P
Let's see if my Users will find out howto as well^^


So here are the Steps for moving from Mod to DLC:
1. [Server-Side] Remove "ActiveMapMod=614734500" from your GameUserSettings.ini (or your commandline), but keep ShooterGame?TheCenter..." in your Commandline (Start-Parameters)
2. [Server-Side] Delete the Mod-Files (614734500) inside ../ShooterGame/Contents/Mods
3. [Server-Side] Restart

4. [Client-Side] In STeam, unsubscribe the Mod "TheCenter"
5. [Client-Side]Go to "<Path-to-Steam>\SteamApps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods" and remove the Mod-Files (614734500)
6. [Client-Side] In Steam, navigate to installed Games and highlight Ark. HAve a look at the right under "Links" there is one called "DLC". Click on it and Download (For me there was a Play-Button) The Center DLC.
7. [Client-Side] After DOwnlaod is finished you should now be able to play the Center again (with Textures)

I guess without deleting the Mod-Files and downloading the DLC-Files your CLient still loads TheIsland from the Mod or is just loading a very limited already installed Version of the Map.
Quarks Khelas May 17, 2016 @ 5:50pm 
The Center Map is endless Loading what does it mean?
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Date Posted: May 17, 2016 @ 4:49pm
Posts: 246